Could S&N slow AGW?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
We are told by self-proclaimed "scientists" and "academics" that Global Climate Change (formerly called "Global Warming" until it got cold) is of anthropomorphic (meaning human-caused) origin.

Plainly there are just too many people.

It does help a little when governments provide free abortions since the "free"part does cause many liberals to grab the "free stuff" even when overwhelmingly tempted to bring a new child into their over-crowded world.

At best abortion is a limited option. To be of any serious effect it has to become chronic - get preggers, get aborted (repeat as necessary). That does get expensive. It also gets old and boring rather quickly and liberal attention spans are notoriously short unless they are periodically prompted by Party as to what they are to think. Perhaps free postage for reminder pamphlets?

Would not a FREE Spay & Neuter (S&N) program for anyone on demand be a more beneficial effort? Not mandatory, mind you - though the fascist AGW loonies which wish to make it so. Nay, just voluntary. And, above all, FREE.

Naturally liberal Democrats would be most attracted by the "FREE" part - but how could they resist "Saving The Planet" at somebody else's expense.

Is it not time to call, email, even write your Congress-critter (of any gender or pseudo-gender) demanding they get on board to halt AGW by government-paid S&N?
formerly called "Global Warming" until it got cold
Completely false.

If you wanted to announce to the world that you know less than nothing about this topic, you have done a fine job.

And education a accomplishes what you are suggesting. But, judgying by your post, education is probably just as evil to you as anything is.
Completely false.

If you wanted to announce to the world that you know less than nothing about this topic, you have done a fine job.

And education a accomplishes what you are suggesting. But, judgying by your post, education is probably just as evil to you as anything is.

"Education" is a good thing. Your obvious liberal indoctrination - not so much. But it does appear we can sign you up for one of the first S&N FREE clinics. Any friends or family who you might like to bring along?
Completely false.

If you wanted to announce to the world that you know less than nothing about this topic, you have done a fine job.

And education a accomplishes what you are suggesting. But, judgying by your post, education is probably just as evil to you as anything is.

"Education" is a good thing. Your obvious liberal indoctrination - not so much. But it does appear we can sign you up for one of the first S&N FREE clinics. Any friends or family who you might like to bring along?
Troll day you might come to the realization that all of you deniers dwell only on blogs and message boards, and have zero science behind you. Or not, who cares...

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