Cops, Ever The Assholes, Again


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I support the police, I try to believe in and trust them, but how do you mistake an 87 year old woman who does not understand English out in her yard cutting dandelions, and end up taser her within an inch of her life? Where is the fucking training? Dumb assholes with a license to kill you for any slip in their reasoning that will be excused 99.9% of the time because no one wants the job anymore.

Cop Used Taser on 87-Year-Old Woman Who Was Just Cutting Dandelions, Says Family
I support the police, I try to believe in and trust them, but how do you mistake an 87 year old woman who does not understand English out in her yard cutting dandelions, and end up taser her within an inch of her life? Where is the fucking training? Dumb assholes with a license to kill you for any slip in their reasoning that will be excused 99.9% of the time because no one wants the job anymore.

Cop Used Taser on 87-Year-Old Woman Who Was Just Cutting Dandelions, Says Family

Not entirely accurate, she was trespassing on property that didn't belong to her.

Another source gives some more details.

"Etheridge (the officer involved) responded along with two other officers Friday after an employee of a local Boys and Girls Club called 911 to report a woman with a knife was walking outside and would not leave."

So, she's walking around the property either on, or right outside the local Boys and Girls Club, and refuses to leave. The police don't know whether she is mentally unstable. With hindsight we understand that it was all due to a language barrier, but the police don't know that.

The article says she is fine. That she was under some stress and had trouble sleeping. Would she have less stress and be fine having three officers physically subdue her and pry the knife from her hand?

We can't judge the actions with benefit of knowing the outcome and use that knowledge to condemn the police.

For all these police knew, this was a Holocaust survivor with dementia reliving Auschwitz 1943, seeing them as Nazi SS Officers.

Police can't assume the best, they must assume the worst every day if they plan on going home that night.

Sad this happened the way it did...but she was trespassing on private property with a knife. The police didn't have much choice. They did all they could, including the officer playing charades, putting his own knife on the ground and pointing at her knife and then the ground.
I once watched a 67yr old guy get shot with a stun gun after being brought into our ER.
That dumbass cop was quickly banished from the hospital and eventually fired.
Her minders should have explained the dangers of walking around with a knife in your hand.
Not entirely accurate, she was trespassing on property that didn't belong to her.

Another source gives some more details.

My article gave all that information. Trespassing? That justifies assault? She was walking around an empty field behind some clubhouse, apparently picking dandelions. To old timers, both the leaves and roots of dandelion make both good salads and good herbal tonic. Lots of minerals.

Had no choice? You're kidding me right? Did this old woman make any threatening moves? No. Whether deaf, dementia, or not speaking english, the day I can't take down an old woman without tasing her, by merely walking up to her with a stick or a club and knocking the knife out of her hands or tackling her, or making her understand through gestures to drop the knife, I better retire my worthless ass. I mean, this woman wasn't even TRYING to hurt anyone, she had no ill intentions, she simply didn't know what was going on! And still this young cop couldn't wrest control of the situation without tasing her? C'mon.

I hope they sue the cops ass. I know they will throw it out saying he had just cause because we live in a PUSSY-WORLD now, but in a real non-PC world, any police force worth their real salt would be embarrassed to admit they couldn't control a docile old woman without stunning her. 40 years ago, this would have been an appalling story, just a hint of how far we've sunk as a society.

Police come to protect the public? They can't even control an old woman picking weeds. Most cops it appears are worthless now, all they got is their gun and a license to shoot anyone for most any reason, so they don't need too much training or skill in dealing with people.
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Her minders should have explained the dangers of walking around with a knife in your hand.

You're probably right. Thing is that apparently people there all knew this woman. The one lady knew her well. Thing is the person calling the police is your typical fear-ridden person now------ see something you don't understand, just call the cops. Don't just deal with it yourself. That's what they tell you, then how often does it go way bad after that. I had a neighbor once who kept walking his dog in my yard and leaving turds and I called the cops, and the police chief told me to go handle it myself. Go out in the snow and ice just after back surgery and walk up the street with nowhere to even get off the road, risk falling and getting hit, climb a flight of steps and knock on someone's door and hope they didn't assault me or accuse me of starting trouble. Years before that, I did exactly that, I had a neighbor who kept blocking me parking illegally so I went and knocked on their door to ask them to move and they came out and assaulted me. And the judge let him off. Said it was "my fault" for going to their door.

Cops are there for one thing: to enforce laws and hand out tickets, 9 out of 10 don't give a shit about you and if you're dumb enough to think they will protect you or your property if broken into or attacked, you deserve what you get if you are not armed and ready to defend yourself.
My article gave all that information. Trespassing? That justifies assault? She was walking around an empty field behind some clubhouse, apparently picking dandelions. To old timers, both the leaves and roots of dandelion make both good salads and good herbal tonic. Lots of minerals.

