Corals Recover...Imagine that.


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2012
Earlier this year, the usual suspects were making posts about a catastrophic coral bleaching event involving the Great Barrier Reef. It was just one more opportunity for what we call scientists to demonstrate that their education is profoundly lacking and that the press and alarmists are just as clueless and willing to spout any sort of nonsense so long as it supports the CAGW narrative.

Lets revisit some of the comments that were made, both by "scientists" and the alarmist wack jobs on this board.

This thread was started by coyote: Two Thirds of the Great Barrier Reef Bleached

Prof Terry Hughes, who led the surveys, said the length of time coral needed to recover – about 10 years for fast-growing types – raised serious concerns about the increasing frequency of mass bleaching events.

Here is a good one....

I said: "And when the reef is recovered in a year or will be something else and something else and something many times do the envirowackos get to cry wolf before you weenies wake up to the fact that you are being played?"

To which old rocks replied: "SSo DDumb, ever hear of links? Or do you realize that you are so full of shit that there are no credible links for your nonsense."

Clearly rocks is the one who is so full of shit that it is running out of his ears.

This thread was started by crick:
95% of Great Barrier Reef, norther section, bleached

This one is a classic posted by sealyboo
"These same people want to ban abortion and stop providing birth control to the masses as if they want the population to increase not decrease.

I hope poor people have no kids or fewer. I hope middle class people have fewer kids. I hope poor Indians Africans and Arabs stop having so many kids. We are a parasite on this planet. The Pacific ocean is a toilet bowl."

This is what rolling thunder had to say regarding the level headed skeptics who had the nerve to say it has all happened before

" This thread is a classic example of their efforts and success in taking the debate way off-topic from the information about the increasing pace of coral bleaching and die-offs that was brought up in the OP, and derailing the OP topic into random irrelevant nonsense."

Here is crick chiming to defend pseudoscience everywhere:

"All of us on the side of normal intelligence and mainstream science have repeated over and over again that the problem isn't the absolute CO2 levels, the absolute temperatures or the absolute pH values to be reached, but the RATE at which they are changing. I've explained that over and over again. Mamooth, Rolling Thunder, Old Rocks, Isaac Newton and virtually every non-denier to visit this board has explained it REPEATEDLY. And yet, when I made a comment obliquely referencing the point, I get astonished queries that tells us that our readers H A V E - N O T - G O T - I T."

Here is a thread started by one of our new wack jobs...sciencerocks.

Great Barrier Reef scientists confirm largest die-off of corals recorded

Here is crick: Due to global warming.

Again...crick chimes in on science...

"Laboratory studies have long ago clearly shown at what temperatures corals thrive and at what temperatures corals die. Guess what dipwad?"

Guess what crick...your pseudoscience is quite wrong...AGAIN...

And I could go on and on and on...thread after thread proclaiming doom...and even extinction...skeptics pointing out that corals evolved when temperatures were much warmer and that the reef would recover in a year or so...wakos completely ignoring the facts in favor of alarmism...well...guess what? hasn't even been a year and pseudoscientists are "surprised" at how fast the reef is recovering while actual scientists and those of us who bother to look at the facts aren't in the least bit surprised that the coral is recovering...we said as much when the doomsayers were lamenting the modeled warming that never happened.

Great Barrier Reef shows signs of recovery after coral bleaching

Scientists surprised that reef that survived the hotter holocene is already recovering from 2016 bleaching « JoNova

Aussie Coral Reef Rises from the Dead

How climate scientists mislead the world about the Great Barrier Reef
Here is some more foolishness on corals from our residident alarmists...

old rocks says: Coral Bleaching Revisited

The unprecedented destruction brought leading reef scientist Terry Hughes, who runs the ARC Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, to tears.

We’ve never seen anything like this scale of bleaching before. In the northern Great Barrier Reef, it’s like 10 cyclones have come ashore all at once,” Hughes said in a press release.

Unprecedented destruction...what a laugh...we know that the oceans in that part of the world have been considerably warmer than they are at present for most of the past 10,000 years and yet, the devastation by the fraction of a degree of warming that we have seen is unprecedented...either old rocks and his sources are bald faced liars or they don't have the first inkling of what the past has told us regarding the climate of the earth...and the creatures that live here.

Crick posts some pseudoscientific evidence that elevated temperatures cause bleaching here “Climate Change in Your Face” — Great Barrier Reef Suffers Second Consecutive Mass Bleaching as Pote While completely ignoring the fact that the oceans have been warmer than the present for most of the past 10,000 years and yet, the corals are still here

More from crick

Bottom line: a government agency that very likely has very strong reasons to want to minimize such news (ie, tourist dollars) says it's okay because they believe that only 25% of the world's largest reef will turn out to be permanently dead. Gosh, am I reassured.

Sorry crick..not permanently dead...not even close..the ocean temps today are cooler than they have been for most of the past 10K years...if they weren't already dead, then the small bit of temperature rise we have seen isn't going to kill them...they evolved in waters far warmer than the present.

