Coward County sheriff new report

Because anyone can be sued for anything.

OJ Simpson was found not guilty of killing those people yet found guilty in civil court and ordered to pay millions.
You know, one of the first things that needs to happen is that sheriff who was in charge needs to be FIRED.

If he can't train his personnel properly, he has no business leading the department.
According to Warren vs. District of Columbia, "a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide police protection to any individual citizen".

No, but they are required to attempt to stop a crime in progress, especially a killing. It might not be a CRIME if they don't, they can be sued for failure to do their duty as a police officer. Especially if it involves crimes against children.

A lawsuit could clean these guys clocks. What jury would look into the eyes of a mother whose daughter just got cut in half by a guy with an AR-15 with a cop standing outside letting it happen?

I would NOT want to be that cop.

Really? And you pulled that out right out of your ass.

Otherwise, you would search for the case I provided and find out that cops were sued and why SCOTUS decided the way they did.

Rob Dew on Twitter
All the more reason to legalize private gun ownership and possession: since the cops won't do a damn thing to save you.
The more dead children the stronger the case for gun grabbing. This was the design all along. The 17 body sacrifice for the greater good.

"When officers arrived at the school, he said, they wanted to gain access to the security footage to learn what happened and where the perpetrator could be.
At some point, there was a miscommunication and officers believed they were watching real-time footage, he said.
"The issue was more of a communications failure on who was reviewing the tape, letting our guys know that it was a 20-minute delay"

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