Crazy End Of World Scenarios Popping Up Now Due To NASA And Coronvirus And Locust Plague

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
"First announced by the space agency in 2016, the Planetary Defence Coordination Office is part of NASA’s Planetary Science Division to plan against possible life-ending events. Their job is to catalogue and track Potentially Hazardous Objects (PHO) such as asteroids and comets. But, the team is also running simulations should such a threat slip through unnoticed, to study the possibility of diverting a space rock, while also looking at the consequences if one does hit in the future."

Asteroid tsunami: NASA's fear of 250metre 'city killer' space rock striking water revealed
Asteroid tsunami: NASA's fear of 250metre 'city killer' space rock striking water revealed

"The deadly disease has now claimed the lives of more than 1,300 people in China and is threatening to become a global pandemic, while conflict in Iran and the African locust invasion have the Middle East on high alert. But, Biblical scholar Melvin Sandelin, has urged viewers on his “Christian Life” YouTube channel not to fear, claiming it is just part of the process for the return of Jesus Christ. Mr Sandellin wildly suggested coronavirus is “just one of the examples” that the End Times prophecy is “being fulfilled” and he is not alone in his thinking."

End of the world: Coronavirus panic and African locust plague spark Bible apocalypse fears
End of the world: Coronavirus panic and African locust plague spark Bible apocalypse fears
Uncle Ferd says we're overdue...

... for a population reducing event...

... like the Black Plague or Polar Shift!
the bookreaders are always looking for the end or a catastrophe ... or waiting to be saved.
We are the most advanced nation on earth. The human race has developed the technology to wire the whole world.

And we are still really just barely one step ahead of primitive tribes that looked at chicken livers and tea leaves for omens about our future.
the bookreaders are always looking for the end or a catastrophe ... or waiting to be saved.

NASA keeps looking for that big asteroid or comet that will kill us like the dinosaurs.

OTOH, OSAS, so we're just supposed to be ready when the time comes.
There could be a cataclysmic event coming that no one here in this world could stop that would destroy life generally in this world. It is not as likely in our own or the next couple of generations, we could be excused for not seeking to do something to stop that which could not be stopped anyway. The real imminent threat is destruction, not to all life of the whole world, but with what civilization is coming to, soon, to any that are affected around it, as wildlife is quickly diminished and resources are used up. It would be from us with how we live in civilization, which we could choose to live independently from in sustainable ways instead, to not have a part in the destructiveness that is resulting and catastrophic consequences from that with our own responsibility for it.

Biblical prophecy does not eliminate that we have responsibility for worsening circumstances of our world (Revelation 11:18 for instance shows it), even while some cosmic event will happen affecting this world without it destroying most of it.

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