Cop who arrested black scholar is profiling expert


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Cop who arrested black scholar is profiling expert


Cambridge Sgt. James Crowley has taught a class about racial profiling for five years at the Lowell Police Academy after being hand-picked for the job by former police Commissioner Ronny Watson, who is black, said Academy Director Thomas Fleming.

"I have nothing but the highest respect for him as a police officer. He is very professional and he is a good role model for the young recruits in the police academy," Fleming told The Associated Press on Thursday.

people are going to find out that many jumped to incorrect conclusions about what happened based solely on race emotions rather than facts....obama really made an ass out of himself today
Gates is a nationally recognized expert on racism. Looks like both failed in spite of their educations.
Gates is a nationally recognized expert on racism. Looks like both failed in spite of their educations.

So now you DO think Crowley was being racist huh? What changed your mind?
Nope. Never said he was racist. I have no idea if he is or isn't. He was out of line arresting a guy because his widdle feewings were hurt.
But doesn't that just mean he knows how to do it and get away with it? :D

no! it shoots down that "one on one education" the rabid professor from Harvard offered him.. Maybe the Police Officer could teach Mr. Harvard something..
If the press were not so blind and PC they would now be announcing that the professor is so full of shit as to smell for 50 miles. He picked the wrong cop to claim was racist.
If the press were not so blind and PC they would now be announcing that the professor is so full of shit as to smell for 50 miles. He picked the wrong cop to claim was racist.
Maybe the cop picked the wrong guy to harrass?
Walk a mile in this Civil Servants shoes. You are on patrol and receive an urgent order to investigate a possible B&E as was called in by a concerned citizen who was actually witnessing two men attempting to enter his neighbors house...without a key, as the all intelligent Harvard Proof had misplaced his keys. You roll up on the scene not knowing what to expect by the information that is made available. Upon arriving at the home.....the door has clearly been opened by use of force. You identify yourself as a police office and ask the resident of the house to produce an explanation and the proper ID. The owner goes ballistic and begins insulting you. How would you handle the situation? Clearly the police officer could not have been to insulting as the home owner was allowed to call this officer's superior and call in a political favor and threaten to have his job because of his political connections with the president.

In my opinion the police officer was merely using the proper procedure as one does not know what to expect in these circumstances...and ONE mistake is usually YOUR LAST in this line of work. This all could have been avoided by the simple cooperation of the home owner. Instead of being grateful for the police being altered about a possible breaking and entering at his residence as reported by one of his concerned neighbors.....He begins to play the race card...seeking publicity.

Regardless..... 'barry' only made things worse by even addressing the incident.....he's supposed to be the commander in chief, who's job description does not include fielding political favors concerning race, religion, creed or gender in relation to a local police matter.
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