Could Fake Media survive without Trump?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I don't think so but it would be nice to see them hate speechless.. :)
Weā€™ve survived so far with the fake president we currently have in the White Houseā€¦

Physically but certainly not mentallyā€¦ :wink_2:

Well, if your read the rambling, perplexing quote from your blob, youā€™d agree heā€™s lost a few marbles.

"There was no collusion at all. Everybody knows it."

"But the main thing ā€” and we discussed this also ā€” zero collusion."

"but just to say it one time again ā€” and I say it all the time ā€” there was no collusion."

Putin said: "Could you name a single fact that would definitely prove the collusion? This is utter nonsense, just like the president recently mentioned."

Trump said: "My people came to me, Dan Coates came to me and some others, they said they think itā€™s Russia. I have President Putin; he just said itā€™s not Russia.

I will say this: I donā€™t see any reason why it would be. "

Also when asked the questions:

1) "What ā€” who ā€” my first question for you, sir, is who do you believe?"
2) "would you denounce what happened in 2016 and would you warn him to never do it again?"

Trump said:

"you have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server ā€” havenā€™t they taken the server. Why was the FBI told to leave the office of the Democratic National Committee?"

"Where is the server? I want to know where is the server and what is the server saying?"

"What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC? Where are those servers? Theyā€™re missing; where are they? What happened to Hillary Clintonā€™s e-mails? 33,000 e-mails gone ā€” just gone. I think in Russia they wouldnā€™t be gone so easily. I think itā€™s a disgrace that we canā€™t get Hillary Clintonā€™s 33,000 e-mails."

July 17th and Trump said:

A Besieged Trump Says He Misspoke on Russian Election Meddling

"On Tuesday, he said that he had misspoken. ā€œThe sentence should have been, ā€˜I donā€™t see any reason why it wouldnā€™t be Russia,ā€™ sort of a double negative,ā€ Mr. Trump said. ā€œSo you can put that in, and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good.ā€"

Did he misspeak?

The problem here is that Trump said there was no collusion. Putin said there was no collusion.

Trump's people came to him and said they thought Putin did something. Putin said he didn't do something.

Trump's language throughout the whole thing is one of "Putin didn't do anything". He says that he won the election fairly. This means Putin wasn't involved.

He said:
"And it has had a negative impact upon the relationship of the two largest nuclear powers in the world. We have 90 percent of nuclear power between the two countries.

Itā€™s ridiculous. Itā€™s ridiculous whatā€™s going on with the probe."
I don't think so but it would be nice to see them hate speechless.. :)

Fake news and Media have always been around, it only came to the fore with the maturing internet and GW Bush and has become an industry now taking over legitimate journalism with Trump. Our news industry is now dead; you might as well read National Enquirer.
Could Fake Media survive without Trump?

Not as such.
Who else can you think of that would try to pull this shit?


Or "John Miller" and "John Barron"?

Or making up stories about "more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan" or "got more done than anybody since Truman" or "thousands dancing on rooftops, I saw it" or "it wasn't raining" or "when I said 'would' it meant 'wouldn't" etc etc etc etc etc.

Truly Rump is in a fake alt-reality self-delusional cl-ass by himself. Nobody could touch that, and nobody would want to.
I don't think so but it would be nice to see them hate speechless.. :)

The steam of Lefty envy rises thickly in here, President Donald Trump is the nexus of all Left crises. He's their piggy bank, think tank recruitment poster, and meal ticket puncher. Fortunately for MSM Leftism, they can bank on six more years of taking DT to the bank.
I don't think so but it would be nice to see them hate speechless.. :)

Now that's an interesting concept! I think they'd starve to death! :aargh: :auiqs.jpg:

They'd hardly "starve". They'd make up whatever they needed to make up to grab eyeballs and sell them something. Just as they did with Rump.

There's two ways to define "fake news". There's "news" that's obviously lying about what the facts are --- as in the examples above of John Miller and "thousands dancing on rooftops" and the fake Time Magazine. That's what Rump traffics in.

Then there's the fake idea of what constitutes actual "news". A perfect example:

Actually interrupting a feature on the NSA to "break" "news" about fucking Justin Beaver. Why? Because they know more people will buy Justin Beaver than will buy NSA discussion. And they ain't there for discourse; they're there to sell ads. That's the price of using commercial interests to prop up what passes for "news". Some producer crunched the numbers and decided that the company would get more ad dollars out of Justin Beaver than out of NSA discussion. And when they crunched those numbers --- they were right. More people WILL watch that. If that were not true, it wouldn't exist.

