Counterintuitive strategy for Liberals and Democrats


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Libs and Dems:

President Obama is sending you into a Democrat Party death spiral.

Some of you will vehemently deny this.

Others of you will secretly -- privately -- fearfully -- contemplate it and even admit it.

In another thread the fake analysis of James Carville got aired.

HE said something along the lines of suggesting that the SCOTUS' (probable) voiding of the ObamaCare law is actually a GOOD thing for the Democrats. :eusa_shhh:

I find that funny. But let's run with it.

If the action of the Supreme Court of the United States in (presumably) negating the signature legislative "achievement" of the entire Obama Administration is somehow a GOOD thing for you Democrats, then doesn't it stand to reason that sending President Obama to a massive electoral defeat in November looks to put you in a much better position than a win in November would do?

STAND UP for the Democrat Party.
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The republicans are the ones who will bear the brunt of the political fallout if the republican justices act as a death panel to the healthcare law and all the people who would have been insured. The GOP is going to own every terrible thing that happens, every pre-existing denial, every lifetime cut-off, every arbitrary rate hike, all of it.
Can the Democrats run on "Republicans took away your healthcare"?
The republicans are the ones who will bear the brunt of the political fallout if the republican justices act as a death panel to the healthcare law and all the people who would have been insured. The GOP is going to own every terrible thing that happens, every pre-existing denial, every lifetime cut-off, every arbitrary rate hike, all of it.


Why's that? Because the crap crammed through Congress, Act un-read, turns out (to nobody's genuine surprise) to be a ghastly concoction of UnConstitutionality?

Not really a problem for the Republicans. No worries.

And nothing in the Constitutional rejection of that garbage legislation prevents Congress from getting down to work and crafting something that is both workable and Constitutional.

In any event, you've missed the point.

If you want to HELP the Democrat Parody, you'd best vote to get President Obama tossed out on his ear.
What do the republicans have to run on?

For one? They can point to all the legislation Dingy Harry Reid has shelved since Republicans took the house in '10 with no action and his refusal to bring up Ryan's budget.

Reid is shirking his responsibility to the Constituion...but no calls from the left for him to be removed for the violation.
To say the republicans took obamacare is not true. The people's voices and the constitution took the obamacare. It is unconstitution to force anyone to buy into it. And those of you who think obamacare is free healthcare, you better think again and get the facts about it. It is going to be extremely costly, and you will pay huge taxes. And if you don't buy into it the irs will fine you 700 dollars. Totally unconstitutional.
The republicans are the ones who will bear the brunt of the political fallout if the republican justices act as a death panel to the healthcare law and all the people who would have been insured. The GOP is going to own every terrible thing that happens, every pre-existing denial, every lifetime cut-off, every arbitrary rate hike, all of it.


Why's that? Because the crap crammed through Congress, Act un-read, turns out (to nobody's genuine surprise) to be a ghastly concoction of UnConstitutionality?

Not really a problem for the Republicans. No worries.

And nothing in the Constitutional rejection of that garbage legislation prevents Congress from getting down to work and crafting something that is both workable and Constitutional.

In any event, you've missed the point.

If you want to HELP the Democrat Parody, you'd best vote to get President Obama tossed out on his ear.

Yes and republicans were for it when it was their idea, this particular flip-flop and the political nature of our supreme court is sure to be included in any criticism of their attack on the only health care reform anyone could get done in an atmosphere of the greatest episode of lobbyist spending in history.
The republicans are the ones who will bear the brunt of the political fallout if the republican justices act as a death panel to the healthcare law and all the people who would have been insured. The GOP is going to own every terrible thing that happens, every pre-existing denial, every lifetime cut-off, every arbitrary rate hike, all of it.


Why's that? Because the crap crammed through Congress, Act un-read, turns out (to nobody's genuine surprise) to be a ghastly concoction of UnConstitutionality?

Not really a problem for the Republicans. No worries.

And nothing in the Constitutional rejection of that garbage legislation prevents Congress from getting down to work and crafting something that is both workable and Constitutional.

In any event, you've missed the point.

If you want to HELP the Democrat Parody, you'd best vote to get President Obama tossed out on his ear.

Yes and republicans were for it when it was their idea, this particular flip-flop and the political nature of our supreme court is sure to be included in any criticism of their attack on the only health care reform anyone could get done in an atmosphere of the greatest episode of lobbyist spending in history.

