Corporations are not people brings Saving American Democracy Amendment.


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
We’re on the verge of a sad anniversary. Two years ago Saturday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Citizens United v. FEC that corporations have the same First Amendment rights as people. Bernie thinks the ruling was absurd. He has called it a threat to American democracy.

His answer is to make it crystal clear in the Constitution that corporations are not people, through his Saving American Democracy Amendment.

While corporations already are funneling untold millions in secret cash into Super PACS to sway this year’s elections, real people all across America are speaking out today against this horrendous ruling. They are gathering everywhere from the marble plaza outside the Supreme Court to city halls and statehouses throughout the country.

* Read Bernie’s column in The Guardian
We must stop this corporate takeover of American democracy - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

* Read Bernie’s column in U.S. News & World Report
Overturn Citizens United | Debate Club | US News Opinion

* Petition: Show your support for the Saving American Democracy Amendment
Petition - A Petition to Support the Saving American Democracy Amendment : Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

* What do you think? Was the court right or wrong. Take the poll
Polls: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont
Oh yeah.

Congress and the SCOTUS have allowed corporations far too much power, that's bleedin obvious.

EXCEPT to the tools here who are either deluded enough to think they will be invited to the capital manor, or to the tools who are already on that parasitic corporate gravy train.
We’re on the verge of a sad anniversary. Two years ago Saturday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Citizens United v. FEC that corporations have the same First Amendment rights as people. Bernie thinks the ruling was absurd. He has called it a threat to American democracy.

His answer is to make it crystal clear in the Constitution that corporations are not people, through his Saving American Democracy Amendment.

While corporations already are funneling untold millions in secret cash into Super PACS to sway this year’s elections, real people all across America are speaking out today against this horrendous ruling. They are gathering everywhere from the marble plaza outside the Supreme Court to city halls and statehouses throughout the country.

* Read Bernie’s column in The Guardian
We must stop this corporate takeover of American democracy - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

* Read Bernie’s column in U.S. News & World Report
Overturn Citizens United | Debate Club | US News Opinion

* Petition: Show your support for the Saving American Democracy Amendment
Petition - A Petition to Support the Saving American Democracy Amendment : Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

* What do you think? Was the court right or wrong. Take the poll
Polls: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

As long as unions and organizations like the DNC and RNC are included I'm fine with stripping the person label from corporations.
Let's have public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue and practice democracy!

For Hire: Lobbyists or the 99%

These 30 corporations spent more money lobbying in Washington, D.C. from 2008 to 2010 than they did on taxes during the same time. They are paying lavish bonuses to their CEOs, the executives are filling the campaign coffers of candidates, and they're getting tax rebates. What about the 99%?

Check out the report:

Home | Public Campaign

Bribery of elected officials and bribed officials = the most stinky of all bribery!
Eliminating political donations from individual corporations will make no difference at all. Corporations have always been able to influence politics ever since the first corporation existed. PACs didn't come on the scene two years ago, they have been around forever. If you were to reverse the decision that allowed XYZ Pharmaceutical Corporation to give money to political campaigns then they would simply go back to giving that money to the Pharma PAC. Unless you plan on making corporate PACs illegal as well, and that would certainly get no where as a bill. The problem in politics is certainly money, but it isn't the money from corporations only. In fact the more destructive money in politics comes from unions.

Corporations are not our enemy. They provide jobs, services, and products that we use. It's profoundly ignorant to concentrate on them and ignore the much larger and more damaging influence of other moneys flowing into the pockets of politicians. If you wanted to take all money out of the picture, I'm on board with you, but singling out one group is absurd and I'll not support it.
Eliminating political donations from individual corporations will make no difference at all. Corporations have always been able to influence politics ever since the first corporation existed. PACs didn't come on the scene two years ago, they have been around forever. If you were to reverse the decision that allowed XYZ Pharmaceutical Corporation to give money to political campaigns then they would simply go back to giving that money to the Pharma PAC. Unless you plan on making corporate PACs illegal as well, and that would certainly get no where as a bill. The problem in politics is certainly money, but it isn't the money from corporations only. In fact the more destructive money in politics comes from unions.

Corporations are not our enemy. They provide jobs, services, and products that we use. It's profoundly ignorant to concentrate on them and ignore the much larger and more damaging influence of other moneys flowing into the pockets of politicians. If you wanted to take all money out of the picture, I'm on board with you, but singling out one group is absurd and I'll not support it.