Had no choice? You're kidding me right? Did this old woman make any threatening moves? No. Whether deaf, dementia, or not speaking english, the day I can't take down an old woman without tasing her, by merely walking up to her with a stick or a club and knocking the knife out of her hands or tackling her, or making her understand through gestures to drop the knife, I better retire my worthless ass. I mean, this woman wasn't even TRYING to hurt anyone, she had no ill intentions, she simply didn't know what was going on! And still this young cop couldn't wrest control of the situation without tasing her? C'mon.

I hope they sue the cops ass. I know they will throw it out saying he had just cause because we live in a PUSSY-WORLD now, but in a real non-PC world, any police force worth their real salt would be embarrassed to admit they couldn't control a docile old woman without stunning her.

Trespassing is trespassing.

Boys and Girls Club isn't an "old clubhouse".

BGCA - Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Taking her down with physical force or "hitting her with a club" would likely cause more injury than the taser. Old folks bones break more easily, and heal much more slowly. She wasn't physically injured at all. That's a win.

You, with hindsight, believe everything would have turned out fine. The cops don't have precognition...they have to assume the worst.

And I really don't see what you are upset about. The old woman is safe. She isn't injured. The cops are safe. It was all innocent, but she was trespassing, asked to leave and refused...all while technically armed with a dangerous weapon.

And it's not like elderly women don't kill people. Just over a month ago, a 92 year old woman murdered her son.

92-year-old woman allegedly kills son for 'putting her in home'

And two weeks ago a 73 year old woman stabbed her husband to death.

Woman, 73, charged in homicide of her 85-year-old husband | CBC News
My article gave all that information. Trespassing? That justifies assault? She was walking around an empty field behind some clubhouse, apparently picking dandelions. To old timers, both the leaves and roots of dandelion make both good salads and good herbal tonic. Lots of minerals.

Had no choice? You're kidding me right? Did this old woman make any threatening moves? No. Whether deaf, dementia, or not speaking english, the day I can't take down an old woman without tasing her, by merely walking up to her with a stick or a club and knocking the knife out of her hands or tackling her, or making her understand through gestures to drop the knife, I better retire my worthless ass. I mean, this woman wasn't even TRYING to hurt anyone, she had no ill intentions, she simply didn't know what was going on! And still this young cop couldn't wrest control of the situation without tasing her? C'mon.

I hope they sue the cops ass. I know they will throw it out saying he had just cause because we live in a PUSSY-WORLD now, but in a real non-PC world, any police force worth their real salt would be embarrassed to admit they couldn't control a docile old woman without stunning her.

Taking her down with physical force or "hitting her with a club" would likely cause more injury than the taser.

You just knock the knife out of her hands or use the club to keep your distance from her. I didn't say to go ape on her.

The old woman is safe. She isn't injured.

Lucky. The stun gun could have given her a seizure or heart attack. Let me stun you and see how you like it.

The cops are safe.

The cops are always safe. Even when they murder someone for carrying a cell phone.

And it's not like elderly women don't kill people.

I guess it comes down to knowing how to read people. Developing instincts. Used to be a common thing. Now when you say that people act like you're asking for the Moon. It's not Mayberry RFD anymore, and the police are often as much a threat now as the real crooks. Even if they don't mean to be. Under-trained, fearful, trigger-happy and inexperienced.
I support the police, I try to believe in and trust them, but how do you mistake an 87 year old woman who does not understand English out in her yard cutting dandelions, and end up taser her within an inch of her life? Where is the fucking training? Dumb assholes with a license to kill you for any slip in their reasoning that will be excused 99.9% of the time because no one wants the job anymore.

Cop Used Taser on 87-Year-Old Woman Who Was Just Cutting Dandelions, Says Family
Meanwhile the other 900,000 cops in the US didn't use their tazers.
My article gave all that information. Trespassing? That justifies assault? She was walking around an empty field behind some clubhouse, apparently picking dandelions. To old timers, both the leaves and roots of dandelion make both good salads and good herbal tonic. Lots of minerals.

Had no choice? You're kidding me right? Did this old woman make any threatening moves? No. Whether deaf, dementia, or not speaking english, the day I can't take down an old woman without tasing her, by merely walking up to her with a stick or a club and knocking the knife out of her hands or tackling her, or making her understand through gestures to drop the knife, I better retire my worthless ass. I mean, this woman wasn't even TRYING to hurt anyone, she had no ill intentions, she simply didn't know what was going on! And still this young cop couldn't wrest control of the situation without tasing her? C'mon.

