Crazy Rich Asians/etc-racism/RACE/RACIAL

How awful for you. I hope one day you can pick up the shattered remains of your life.
Prove Jesus never existed.
I'll wait.

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silly a court/etc it's up to the CLAIMER to prove what they claim, or else the person is innocent/not guilty/etc
...I can claim all kinds of crap:
the Eiffel Tower grew 8 inches
Aliens are on Mt Rushmore
I saw jesus cure someone with cancer
I saw the Mary statue levitate
etc etc

You made the claim now back it up or STFU with your bullshit.
well, do I have to back up a claim.....yes or no??
Make claims then provide no evidence to support that claim.
Hope it works out for ya.
Fucking idiot.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
thank you for falling into my trap and proving my point
Paul--made the claim----not me!!!! hahahahhahahahahahahha
he is claiming there is a jesus!!
so it's up to him to prove his claim--as I said and as YOU said

All of your "hahaha's" make you sound like someone who is teetering on the brink of insanity.

silly a court/etc it's up to the CLAIMER to prove what they claim, or else the person is innocent/not guilty/etc
...I can claim all kinds of crap:
the Eiffel Tower grew 8 inches
Aliens are on Mt Rushmore
I saw jesus cure someone with cancer
I saw the Mary statue levitate
etc etc

You made the claim now back it up or STFU with your bullshit.
well, do I have to back up a claim.....yes or no??
Make claims then provide no evidence to support that claim.
Hope it works out for ya.
Fucking idiot.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
thank you for falling into my trap and proving my point
Paul--made the claim----not me!!!! hahahahhahahahahahahha
he is claiming there is a jesus!!
so it's up to him to prove his claim--as I said and as YOU said

All of your "hahaha's" make you sound like someone who is teetering on the brink of insanity.

I guess I am ''there''--not on the brink--I'm over
hahahahaha and hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhaha
You made the claim now back it up or STFU with your bullshit.
well, do I have to back up a claim.....yes or no??
Make claims then provide no evidence to support that claim.
Hope it works out for ya.
Fucking idiot.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
thank you for falling into my trap and proving my point
Paul--made the claim----not me!!!! hahahahhahahahahahahha
he is claiming there is a jesus!!
so it's up to him to prove his claim--as I said and as YOU said

All of your "hahaha's" make you sound like someone who is teetering on the brink of insanity.

I guess I am ''there''--not on the brink--I'm over
hahahahaha and hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhaha

You should be placed on a "5150".


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