Could this be true????? or just a fictional story????


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Is this a true story or made up?

At one time there was young man working as a cook for the British Army during WWII.
After the war he came back to his country hoping break British colonial rule.
But after arrested for being part of anti-colonist supporters and tortured by British army the young man was released. After being tortured for two years released a broken, bitter now 50 year old man prematurely aged with difficulty in walking and head full of lice!
After serving the British he was now enemy number one!
At the age of 80 he died with a lifelong grudge against the British.

Raised with stories of his grandfather, the grandson became educated, became bitter and he too held a grudge and hatred of the British only now the grandson has immense power to right the wrongs his grandfather endured.

Revealed: Why President Obama loathes the British | Mail Online
But how many people KNOW this EVEN NOW after 4 years campaigning for President?
AND also how many of his supporters CARE?

Again all my threads are for those independents that voted for Obama because they didn't want to be considered racist!
You after 4 years do you KNOW now why some of voted against Obama and NOT for McCain because WE READ Obama's book "Dreams of My Father"..
We remember these words...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and
made no sudden moves.They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."
Wow...if it's true AND in context...Obama should be your man...after all the UK has a universal health care plan, high taxes, and safety nets aplenty.
Not surprising. I wouldn't be to happy with people that beat my gramps, either. Who would? Given the situation, he was treated much like American POWs during the revolution. I doubt the descendants of those men thought much of the British, either. Why would that be a negative in Obama's case? Wouldn't that dishonor the memory of the POWs and others that suffered at the hands of the British?
Is this a true story or made up?

At one time there was young man working as a cook for the British Army during WWII.
After the war he came back to his country hoping break British colonial rule.
But after arrested for being part of anti-colonist supporters and tortured by British army the young man was released. After being tortured for two years released a broken, bitter now 50 year old man prematurely aged with difficulty in walking and head full of lice!
After serving the British he was now enemy number one!
At the age of 80 he died with a lifelong grudge against the British.

Raised with stories of his grandfather, the grandson became educated, became bitter and he too held a grudge and hatred of the British only now the grandson has immense power to right the wrongs his grandfather endured.

Revealed: Why President Obama loathes the British | Mail Online

Those who already hate Obama, just because, will believe this story confirms their image of him with a bone in his nose, throwing magic joo-joo dust into a fire in the Oval Office in the wee hours of the night.

Those who love Obama, just because, will believe this story was concocted out of whole cloth by the Koch brothers.

Either way, it has nothing to do with the issues facing our nation today. It is just great stuff to get heated up about to hide one's ignorance of the issues.
The best evidence they can come up with that Obama "hates" Britain is the way Obama got mad at BP for completely and utterly fucking up our Gulf Coast. Gee, was he supposed to kiss their ass?

BP =/= Britain.

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The best evidence they can come up with that Obama "hates" Britain is the way Obama got mad at BP for completely and utterly fucking up our Gulf Coast. Gee, was he supposed to kiss their ass?

BP =/= Britain.


The way I remember it working is, if the oil was washing on-shore and causing damage, Obama was charged with not doing enough to get BP to clean up the mess. On the other hand, if Obama took a tough stance on BP, he was accused of being a socialist who wanted all private businesses under his thumb. :eusa_eh:
First of all Obama wrote about this IN his book if you read it like I did!
Secondly these same terrorists at the time Mau-Maus (I'm old enough to remember hearing about them) were vicious people that had no problem in torturing white people with NO mercy.
(Nelson Mandela..his wife the Necklacing Murderous Diva, Necklacing (sometimes called necklace) is the practice of brutal and cruel execution, carried out by forcing a rubber tire, filled with gasoline, around a victim's chest and arms, and setting it on fire. The victim may take up to 20 minutes to die, suffering severe burns) is a hero to Obama!

And as far as then Obama's agenda to destroy American business is totally understood when you read quotes FROM OBAMA directly.. quotes that reflect Obama's hatred for Whites/Business/America and those of you that as independents voted for him WITHOUT knowing about this SHAME on Obama..BUT
NOW you have no excuse!

Quotes from Obama reflecting his anti-business, destroying tax generating businesses..

"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

Obama FAVORS destroying 1,400 health insurance companies destroying $100 billion tax generating!
"So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them, because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

Wants to destroy coal industry!

Wants to destroy oil industry...
Obama tells Brazil:
“We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely.
And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customer!

So Brazil have USA as best customer MEANS domestic OIL companies would NOT be..
Destroying the domestic OIL industry!

Production is down on Federal lands cause Obama's DECREASED leases by 36%

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