A cursory look finds statement after statement after statement from the alarmists on this board preaching among other things, extinction from the fraction of a degree of warming that we have seen in our life times...are they deliberate liars or just f'ing uninformed to a degree that is astounding in the information age?
SSo DDumb once again resorts to lying rightwingnut blogs to support a lie. Where there have been some early signs of recovery, the worry is that another event will wipe that out. We are expected to believe the maunderings of some loon stating that the scientists are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. LOL
SSo DDumb once again resorts to lying rightwingnut blogs to support a lie. Where there have been some early signs of recovery, the worry is that another event will wipe that out. We are expected to believe the maunderings of some loon stating that the scientists are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. LOL

Is there a number of times you are willing to be wrong in an effort to defend your pseudoscientific religion, or are you perfectly willing to be wrong on everything for the rest of your life?
SSo DDumb once again resorts to lying rightwingnut blogs to support a lie. Where there have been some early signs of recovery, the worry is that another event will wipe that out. We are expected to believe the maunderings of some loon stating that the scientists are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. LOL

And yet the physical evidence shows a greater than 85% recovery in less than 6 months... And your proof is what again?
SSo DDumb once again resorts to lying rightwingnut blogs to support a lie. Where there have been some early signs of recovery, the worry is that another event will wipe that out. We are expected to believe the maunderings of some loon stating that the scientists are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. LOL

And yet the physical evidence shows a greater than 85% recovery in less than 6 months... And your proof is what again?

He don't need no steenking proof...he has a fake consensus...The evidence shows that they disregard every thing except that which can be spun to support their narrative.
Go twiddle you smart photons, SSo DDumb. What we are observing is warming events that are outpacing the corals ability to recover. That you will lie about that is a given.
Go twiddle you smart photons, SSo DDumb. What we are observing is warming events that are outpacing the corals ability to recover. That you will lie about that is a given.

And yet the real, actual observed data says that your computer models are full of crap. Who knew! We did that's who!

You....not so much.
Corals most important for building reefs are now in sharp decline
April 22, 2016

A new study has found that the very corals responsible for establishing today's reefs are now some of the most threatened coral species due to climate change and other human-made stressors.

Professor John Pandolfi from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (Coral CoE) at the University of Queensland (UQ) says the fast-growing, reef-building, branching Acropora, or 'staghorn', corals are responsible for the vast amount of modern reef growth. Although they have been around for at least 50 million years, these corals are now experiencing sharp declines in abundance worldwide.

"Acropora became a dominant reef builder about 1.8 million years ago," Professor Pandolfi says. "And coral reefs have been so successful ever since then due in part to its ascendance--indeed, reefs grow most rapidly when staghorns are the dominant reef-building corals."

The international study published today examined global historical sea-level data, as well as global coral occurrence data--including fossil records--dating back to more than 60 million years ago.

Mr. Westwall continues to state that studies done on actual corals are computer models. He is no better than Silly Billy when it comes to being a liar.
Corals most important for building reefs are now in sharp decline
April 22, 2016

A new study has found that the very corals responsible for establishing today's reefs are now some of the most threatened coral species due to climate change and other human-made stressors.

Professor John Pandolfi from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (Coral CoE) at the University of Queensland (UQ) says the fast-growing, reef-building, branching Acropora, or 'staghorn', corals are responsible for the vast amount of modern reef growth. Although they have been around for at least 50 million years, these corals are now experiencing sharp declines in abundance worldwide.

"Acropora became a dominant reef builder about 1.8 million years ago," Professor Pandolfi says. "And coral reefs have been so successful ever since then due in part to its ascendance--indeed, reefs grow most rapidly when staghorns are the dominant reef-building corals."

The international study published today examined global historical sea-level data, as well as global coral occurrence data--including fossil records--dating back to more than 60 million years ago.

Mr. Westwall continues to state that studies done on actual corals are computer models. He is no better than Silly Billy when it comes to being a liar.

Ummm, this is 2017, nimrod.
SSo DDumb once again resorts to lying rightwingnut blogs to support a lie. Where there have been some early signs of recovery, the worry is that another event will wipe that out. We are expected to believe the maunderings of some loon stating that the scientists are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. LOL

The recovering coral is a denier, no other scientific explanation fits the fact pattern
SSo DDumb once again resorts to lying rightwingnut blogs to support a lie. Where there have been some early signs of recovery, the worry is that another event will wipe that out. We are expected to believe the maunderings of some loon stating that the scientists are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. LOL

The recovering coral is a denier, no other scientific explanation fits the fact pattern

Interesting to watch them cling to the dogma even as it disintegrates...
Go twiddle you smart photons, SSo DDumb. What we are observing is warming events that are outpacing the corals ability to recover. That you will lie about that is a given.

Memory problems rocks? Smart photons are your invention....due to your inability to grasp that they don't have to be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics... I suppose living in such a small box severely curtails your critical thinking skills so you have to come up with some explanation that makes sense to you. And alas rocks...we all...even you...know that it is you who is the bald faced lying liberal whore.
This thread makes my day!


Go twiddle you smart photons, SSo DDumb. What we are observing is warming events that are outpacing the corals ability to recover. That you will lie about that is a given.

Memory problems rocks? Smart photons are your invention....due to your inability to grasp that they don't have to be intelligent in order to obey the laws of physics... I suppose living in such a small box severely curtails your critical thinking skills so you have to come up with some explanation that makes sense to you. And alas rocks...we all...even you...know that it is you who is the bald faced lying liberal whore.
Theres no scientific explanation for the Suns corona, for how something as gigantic as the Moon is in orbit around Earth, or why the Earth still has an active magnetic field, but bleached corals, yeah, science=settled

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