Craigslist Martyrdom: The Real Crimes


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an Internet-crime parable inspired by the film The Craigslist Killer.

I wrote it, since I'm fascinated by new age folklore and new age crime-storytelling...

Does the Internet make you chuckle? Is that good or bad?

Signing off,


As Americans liberally took advantage of new age networking/traffic technologies such as Craigslist and MySpace, a new breed of criminal rose to prominence. This psycho found vulnerable people online, lured them to private locations, and then killed them methodically so they could 'list' them 'statistics' of the new age. Was this hell?


A pair of these psychos included an Algerian immigrant named Amlan and a Greenpeace employee named Angela. Amlan and Angela met online and decided to start dating. They realized they were both psychos and decided to start killing people they connected with on Craigslist and chat-rooms. They lured their victims (men and women) to a timeshare location in Connecticut (USA) to kill them. They posted photos of their victims on blogs without obviously exposing their identities or even their clear motivations. Amlan and Angela were 'real modernism maniacs.' Ironically, they looked like normal handsome 'Americans.'


Angela loved painting and made characterizations of an eerie demon she believed was real. She named the demon Sponge-Head and she believed the demon was haunting the modern world and possessing very deranged criminals to perform very bizarre or even ugly modernism crimes. Amlan assured Angela that in fact they were the 'real modernism hellraisers,' but Angela insisted that Sponge-Head was inspiring 'low-brow psychos' to commit more 'ugly' (and 'uncool') crimes using Craigslist. Amlan wondered if Angela had done some shrewd detective-work.


Amlan and Angela always used the same weapons for their killings --- a small hand-knife and an impressive crossbow. The knife was used to slit the wrists of victims who would be tied up to trees so they bled to death. The crossbow was used to fire arrows into the hearts of heads of their victims. Amlan and Angela considered their methodology to be very 'clean' so they gave themselves the psycho-alias 'The Diamond Pair.' From every angle, therefore, the Diamond Pair was more or less a 'cool psycho-couple.'

antha12.jpg antha11.jpg

Amlan and Angela always wore masks while they performed their killings. They usually wore the same kind of mask. Amlan wore a plain-white porcelain smile-face mask, and Angela wore a black-lattice masquerade mask. They also sometimes drank champagne with their victims before killing them. They never spared the people who were lured into their 'traps.' The Diamond Pair was a more dark rendition of Bonnie and Clyde, and they simply believed themselves to be Craigslist-claustrophobia 'prophets.' However, Angela still worried about the influence of Sponge-Head.


As the press declared the Diamond Pair to be the new Bonnie and Clyde, they were pursued by an FBI detective named Purvis Smart (aka, 'PS'). PS believed the Diamond Pair were fanatics who thought they were some kind of 'dark-side vigilantes.' However, PS had no idea where the Diamond Pair would strike next, since their Craigslist 'activities/deeds' were so cunning and clandestine. PS insisted in the press that the Diamond Pair should not in any way be romanticized, however, he knew that all kinds of new age 'Craigslist cynicism' and Internet-jokes would effectively make the Diamond Pair 'immortal.'


Angela was correct about Sponge-Head, however. A deranged and unsightly hockey-mask wearing L.A. serial-killer named Nightcrawler also lured people to private locations using chat-rooms and then decapitated them and dismembered them using a machete. Nightcrawler was vicious and cared nothing for the 'sanctity' or 'mission' of modernism-nihilism 'prophecy.' Nightcrawler was therefore the 'opposite' of the Diamond Pair, and FBI agent PS immediately detected that Nightcrawler would try to eliminate the Diamond Pair to rid the 'Internet-psycho industry' of any 'competition.'


Amlan and Angela read about Nightcrawler in the newspapers and decided to track him and kill him themselves. The Diamond Pair knew that Nightcrawler would make any kind of prophecy-oriented Internet-crimes seem downright meaningless when compared to the bloody maniacal trail of Internet-traffic crimes that Nightcrawler was setting. After all, if the Diamond Pair was like Bonnie and Clyde, then Nightcrawler was more or less a less 'romantic' outlaw such as Billy the Kid (or worse --- Satan himself). The Diamond Pair used an Internet classified-post to lure the Nightcrawler onto the roof of an office-building in L.A. late one Saturday night where they simply assassinated him. However, they debated with him before doing so.

NIGHTCRAWLER: You two are wimps.
DIAMOND-PAIR: You're a meaningless lunatic.
NIGHTCRAWLER: You use simple weaponry.
DIAMOND-PAIR: You're a butcher!
NIGHTCRAWLER: You don't think you'll win, do you?
DIAMOND-PAIR: Things change...
DIAMOND-PAIR: Internet-crimes require finesse to be real messages.
NIGHTCRAWLER: Oh, so random ugliness is suddenly 'censored.'
DIAMOND-PAIR: Why not? Bonnie and Clyde were cleaner than madmen!
NIGHTCRAWLER: Maybe they'll make movies about you two...that's what you want.
DIAMOND-PAIR: Maybe all you care about is ugly murder...that's why you're damned!
NIGHTCRAWLER: Here, take my Swiss army knife as a memento.
DIAMOND-PAIR: We're here to take your life, Nightcrawler!


After FBI agent PS found the dead body of Nightcrawler on the office-building rooftop, he concluded correctly that the Diamond Pair had 'heroically' committed the vigilante-crime. However, PS denied to the press that there was any evidence that the Diamond Pair was responsible for the 'crime cleansing deed.' Meanwhile, the Diamond Pair fled to Canada and retired and decided to organize a vampire-clan in the Toronto underground nightclub scene. At the club-parties they attended, they distributed vials labelled as 'vampire-blood' but containing only thickened and color-enhanced tomato-juice.


"Why do you think The Diamond Pair was marketing tomato-juice in their vampire-club, PS?"

"Well, they wanted to forget about the Nightcrawler and live the daydream that crime is cool."

"Do you think the Diamond Pair committed suicide, since they were frustrated with society?"

"They certainly were not 'fans' of this new age of Internet-spam and traffic-hysteria!"

"It seems, PS, that you've developed a 'soft-spot' for the Diamond Pair."

"I'm a lawman first; but yes, the Diamond Pair was much more 'pretty' than Nightcrawler."




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