CDZ Could Androids Lead to Communist Revolution?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
If people are left with few options to get a job, lose the house, wind up homeless, etc, I think a great many will turn to Communism out of desperation and anger.

ROBOTS causing millions of job losses could lead to the rise of communism

The first industrial revolution saw a huge growth in production during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

But wages did not rise for decades as machines meant most new jobs created by technology were low-skilled.

Many experts believe political unrest sparked by the resulting inequalities led to the rise of left-and right-wing extremism across Europe.

To prevent it happening again Mr Carney suggested workers should train for jobs which require a higher emotional intelligence in sectors such as care and leisure.

City fund manager vice-chairman Edward Bonham Carter, 57, the brother of actress Helena, believes a `significant number of jobs' will be wiped out over the next 30 years.

“It's relatively easy to think of the jobs that might get removed and automated,” he said.

“It's starting to happen in the middle-class area, professional jobs.

“What's different from the previous industrial revolutions is that it's the professional classes that are now being threatened.

“Whereas before it was manual labour that could be repeated and mechanised, now quite a lot of the service jobs in theory could be replaced.

“So it's not just truck drivers.”

He said Britain needs to shake-up an education system which currently focuses on testing children's ability to retain information like robots.​
Part of the solution is a national labor robot tax to support the safety net for people in their old age.
"I called my parents, my father was fired. He was technologically unemployed. My father had worked for the same firm for twelve years. They fired him. They replaced him with a tiny gadget, this big, that does everything my father does, only it does it much better. The depressing thing is, my mother ran out and bought one."

-- Woody Allen
I am not convinced of this. I think machines will create jobs too. The reality right now is that jobs are going begging because so many more people don’t want to work or only want to work on what they want. Promoting the robot takeover fits nicely with someone who lacks a work ethic. A kind of self fulfilling prophecy.

In the 1960's, many people predicted massive lay-offs due to the upcoming computer revolution. Today there are hundreds of millions of people who work in the computer industry. An industry that didn't even exist 60 years ago.

It's very difficult to predict the way technological change will affect the social fabric.
If people are left with few options to get a job, lose the house, wind up homeless, etc, I think a great many will turn to Communism out of desperation and anger.

ROBOTS causing millions of job losses could lead to the rise of communism

The first industrial revolution saw a huge growth in production during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

But wages did not rise for decades as machines meant most new jobs created by technology were low-skilled.

Many experts believe political unrest sparked by the resulting inequalities led to the rise of left-and right-wing extremism across Europe.

To prevent it happening again Mr Carney suggested workers should train for jobs which require a higher emotional intelligence in sectors such as care and leisure.

City fund manager vice-chairman Edward Bonham Carter, 57, the brother of actress Helena, believes a `significant number of jobs' will be wiped out over the next 30 years.

“It's relatively easy to think of the jobs that might get removed and automated,” he said.

“It's starting to happen in the middle-class area, professional jobs.

“What's different from the previous industrial revolutions is that it's the professional classes that are now being threatened.

“Whereas before it was manual labour that could be repeated and mechanised, now quite a lot of the service jobs in theory could be replaced.

“So it's not just truck drivers.”

He said Britain needs to shake-up an education system which currently focuses on testing children's ability to retain information like robots.​


Its not tops on my list of causes for concern about a socialist revolution. A bank/stock market crash handled poorly is more likely.

I'll say if there is a wicked implementation of self driving everything in 5 years it will destabilize employment in our transportation industry and if that happens at the wrong time for the housing market or when we're tight paying for a couple wars maybe. Unemployment is rather low right now though even if there are a bit too many McJobs for my taste.
I am not convinced of this. I think machines will create jobs too. The reality right now is that jobs are going begging because so many more people don’t want to work or only want to work on what they want. Promoting the robot takeover fits nicely with someone who lacks a work ethic. A kind of self fulfilling prophecy.

In the 1960's, many people predicted massive lay-offs due to the upcoming computer revolution. Today there are hundreds of millions of people who work in the computer industry. An industry that didn't even exist 60 years ago.

It's very difficult to predict the way technological change will affect the social fabric.

The computer revolution did reduce the job potential greatly. As a computer software engineer, I design programs that can do the job that literally scores of clerks used to do.