It was thier idea? Really?
The republicans are the ones who will bear the brunt of the political fallout if the republican justices act as a death panel to the healthcare law and all the people who would have been insured. The GOP is going to own every terrible thing that happens, every pre-existing denial, every lifetime cut-off, every arbitrary rate hike, all of it.


Why's that? Because the crap crammed through Congress, Act un-read, turns out (to nobody's genuine surprise) to be a ghastly concoction of UnConstitutionality?

Not really a problem for the Republicans. No worries.

And nothing in the Constitutional rejection of that garbage legislation prevents Congress from getting down to work and crafting something that is both workable and Constitutional.

In any event, you've missed the point.

If you want to HELP the Democrat Parody, you'd best vote to get President Obama tossed out on his ear.

I'd dare say the HOUSE Democrats already stated it in the defeat of Obama's budget.
The republicans are the ones who will bear the brunt of the political fallout if the republican justices act as a death panel to the healthcare law and all the people who would have been insured. The GOP is going to own every terrible thing that happens, every pre-existing denial, every lifetime cut-off, every arbitrary rate hike, all of it.


Why's that? Because the crap crammed through Congress, Act un-read, turns out (to nobody's genuine surprise) to be a ghastly concoction of UnConstitutionality?

Not really a problem for the Republicans. No worries.

And nothing in the Constitutional rejection of that garbage legislation prevents Congress from getting down to work and crafting something that is both workable and Constitutional.

In any event, you've missed the point.

If you want to HELP the Democrat Parody, you'd best vote to get President Obama tossed out on his ear.

Yes and republicans were for it when it was their idea, this particular flip-flop and the political nature of our supreme court is sure to be included in any criticism of their attack on the only health care reform anyone could get done in an atmosphere of the greatest episode of lobbyist spending in history.

The hoped-for resolution of the case in the SCOTUS will be based on the Constitution, not politics.

And just because on a STATE level a few Republicans were "for" it doesn't mean that there has been any wholesale shift in the antipathy for such crap.

Furthermore, let's stipulate that SOME Republicans WERE satisfied (in the past) that the mandate was a "good" idea. If they LATER came to recognize the serious Constitutional infirmities, then it is perfectly ok to change their minds.

Hell, even a liberal Democrat COULD admit the truth, if he or she were so inclined. But, it would be foolish to hold one's breath waiting for that glorious day to dawn.
The republicans are the ones who will bear the brunt of the political fallout if the republican justices act as a death panel to the healthcare law and all the people who would have been insured. The GOP is going to own every terrible thing that happens, every pre-existing denial, every lifetime cut-off, every arbitrary rate hike, all of it.

There are not many things I can think of to thank a Republican for but if the ACA goes down in defeat at the hands of the Supreme Court, I will formally issue a great big THANK YOU to every Republican I meet and everyone of them on this site.

If the law gets struck down everything it would have prevented will be laid on the GOP doorstep and the effort to reform our health system into something that will not implode in ten years will start anew with an incredibly effective guilt trip.
Can the Democrats run on "Republicans took away your healthcare"?

Absolutely. The Dims run on lies all the time.

It's no lie, Millions of people who were going to be covered by Obamacare will be thrust into the open insurance market or denied coverage entirely

Guess who will get the blame?

No. It is a lie. With the demise of the UnConstitutional ObamaCare Act (which isn't even in force yet anyway), nobody will be changed in their circumstances. Nice try to slip one past us. FAIL.

To whatever extent this society then deems it wise or proper or necessary to address the whole issue, it can still be done. But it will have to be done PROPERLY.
If the law gets struck down everything it would have prevented will be laid on the GOP doorstep and the effort to reform our health system into something that will not implode in ten years will start anew with an incredibly effective guilt trip. will be laid at the feet of every elected representative to correct, and do it correctly within the confines of the Constitution this time.
Absolutely. The Dims run on lies all the time.

It's no lie, Millions of people who were going to be covered by Obamacare will be thrust into the open insurance market or denied coverage entirely

Guess who will get the blame?

No. It is a lie. With the demise of the UnConstitutional ObamaCare Act (which isn't even in force yet anyway), nobody will be changed in their circumstances. Nice try to slip one past us. FAIL.

To whatever extent this society then deems it wise or proper or necessary to address the whole issue, it can still be done. But it will have to be done PROPERLY.

To a republican, "properly" means first profits must be protected, then it must not cost anything, then maybe if they are not poor they may do something.

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