Corp is created, gives Mitt 1mil, then disolves

So guys are you happy that this money is now going to be so easy to hide?
yeap me and the founders agree no religion should run our government.
So guys are you happy that this money is now going to be so easy to hide?

Not overly concerned. I am sure you will make sure it is not hidden.
SO all is good.

Your thoughts on Obama getting millions in donations from those that have wealth, but no longer have taxable income?
yeap I guess me and the founders are bigots under your definition of the word
TM is a bigot...who knew?

The ONLY way we are ever going to fix what is wrong with our government is by throwing the money changers...oops, I mean lobbyists out.

Public financing of elections is the solution. No corporate or special interest money allowed AT ALL, period.

wow... we agree on something. Who'd have thunked it? ;)
I like the founders know that religion and Government has been horrible for any people living under neath it.
So you disagree with me and the founders about religion being bad for government?

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