Fortunately our economy has expanded enough to create other jobs for these people to do, but there is not a one to one correspondence between the computer jobs and the old clerk jobs, not even nearly. And the computer jobs now mostly require a college degree while the old clerk jobs did not, so the threshold for employment rose quite a bit as well for these computer jobs that 'replaced' the old clerk jobs.

What is different about the coming wave of androids, however is that they will be able to program, manufacture, repair and replace themselves with an eventual ZERO requirement for any human involvement whatsoever. That will take time to fully implement but it wont be long as it is a software issue, not an engineering issue.

I am looking at retirement in aa few years, so this wont likely impact me as I will likely be dead before the real drastic problems start to appear. But my wife and my children will have to live through it and so I am very concerned about them and our country.
"The coming wave of androids..."

Some people start drinking a little too early in the day.
If people are left with few options to get a job, lose the house, wind up homeless, etc, I think a great many will turn to Communism out of desperation and anger.

ROBOTS causing millions of job losses could lead to the rise of communism

The first industrial revolution saw a huge growth in production during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

But wages did not rise for decades as machines meant most new jobs created by technology were low-skilled.

Many experts believe political unrest sparked by the resulting inequalities led to the rise of left-and right-wing extremism across Europe.

To prevent it happening again Mr Carney suggested workers should train for jobs which require a higher emotional intelligence in sectors such as care and leisure.

City fund manager vice-chairman Edward Bonham Carter, 57, the brother of actress Helena, believes a `significant number of jobs' will be wiped out over the next 30 years.

“It's relatively easy to think of the jobs that might get removed and automated,” he said.

“It's starting to happen in the middle-class area, professional jobs.

“What's different from the previous industrial revolutions is that it's the professional classes that are now being threatened.

“Whereas before it was manual labour that could be repeated and mechanised, now quite a lot of the service jobs in theory could be replaced.

“So it's not just truck drivers.”

He said Britain needs to shake-up an education system which currently focuses on testing children's ability to retain information like robots.​
I'm not too worried about a communist revolution, it has given itself a very bad name. I do see the accumulation of most of society's wealth into the hands of a few families, a new nobility, and I think it is very dangerous.

People are scared and angry. Trump appealed to these people. He promised to tear down and rebuild the government for those who have lost jobs and power. He will fail since he needs the government to govern so the anger and fear will continue to build. What I fear is a real breakdown of society in the form of riots and anarchy and the reaction to it, which may be a turning to an authoritarian even worse than Trump. A new Hitler come to save the nation.
I'm not too worried about a communist revolution, it has given itself a very bad name. I do see the accumulation of most of society's wealth into the hands of a few families, a new nobility, and I think it is very dangerous.

People are scared and angry. Trump appealed to these people. He promised to tear down and rebuild the government for those who have lost jobs and power. He will fail since he needs the government to govern so the anger and fear will continue to build. What I fear is a real breakdown of society in the form of riots and anarchy and the reaction to it, which may be a turning to an authoritarian even worse than Trump. A new Hitler come to save the nation.

I think Trump can succeed, not that he will necessarily, by targeting the worst abusers of power and those who militantly appose him in violation of the law, then letting the rest join with him.

I think the odds are more in favor of Trump going the way of Mayor Sharon prat-Kelly and Governor Jesse Ventura; contained, isolated and neutralized till they leave office.
I'm not too worried about a communist revolution, it has given itself a very bad name. I do see the accumulation of most of society's wealth into the hands of a few families, a new nobility, and I think it is very dangerous.

People are scared and angry. Trump appealed to these people. He promised to tear down and rebuild the government for those who have lost jobs and power. He will fail since he needs the government to govern so the anger and fear will continue to build. What I fear is a real breakdown of society in the form of riots and anarchy and the reaction to it, which may be a turning to an authoritarian even worse than Trump. A new Hitler come to save the nation.

I think Trump can succeed, not that he will necessarily, by targeting the worst abusers of power and those who militantly appose him in violation of the law, then letting the rest join with him.

I think the odds are more in favor of Trump going the way of Mayor Sharon prat-Kelly and Governor Jesse Ventura; contained, isolated and neutralized till they leave office.
Trump will fail since he doesn't want to succeed. What he promised and what he will deliver are completely opposite. Yes, he will create jobs with his tax cuts but I don't think there is any long term chance that will change the job scene. Coal jobs have been declining for years and no deregulation will change that for long. Frac'ing has lowered the cost of gas but it is really automation that made coal production less dependent on a large labor force. Also, deregulation may allow more mountain tops to be leveled to get at the coal from the surface with huge machines and few people. Those job won't ever come back so anger will only increase.