I hope they sue the cops ass. I know they will throw it out saying he had just cause because we live in a PUSSY-WORLD now, but in a real non-PC world, any police force worth their real salt would be embarrassed to admit they couldn't control a docile old woman without stunning her.

Taking her down with physical force or "hitting her with a club" would likely cause more injury than the taser.

You just knock the knife out of her hands or use the club to keep your distance from her. I didn't say to go ape on her.

The old woman is safe. She isn't injured.

Lucky. The stun gun could have given her a seizure or heart attack. Let me stun you and see how you like it.

The cops are safe.

The cops are always safe. Even when they murder someone for carrying a cell phone.

And it's not like elderly women don't kill people.

I guess it comes down to knowing how to read people. Developing instincts. Used to be a common thing. Now when you say that people act like you're asking for the Moon. It's not Mayberry RFD anymore, and the police are often as much a threat now as the real crooks. Even if they don't mean to be. Under-trained, fearful, trigger-happy and inexperienced.

I've been both Tased and stunned in stun drive mode.

Cops aren't machines, they can't be expected to "read people" perfectly, or handle every situation perfectly.

You say "she could have had a seizure or a heart attack"? The chances of that are about the same as that she was a dementia addled possible murderer. It's a risk both ways...but the cops are there because they have to be there...they were called. The woman is there because she was breaking the law. That's a big difference.
My article gave all that information. Trespassing? That justifies assault? She was walking around an empty field behind some clubhouse, apparently picking dandelions. To old timers, both the leaves and roots of dandelion make both good salads and good herbal tonic. Lots of minerals.

Had no choice? You're kidding me right? Did this old woman make any threatening moves? No. Whether deaf, dementia, or not speaking english, the day I can't take down an old woman without tasing her, by merely walking up to her with a stick or a club and knocking the knife out of her hands or tackling her, or making her understand through gestures to drop the knife, I better retire my worthless ass. I mean, this woman wasn't even TRYING to hurt anyone, she had no ill intentions, she simply didn't know what was going on! And still this young cop couldn't wrest control of the situation without tasing her? C'mon.

I hope they sue the cops ass. I know they will throw it out saying he had just cause because we live in a PUSSY-WORLD now, but in a real non-PC world, any police force worth their real salt would be embarrassed to admit they couldn't control a docile old woman without stunning her.

Taking her down with physical force or "hitting her with a club" would likely cause more injury than the taser.

You just knock the knife out of her hands or use the club to keep your distance from her. I didn't say to go ape on her.

The old woman is safe. She isn't injured.

Lucky. The stun gun could have given her a seizure or heart attack. Let me stun you and see how you like it.

The cops are safe.

The cops are always safe. Even when they murder someone for carrying a cell phone.

And it's not like elderly women don't kill people.

I guess it comes down to knowing how to read people. Developing instincts. Used to be a common thing. Now when you say that people act like you're asking for the Moon. It's not Mayberry RFD anymore, and the police are often as much a threat now as the real crooks. Even if they don't mean to be. Under-trained, fearful, trigger-happy and inexperienced.

The woman is there because she was breaking the law..

??? What law was she breaking? Has she been charged, ticketed or arrested? The police were called because the old woman had a knife, not because she was trespassing. She just walked next door into an empty, unattended yard of grass and weeds. Had the idiot neighbor observed her longer, she would have seen she was just picking weeds. Fear trumps common sense.
3 cops vs one 87 year old woman, and they had to tase her? Nuh-uh, I ain't buying that. Guess it would depend on just how alert and active this woman was, but was she really that much of a threat? I think they coulda stood back and let her go about her business. If she makes a threatening move towards anybody then it's a different story, but I don't see where immediate action was necessary. At that age she ain't going to be out there that long, she had to be living somewhere close by. So start knocking on doors, anybody know who she is and where she lives? I think she has a good lawsuit case against the police dept. I'm not normally one for lawsuits, but sometimes they can serve a purpose.

Added: “She’s old so she can’t get around too well, but” the caller can be heard saying on the 911 recording. “Looks like she’s walking around looking for something, like, vegetation to cut down or something. There’s a bag, too.”

Seriously? You gotta tase somebody like this? I think the cops screwed the pooch on this one.
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My article gave all that information. Trespassing? That justifies assault? She was walking around an empty field behind some clubhouse, apparently picking dandelions. To old timers, both the leaves and roots of dandelion make both good salads and good herbal tonic. Lots of minerals.

