Could gridlock cause the US to lose its competition with China?


Apr 5, 2015
Hi, guys! I am a Chinese boy interested in politics. Since political buffs are an endangered species in any place ( even in democracies like the US as far as I know) I am very glad to meet like-minded people here.

Personally speaking ,I think I identify with the American values ,especially freedom and rule of law. I'm hoping the US can maintain its dominance and not seeing any harm in that as long as it upholds those values around the world. But can the US retain its edge? With the Iraq War draining its economic resources , the US's financial prowess seems to be challenged now. China just scored one point by rolling out the so-called AIIB initiative. And it is obvious the US has mishandled the issue from the beginning( not its discouraging allies to join the China-led bank but its indifference to calls for reforms of the current international financial institutions perhaps). There are many factors leading to the US's miscalculation. However, among them one thing figures prominently- political gridlock. It seems as if China is swiftly laughing off to its destination while the US is joyfully playing politics. A system of checks and balances is important to democracy but it is never advisable to go to extremes.

Joseph S. Nye said in his article "China won’t end U.S. dominance—but political gridlock and isolationism could" (China Won t End U.S. Dominance But Political Gridlock Could Those words, I think ,are very illuminating. An authoritarian regime, repellent as it may be, can produce very striking efficiency. The most precious thing in a competition is time and as is known to all, time awaits nobody.

But the silver lining is that you guys in the US can discuss politics and the shortcomings of your current system openly and freely ,which is still sort of a taboo in China ( unless you do not touch on the core sensitive issues). So as politically-mined US citizens do you think there is possibility that the US could strike a better balance between democracy and efficiency? And would you do something do make that happen? I'd like to get your take on this. Thank you! Wish you guys all the best. Freedom transcends boundaries.
First of all Grid Lock is not necessarily a bad thing, and it is basically designed to be there via the Constitution in our Republic. Under a Republic we use a Democratic system combined with equal Representation system in the Senate so a majority of 50 plus 1 % doesn't get the whole say.

The system of checks and balances are there to make things harder to pass unless most agree with the new laws to begin with.

It is a system that FORCES COMPROMISE to pass new laws in which everyone has a say and everyone has a voice.

Not being able to pass new laws and programs is not a bad thing. We have 10's of thousands of laws and regulations already, and unless it's absolutely necessary we really don't need more. Are biggest problem is that our Gov't officials are tied to Greed and would sell their soul for a buck.

The next problem is that we have allowed these positions in our Congress and Senate to become Careers instead of temporary Service to their country, and they have become corrupt to the hilt in their own interest.

Finally, we have a Federal Gov't that has become too powerful.............and has multiple agencies that use old laws to justify NEW REGULATIONS continuously. Using legal loop holes to pass anything they want by FIAT.............even when it goes against the will of the Congress and the Senate and the will of the people. Quite frankly they have become too big for their britches.
I don't see where gridlock will effect business with China. I do see where isolationism might but I also do not see that happening soon if at all.

What I do see is a China that has created classes of have and have nots to an extent not seen in the US although the left wing tries to claim otherwise. I eventually see the peasant class in China eventually rising up against the government suppressors. Maybe not soon but eventually. Your observations would be welcomed.
Hi, guys! I am a Chinese boy interested in politics. Since political buffs are an endangered species in any place ( even in democracies like the US as far as I know) I am very glad to meet like-minded people here.

Personally speaking ,I think I identify with the American values ,especially freedom and rule of law. I'm hoping the US can maintain its dominance and not seeing any harm in that as long as it upholds those values around the world. But can the US retain its edge? With the Iraq War draining its economic resources , the US's financial prowess seems to be challenged now. China just scored one point by rolling out the so-called AIIB initiative. And it is obvious the US has mishandled the issue from the beginning( not its discouraging allies to join the China-led bank but its indifference to calls for reforms of the current international financial institutions perhaps). There are many factors leading to the US's miscalculation. However, among them one thing figures prominently- political gridlock. It seems as if China is swiftly laughing off to its destination while the US is joyfully playing politics. A system of checks and balances is important to democracy but it is never advisable to go to extremes.

Joseph S. Nye said in his article "China won’t end U.S. dominance—but political gridlock and isolationism could" (China Won t End U.S. Dominance But Political Gridlock Could Those words, I think ,are very illuminating. An authoritarian regime, repellent as it may be, can produce very striking efficiency. The most precious thing in a competition is time and as is known to all, time awaits nobody.

But the silver lining is that you guys in the US can discuss politics and the shortcomings of your current system openly and freely ,which is still sort of a taboo in China ( unless you do not touch on the core sensitive issues). So as politically-mined US citizens do you think there is possibility that the US could strike a better balance between democracy and efficiency? And would you do something do make that happen? I'd like to get your take on this. Thank you! Wish you guys all the best. Freedom transcends boundaries.
First, "politics" in America is not pro-democracy, pro-freedom, nor pro-socioeconomic growth and stability. Regardless of the "soul-charming propaganda" spread around the world, our modern day political system is not a representative government. Secondly, the competition on any level, between the U.S. and other nations, China included, is not based on improving and advancing our socioeconomic status, but rather on political agendas and the thirst and hunger for power. This was, and still is, illustrated by our government's so-called "cold war" with Russia. In addition, due to the global co-dependency, one nation to another, the push is more towards equalization than it is towards a well defined superiority.

China's industrialized complex, along with its enormous man-power, produces an economic advantage presently unmatched. China's industrial arm reaches around the globe, with a strong presents in Africa, South and Central America, and its influence is growing in Australia. While China remains focused on extending its many tentacles, the U.S. is focused mainly on playing the role of "world cop". It's very expensive and "resource draining" to play the part of "global big brother", and the U.S. is finding that out as we speak.
The issue you refer to AIIB initiative is what I'd consider the BRICS pact, primarily between Russia, China, India, South Africa, And Brazil if my memory of it is correct. It is a pact to trade in a different currency, especially in regards to the petro dollar. It is a move to begin replacement of the world's reserve currency which is currently the dollar. It is also a policy to horde gold and try to go back to the gold standard in global currency.

Should they succeed, it would devastate our economy if the world no longer takes our Fiat currency that we use like their is an ENDLESS SUPPLY. Our payments on the interest on the debt now exceed 400 BILLION A YEAR which is over HALF of our budget for the Department of Defense..............

This situation has been caused by ourselves and we have only accelerated the amount of spending in Gov't instead of reversing course. Our leaders use the borrowing of FIAT currency to fund their wildest dreams without consideration of how we will be able to pay for it. It is a path of economic destruction and the loss of having the world's reserve currency status.

It can be reversed but it needs to be done soon. As the longer we wait, the harder it will be to reverse. Especially when we look at the Trillions in Unfunded liabilities that are coming.

Our Gov't under the Constitution was never intended to be this big. Once we allow the people to draw from the public fund, aka taxes, then they will use it for everything they desire................Ending up destroying their own country.

The polarization in this country is those wishing to stop this cycle of Debt, and overreach of the Gov't power versus those who only want to cut the military and increase taxes................The increased tax rates without MAJOR reductions in spending is a band aide on an open flesh wound...............Which will also cause a loss of more jobs, when we are already getting our asses handed to us on the global market by countries like CHINA.

We are doing what no standing army could do.................We are destroying ourselves..........and it will not change while the Gov't increases dependency on FIAT CURRENCY. In ROME the MOB rules................even though the outskirts of ROME were burning.

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