Cost of illegal immigration


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

12 million illegal aliens are not in the work force and if they self deported it would not negatively affect our economy, by it would affect Mexico’s economy.
If 12 million illegal aliens self deported, $35 billion earned in this country would not be leaving the country, going into Mexico’s economy negatively affecting our economy.
If 5 million anchor babies left the system, education, welfare, healthcare, legal and law enforcement system, it would save this country billions.
12 million illegal aliens are not in the work force, but if they were, 12 million jobs would be open to be filled by Americans who did those jobs when 12 million illegal aliens were not here. Earning money that would go back into our economy.
12 million illegal aliens would not self deport over night if the Arizona laws were adopted country wide. But there self deporting would save this country taxpayers billion in education, healthcare, welfare, law enforcement and incarcerations.
Good by Governor Gibbons of Nevada and good riddance. We are divorcing you and you are leaving the household.
12 million illegal aliens self deporting would not negatively affect our economy.

Staggering Cost Of Illegal Aliens In America
Emergency medical treatment-US taxpayer money provides $250 million a year to help hospitals defray costs for illegal aliens. Bureau of Land Management-the ...
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May 1, 2010 ... Saying the cost of illegal immigration has left Arizona broke, state Treasurer .... Illegal aliens across America get housing subsidized by ... - Cached - Similar

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