Had no choice? You're kidding me right? Did this old woman make any threatening moves? No. Whether deaf, dementia, or not speaking english, the day I can't take down an old woman without tasing her, by merely walking up to her with a stick or a club and knocking the knife out of her hands or tackling her, or making her understand through gestures to drop the knife, I better retire my worthless ass. I mean, this woman wasn't even TRYING to hurt anyone, she had no ill intentions, she simply didn't know what was going on! And still this young cop couldn't wrest control of the situation without tasing her? C'mon.

I hope they sue the cops ass. I know they will throw it out saying he had just cause because we live in a PUSSY-WORLD now, but in a real non-PC world, any police force worth their real salt would be embarrassed to admit they couldn't control a docile old woman without stunning her.

Taking her down with physical force or "hitting her with a club" would likely cause more injury than the taser.

You just knock the knife out of her hands or use the club to keep your distance from her. I didn't say to go ape on her.

The old woman is safe. She isn't injured.

Lucky. The stun gun could have given her a seizure or heart attack. Let me stun you and see how you like it.

The cops are safe.

The cops are always safe. Even when they murder someone for carrying a cell phone.

And it's not like elderly women don't kill people.

I guess it comes down to knowing how to read people. Developing instincts. Used to be a common thing. Now when you say that people act like you're asking for the Moon. It's not Mayberry RFD anymore, and the police are often as much a threat now as the real crooks. Even if they don't mean to be. Under-trained, fearful, trigger-happy and inexperienced.

The woman is there because she was breaking the law..

??? What law was she breaking? Has she been charged, ticketed or arrested? The police were called because the old woman had a knife, not because she was trespassing. She just walked next door into an empty, unattended yard of grass and weeds. Had the idiot neighbor observed her longer, she would have seen she was just picking weeds. Fear trumps common sense.

More like stupiditiy trumps common sense if you ask me.
3 cops vs one 87 year old woman, and they had to tase her? Nuh-uh, I ain't buying that.

In my world, that is the very definition of being a CANDY ASS. These police going to protect the community? I think NOT. I'll take a REAL COP with a S&W any day over these three dressed up suits wearing a bunch of high-tech fancy crap. I'm sorry, but the police have become a joke (much like NFL football where they give you a 15 yard penalty now for tackling a receiver). Football players can't play football and now thanks to PC, police can't police anymore. They merely "respond."
??? What law was she breaking? Has she been charged, ticketed or arrested? The police were called because the old woman had a knife, not because she was trespassing. She just walked next door into an empty, unattended yard of grass and weeds. Had the idiot neighbor observed her longer, she would have seen she was just picking weeds. Fear trumps common sense.

I told you the other article had more information...

The police were called because she was trespassing, had a knife, and refused to leave...

Etheridge responded along with two other officers Friday after an employee of a local Boys and Girls Club called 911 to report a woman with a knife was walking outside and would not leave.

She was charge...

Martha Al-Bishara was charged with criminal trespass and obstructing an officer Friday, when police held her at gunpoint before bringing her to the ground with a jolt from the electrified prongs of a stun gun.


It wasn't an "empty unattended yard of weeds and grass", it was the fenced property of the Boys and Girls Club across the street from the woman's property, not adjacent...

He said they got a call about an elderly woman with a knife at a Boys and Girls Club.

The lot was accessible because there was only a partial fence.

the day I can't take down an old woman without tasing her, by merely walking up to her with a stick or a club and knocking the knife out of her hands or tackling her, or making her understand through gestures to drop the knife, I better retire my worthless ass.

You encounter a lot of knife-weilding old ladies over the course of a day do you?

Perhaps you should teach courses.
??? What law was she breaking? Has she been charged, ticketed or arrested? The police were called because the old woman had a knife, not because she was trespassing. She just walked next door into an empty, unattended yard of grass and weeds. Had the idiot neighbor observed her longer, she would have seen she was just picking weeds. Fear trumps common sense.

I told you the other article had more information...

The police were called because she was trespassing, had a knife, and refused to leave...

Etheridge responded along with two other officers Friday after an employee of a local Boys and Girls Club called 911 to report a woman with a knife was walking outside and would not leave.

She was charge...

Martha Al-Bishara was charged with criminal trespass and obstructing an officer Friday, when police held her at gunpoint before bringing her to the ground with a jolt from the electrified prongs of a stun gun.


It wasn't an "empty unattended yard of weeds and grass", it was the fenced property of the Boys and Girls Club across the street from the woman's property, not adjacent...

He said they got a call about an elderly woman with a knife at a Boys and Girls Club.

The lot was accessible because there was only a partial fence.

Aw c'mon now Missourian, it's August and it's in Georgia and she's 87 years old. Of course she's gonna leave, she's gonna have to or fall down pretty soon. All the cops had to do was wait her out. And criminal trespass? Really? Cutting dandelion greens is criminal trespass these days? Stupid and unnecessary.

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