That's the same reason they made Rump who he is today. Rump is a freak show, and freak shows SELL. And when he's up there in his orangeness frothing at the mouth about "rapists" or "very fine people" or "sumbitches" or whatever the Two Minutes Hate is this week, he sells a lot more than even Justin Beaver. Which is how he got where he is now.

So in that sense of "fake news" --- Rump owes it his very existence.

But as far as "would they survive without him" --- they didn't need him to get there before. There's always been the next missing white girl or OJ driving around in circles or how Michael Jackson died, and they'll milk those cows until the Vi@gra sells. If Rump were not in the picture they would simply lose their biggest gold mine.

Sorry --- technically that's orange mine.

But they'd just make up another. And the more freakshow the next freak show is, the more it will sell.

How it works 101.
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I don't think so but it would be nice to see them hate speechless.. :)

Now that's an interesting concept! I think they'd starve to death! :aargh: :auiqs.jpg:

They'd hardly "starve". They'd make up whatever they needed to make up to grab eyeballs and sell them something. Just as they did with Rump.

There's two ways to define "fake news". There's "news" that's obviously lying about what the facts are --- as in the examples above of John Miller and "thousands dancing on rooftops" and the fake Time Magazine. That's what Rump traffics in.

Then there's the fake idea of what constitutes actual "news". A perfect example:

Actually interrupting a feature on the NSA to "break" "news" about fucking Justin Beaver. Why? Because they know more people will buy Justin Beaver than will buy NSA discussion. And they ain't there for discourse; they're there to sell ads. That's the price of using commercial interests to prop up what passes for "news". Some producer crunched the numbers and decided that the company would get more ad dollars out of Justin Beaver than out of NSA discussion. And when they crunched those numbers --- they were right. More people WILL watch that. If that were not true, it wouldn't exist.

That's the same reason they made Rump who he is today. Rump is a freak show, and freak shows SELL. And when he's up there in his orangeness frothing at the mouth about "rapists" or "very fine people" or "sumbitches" or whatever the Two Minutes Hate is this week, he sells a lot more than even Justin Beaver. Which is how he got where he is now.

So in that sense of "fake news" --- Rump owes it his very existence.

They helped elect him, more than they realize. :abgg2q.jpg:
I don't think so but it would be nice to see them hate speechless.. :)

Now that's an interesting concept! I think they'd starve to death! :aargh: :auiqs.jpg:

They'd hardly "starve". They'd make up whatever they needed to make up to grab eyeballs and sell them something. Just as they did with Rump.

There's two ways to define "fake news". There's "news" that's obviously lying about what the facts are --- as in the examples above of John Miller and "thousands dancing on rooftops" and the fake Time Magazine. That's what Rump traffics in.

Then there's the fake idea of what constitutes actual "news". A perfect example:

Actually interrupting a feature on the NSA to "break" "news" about fucking Justin Beaver. Why? Because they know more people will buy Justin Beaver than will buy NSA discussion. And they ain't there for discourse; they're there to sell ads. That's the price of using commercial interests to prop up what passes for "news". Some producer crunched the numbers and decided that the company would get more ad dollars out of Justin Beaver than out of NSA discussion. And when they crunched those numbers --- they were right. More people WILL watch that. If that were not true, it wouldn't exist.

That's the same reason they made Rump who he is today. Rump is a freak show, and freak shows SELL. And when he's up there in his orangeness frothing at the mouth about "rapists" or "very fine people" or "sumbitches" or whatever the Two Minutes Hate is this week, he sells a lot more than even Justin Beaver. Which is how he got where he is now.

So in that sense of "fake news" --- Rump owes it his very existence.

They helped elect him, more than they realize. :abgg2q.jpg:

They did indeed. But I'm sure they DO realize it.
They just don't care, because --- again --- it's all about the Benjamins.

I've pointed this out sixty thousand times on this board and elsewhere -- commercial "news" isn't there to dispatch news or to take political positions. It's there to make money. And it really doesn't care how it gets there. Nobody makes money by taking political positions. They make money from Freak Show. When they see Justin Beaver get arrested, they think "hey cool, filler". When they see Rump erupt like a pimple they think "JACKPOT".

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