Super PACs are a new phenomena that are directly related to the ruling. They are the visible damage to our democracy and it is quite telling that most of them seem to be pro republican.
Eliminating political donations from individual corporations will make no difference at all. Corporations have always been able to influence politics ever since the first corporation existed. PACs didn't come on the scene two years ago, they have been around forever. If you were to reverse the decision that allowed XYZ Pharmaceutical Corporation to give money to political campaigns then they would simply go back to giving that money to the Pharma PAC. Unless you plan on making corporate PACs illegal as well, and that would certainly get no where as a bill. The problem in politics is certainly money, but it isn't the money from corporations only. In fact the more destructive money in politics comes from unions.

Corporations are not our enemy. They provide jobs, services, and products that we use. It's profoundly ignorant to concentrate on them and ignore the much larger and more damaging influence of other moneys flowing into the pockets of politicians. If you wanted to take all money out of the picture, I'm on board with you, but singling out one group is absurd and I'll not support it.

Super PACs are a new phenomena that are directly related to the ruling. They are the visible damage to our democracy and it is quite telling that most of them seem to be pro republican.

1. undoing the ruling will not stop money from corporations getting to politicians.
2. They have caused NO damage to our democracy, I challenge you to prove otherwise.
3. They have giiven more money to obama than anyone else.
Let's have public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue and practice democracy!

For Hire: Lobbyists or the 99%

These 30 corporations spent more money lobbying in Washington, D.C. from 2008 to 2010 than they did on taxes during the same time. They are paying lavish bonuses to their CEOs, the executives are filling the campaign coffers of candidates, and they're getting tax rebates. What about the 99%?

Check out the report:

Home | Public Campaign

Bribery of elected officials and bribed officials = the most stinky of all bribery!

Election reform and the requisite reforming/perfection of the Constitution should be the #1 agenda item for the government.

Not surprisingly; nobody in government is talking about it.

Publicly financed elections would be great.
Making the congressional districts non contiguous and assigning legislators via some lottery system would be even better.
Eliminating political donations from individual corporations will make no difference at all. Corporations have always been able to influence politics ever since the first corporation existed. PACs didn't come on the scene two years ago, they have been around forever. If you were to reverse the decision that allowed XYZ Pharmaceutical Corporation to give money to political campaigns then they would simply go back to giving that money to the Pharma PAC. Unless you plan on making corporate PACs illegal as well, and that would certainly get no where as a bill. The problem in politics is certainly money, but it isn't the money from corporations only. In fact the more destructive money in politics comes from unions.

Corporations are not our enemy. They provide jobs, services, and products that we use. It's profoundly ignorant to concentrate on them and ignore the much larger and more damaging influence of other moneys flowing into the pockets of politicians. If you wanted to take all money out of the picture, I'm on board with you, but singling out one group is absurd and I'll not support it.

Super PACs are a new phenomena that are directly related to the ruling. They are the visible damage to our democracy and it is quite telling that most of them seem to be pro republican.

1. undoing the ruling will not stop money from corporations getting to politicians.
2. They have caused NO damage to our democracy, I challenge you to prove otherwise.
3. They have giiven more money to obama than anyone else.

Check this list of super PACs, look at who is spending what on whom. Kind of one sided isn't it? This is deep pockets buying influence for themselves, we as regular citizens could never compete with this obscenity.
I for one do not welcome our corporate overlords.
We’re on the verge of a sad anniversary. Two years ago Saturday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Citizens United v. FEC that corporations have the same First Amendment rights as people. Bernie thinks the ruling was absurd. He has called it a threat to American democracy.

His answer is to make it crystal clear in the Constitution that corporations are not people, through his Saving American Democracy Amendment.

While corporations already are funneling untold millions in secret cash into Super PACS to sway this year’s elections, real people all across America are speaking out today against this horrendous ruling. They are gathering everywhere from the marble plaza outside the Supreme Court to city halls and statehouses throughout the country.

* Read Bernie’s column in The Guardian
We must stop this corporate takeover of American democracy - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

* Read Bernie’s column in U.S. News & World Report
Overturn Citizens United | Debate Club | US News Opinion

* Petition: Show your support for the Saving American Democracy Amendment
Petition - A Petition to Support the Saving American Democracy Amendment : Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

* What do you think? Was the court right or wrong. Take the poll
Polls: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

As long as unions and organizations like the DNC and RNC are included I'm fine with stripping the person label from corporations.