Trump has also exacerbated the wealth disparity between rich and poor through his tax cuts. Even worse are his changes to inheritance taxes allowing succeeding generations to keep wealth more of the wealth of the nation.

If we are lucky we will get a socialist like Bernie Saunders to take us on a peaceful transition to a post-industrial, AI world. If we are unlucky we'll get a Hitler.
If people are left with few options to get a job, lose the house, wind up homeless, etc, I think a great many will turn to Communism out of desperation and anger.

ROBOTS causing millions of job losses could lead to the rise of communism

The first industrial revolution saw a huge growth in production during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

But wages did not rise for decades as machines meant most new jobs created by technology were low-skilled.

Many experts believe political unrest sparked by the resulting inequalities led to the rise of left-and right-wing extremism across Europe.

To prevent it happening again Mr Carney suggested workers should train for jobs which require a higher emotional intelligence in sectors such as care and leisure.

City fund manager vice-chairman Edward Bonham Carter, 57, the brother of actress Helena, believes a `significant number of jobs' will be wiped out over the next 30 years.

“It's relatively easy to think of the jobs that might get removed and automated,” he said.

“It's starting to happen in the middle-class area, professional jobs.

“What's different from the previous industrial revolutions is that it's the professional classes that are now being threatened.

“Whereas before it was manual labour that could be repeated and mechanised, now quite a lot of the service jobs in theory could be replaced.

“So it's not just truck drivers.”

He said Britain needs to shake-up an education system which currently focuses on testing children's ability to retain information like robots.​
Robots will and can replace workers slowly, but will cause new jobs such as maintenance and repairs, programing, and reprograming them. This is not a problems. I get the idea that some people think because you work in a factory that you must be stupid. Nothing is further from the truth. I requires knowledge and skill now days to work on the "line". The big problem is what the Corp, has to payout in operation expenses. The Corp CEO and other are just over paid for what they do and this is because of the good old boy system of the board of Directors. Until the shareholders get control they will milk the cash out of the workers hand and the shareholders pockets. Most so call "little people" own stock not the big guys.
"The coming wave of androids..."

Some people start drinking a little too early in the day.
Fake news written by Apple fanboys?

No really, the article was even dumber than all those things.
Attention: androids are NOT going to take over the world and eliminate all human jobs. Stop watching so much TV.
Not being a big fan of mind-numbing careers of low skilled labor --- I'm not awfully upset. It's ALWAYS been the case that civilization has to adjust their careers goals to avoid "automation" of one form or another. Only difference is that it's accelerating to adapting in LESS than one lifetime now.

I suspect that robots needs fixing, training and retraining, sales, delivery, and to be fed raw materials that don't just drop from heaven. So -- no one is neccessarily "left out" for lack of drive or smarts.

BUT --- if you plan on break-dancing your way thru HS and getting a "living wage" job --- those days are numbered.
If people are left with few options to get a job, lose the house, wind up homeless, etc, I think a great many will turn to Communism out of desperation and anger.

ROBOTS causing millions of job losses could lead to the rise of communism

The first industrial revolution saw a huge growth in production during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

But wages did not rise for decades as machines meant most new jobs created by technology were low-skilled.

Many experts believe political unrest sparked by the resulting inequalities led to the rise of left-and right-wing extremism across Europe.

To prevent it happening again Mr Carney suggested workers should train for jobs which require a higher emotional intelligence in sectors such as care and leisure.

City fund manager vice-chairman Edward Bonham Carter, 57, the brother of actress Helena, believes a `significant number of jobs' will be wiped out over the next 30 years.

“It's relatively easy to think of the jobs that might get removed and automated,” he said.

“It's starting to happen in the middle-class area, professional jobs.

“What's different from the previous industrial revolutions is that it's the professional classes that are now being threatened.

“Whereas before it was manual labour that could be repeated and mechanised, now quite a lot of the service jobs in theory could be replaced.

“So it's not just truck drivers.”

He said Britain needs to shake-up an education system which currently focuses on testing children's ability to retain information like robots.​
I doubt there is much worry! There is no example of a successfull comunist regime on the planet. Not even china is pure communism any more! Authoritarian regimes are the real worry!

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