Cops cofiscate cameras at a town hall meeting

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
Here we go folks. The fucking police state in action. i guess any violation of our rights is permitted as long as some idiot politician sics his dogs (pigs) on the public under the false pretense of security.

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It doesn't matter what party the guy belongs to.

What matters is the fucking cops being used as Gestapo to wantonly violate our rights.
It doesn't matter what party the guy belongs to.

What matters is the fucking cops being used as Gestapo to wantonly violate our rights.


It's total bullshit.

It's also total bullshit when cops try to take cameras from civilians recording them doing their job.

Dem/Rep, Union/non-Union it's crap.
It doesn't matter what party the guy belongs to.

What matters is the fucking cops being used as Gestapo to wantonly violate our rights.

They were probably off duty police working for Chabot's campaign. This isn't really unusual, using the police to enforce control at public events.

In this case though it was extremely stupid.
Are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way?

Seems like that Gestapo pig has been watching too many episodes of COPS on the idiot box.
That cop and any of his superiors who supported this action, need to be fired immediately.

It's really that simple.

If one is that clueless about the rights of citizens, one ought not be a cop.
I'm a former cop, and this makes me sick. That is NOT what the role of cops should be. Shutting down lemonade stands and taking free citizen's cameras? Any LEO's out there, think hard about your oath, this shit is NOT what it is for.

We used to have a saying in my unit: "A good cop should feel a bit uncomfortable about his power, but be willing to responsibly use it if necessary."

Shutting down kids lemonade stands and pulling shit like this does not fit that.
The day is close. If you're stupid enough to be a cop, wear the badge to your death.Once people wake up they'll get rid of the problems.

Fuck off douche bag. You're hinting at violence towards cops. THAT is not the answer. Getting stupid ass politicians out of office is the answer. And good cops rooting out bad ones is the answer.
This is your country on liberalism. Get everyone to fight with each other.

Sad humans can be so easily manipulated.

Welcome to Darwinism.
This is your country on liberalism. Get everyone to fight with each other.

Sad humans can be so easily manipulated.

Welcome to Darwinism.

First you blame unions.

Then it's unions and Democrats.

You then offer a weak backpedal when slapped with the fact that this was a GOP Congressman's town hall.

Now here you are again a short while later bangin' the "blame the left" drum as if none of that just happened.

You're a real trip, dude.
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It doesn't matter what party the guy belongs to.

What matters is the fucking cops being used as Gestapo to wantonly violate our rights.
It doesn't matter what Party only when it's a Republican, then it's "the government." But let it be a Democrat and it is an indictment of Democrats, Lberals and Unions everywhere.

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