That still wouldn't make it Constitutional for the government to prevent them from spending money on political advertisements.
If we want our elections to mean something, then we have to ban corporations and foreigners from donating to any political cause.

Until that happens we'll have a long string of corporate owned politicians like Obama, Bush and Romney.
Let's have public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue and practice democracy!

Let's have politicians get donations from individuals with full disclosure and contribution limits. if that's not enough to run a campaign then candidates can use their own money. I personally do not want to finance every wannabe politicians' campaign with my tax dollars

And if a person holding elected office wants to run for another, then he should resign his current seat so the people he supposedly represents can elect a new rep who will actually be doing his job rather than getting paid for being absent while campaigning.

Only in politics can you say. "Hey, I'm going to be absent for a year so i can try to get a new job. I expect full pay and benefits while I'm gone and if the new thing doesn't work out then I'll just expect my old job back."
If we want our elections to mean something, then we have to ban corporations and foreigners from donating to any political cause.

Until that happens we'll have a long string of corporate owned politicians like Obama, Bush and Romney.
I would assume you place Unions in your remarks? After all? Aren't Unions Corporations unto themselves?
We’re on the verge of a sad anniversary. Two years ago Saturday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Citizens United v. FEC that corporations have the same First Amendment rights as people. Bernie thinks the ruling was absurd. He has called it a threat to American democracy.

His answer is to make it crystal clear in the Constitution that corporations are not people, through his Saving American Democracy Amendment.

While corporations already are funneling untold millions in secret cash into Super PACS to sway this year’s elections, real people all across America are speaking out today against this horrendous ruling. They are gathering everywhere from the marble plaza outside the Supreme Court to city halls and statehouses throughout the country.

* Read Bernie’s column in The Guardian
We must stop this corporate takeover of American democracy - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

* Read Bernie’s column in U.S. News & World Report
Overturn Citizens United | Debate Club | US News Opinion

* Petition: Show your support for the Saving American Democracy Amendment
Petition - A Petition to Support the Saving American Democracy Amendment : Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

* What do you think? Was the court right or wrong. Take the poll
Polls: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

As long as unions and organizations like the DNC and RNC are included I'm fine with stripping the person label from corporations.

CU v. FEC allows for ANONYMOUS & UNLIMITED money to influence voters. Unions clearly have an agenda and political ads by unions make it clear that the money comes from the union; this is true for the DNC and RNC.

I have no problem if the Koch Brothers place ads on TV and Radio as long as the ad identifies them with the same clarity in which their message is cast. The fact that CU v. FEC allows for anonymity ought to concern all of us, too bad posters like SP are so partisan they are blinded to the threat anonymous and unlimited 'donations' to our democratic institutions.

The issue is not about freedom of speech; anyone who believes that canard is a fool (as in you can fool some of the people all of the time). A shoutout to the T.
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Let's have public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue and practice democracy!

For Hire: Lobbyists or the 99%

These 30 corporations spent more money lobbying in Washington, D.C. from 2008 to 2010 than they did on taxes during the same time. They are paying lavish bonuses to their CEOs, the executives are filling the campaign coffers of candidates, and they're getting tax rebates. What about the 99%?

Check out the report:

Home | Public Campaign

Bribery of elected officials and bribed officials = the most stinky of all bribery!

Election reform and the requisite reforming/perfection of the Constitution should be the #1 agenda item for the government.

Not surprisingly; nobody in government is talking about it.

Publicly financed elections would be great.
Making the congressional districts non contiguous and assigning legislators via some lottery system would be even better.

It is over due. Taking special interest money from the election process and reduce spending at the same time.
If we want our elections to mean something, then we have to ban corporations and foreigners from donating to any political cause.

Until that happens we'll have a long string of corporate owned politicians like Obama, Bush and Romney.
I would assume you place Unions in your remarks? After all? Aren't Unions Corporations unto themselves?

Corporation: A group of people working toward a common goal.

Union: A group of people working toward a common goal.

Yeah. Completely different.
public campaign finance is the only way to allow democracy. if you insist otherwise, you are mistaken. tax money that goes to campaigns will be negligible compared to the budgets for all other government operations, so that is a poor argument against public campaign finance. If it is the principle of paying taxes for campaigns that bothers you, what about the principle of letting private financial interest control your democracy instead of you.

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