Couldn't have said it better myself!

Oct 18, 2008
Bowling Green Ohio
From my Good friend Mike

“Where’s My Bailout?”

I’ll make this short and simple. I work my fucking ass off at a shit job making shit wages, just like most people. But now I’m getting my hours hacked because some jackass on Wall Street wanted to play Russian Roulette with our fucking economy. I’m skating by by the skin of my balls. And it’s not like I have a lot of shit either. I have rent, utilities, and a cell phone bill. Not a whole lot by today’s standards.

And I know you know what I’m talking about. You’ve had to cut back. Some of you have been laid off. Or you have student loans to pay off for a degree you can’t even use because there are no fucking jobs. Or you’re stuck flipping burgers part-time at McDildos. We have a thousand different stories, but they all come down to the same question. Why the fuck are we giving trillions of dollars, fucking TRILLIONS, to the people that have just fucked us in the ass? Where the fuck is our bailout? Don’t we at least deserve a reach around here? Something? Anything?

Instead, I’m getting that sickening feeling that all we’re gonna get from this economic collapse is a hot sticky wad in our shithole lives.
Shame I don't see any tax cuts coming for those that earn wages and income. Just more bailouts and stimulus packages and deficit spending that go directly in the pockets for the well connected and special interests. Capitalism would've seen that those that played russian roulette and lost would've lost dearly. Instead, because we have a crony socialist government, it gets the bailouts. We need to end the bailouts and completely reduce spending so jobs stop getting destroyed as a result.
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That could use some editing. :lol:

You did good at the edit!

Is your friend saying those at the bottom, the working poor are going to get shafted? Indeed. But never mind, so will those who make more, he can feel good that they will pay much, much more for less. When the dust settles, Walmart won't be paying insurance, the rich will, for lower care at higher cost. At least they get hit hard too! Well, maybe-unless they're working for the government.
From my Good friend Mike

“Where’s My Bailout?”

I’ll make this short and simple. I work my fucking ass off at a shit job making shit wages, just like most people. But now I’m getting my hours hacked because some jackass on Wall Street wanted to play Russian Roulette with our fucking economy. I’m skating by by the skin of my balls. And it’s not like I have a lot of shit either. I have rent, utilities, and a cell phone bill. Not a whole lot by today’s standards.

And I know you know what I’m talking about. You’ve had to cut back. Some of you have been laid off. Or you have student loans to pay off for a degree you can’t even use because there are no fucking jobs. Or you’re stuck flipping burgers part-time at McDildos. We have a thousand different stories, but they all come down to the same question. Why the fuck are we giving trillions of dollars, fucking TRILLIONS, to the people that have just fucked us in the ass? Where the fuck is our bailout? Don’t we at least deserve a reach around here? Something? Anything?

Instead, I’m getting that sickening feeling that all we’re gonna get from this economic collapse is a hot sticky wad in our shithole lives.

BO is giving you $13.00 more dollars a week in your paycheck.

Quit your bitching. Learn to budget.

Remember, the government has the right to raise and lower taxes anytime they wish.

There isn't a thing you can do about it.
Ask Obama, he's the one signed off on this round of bail outs. Your hero's got feet of clay and now you've got mud all over your back side from the ass kicking he's giving you and you Democratic idiots are still lining up to kiss hs back side. Lots a luck with that bail out jack enjoy that 13 bucks a week that's all you're going to get, enough to get to and from work at that shit job you've got.
Is that the sound of impending hoofbeats of "change" I hear in the distance??'s just my washer off balance. brb
Sorry LLDem, but the cons got it this time, they aren't to blame for this last round. Ask the person you voted for why you are not seeing any improvement.
Think you're getting screwed over now? Just wait til they pass Cap and Trade!
Sorry LLDem, but the cons got it this time, they aren't to blame for this last round. Ask the person you voted for why you are not seeing any improvement.
we werent responsible for the LAST round either
we were ALL opposed to it
Sorry LLDem, but the cons got it this time, they aren't to blame for this last round. Ask the person you voted for why you are not seeing any improvement.
we werent responsible for the LAST round either
we were ALL opposed to it

Yeah ... but I was just pointing out the incorrect assertion he made. In reality it's those who took advantage of credit and loan policies enacted by both sides who are to blame at the heart of the matter, this is just the snowball effect we are seeing.

Oh, and remember, I am usually talking about the party leader morons, not us supporters who were tricked into thinking the parties meant what they don't really mean now.
But if you get a bailout, you won't like the attached strings.

There are always strings attached.

The less the government is aware of little old me, the better.

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