Conversing with a Bush Hater

Max Power said:
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids.
Read up. All you need is a simple majority in both houses, and the Pres's signature.!

WEll, now we know the problem, THATS THE BOOK YOU READ? HAHAHHAHA

Max Power said:
Economy grew in the mid-late 90's, without tax cuts. Therefore, tax cuts don't create a growing economy.
Besides, tax cuts are meaningless when government spending increases. It's called "borrowing money."!

Uh, and logic 101, there is ONLY ONE way to make the economy grow? wow are you a real idiot, no, seriously,,,no kidding around, just an idiot. Yep, if we can make the economy grow without tax cuts, THATS PROOF TAX CUTS WONT MAKE THE ECONOMY GROW,

Max Power said:
Someone get this chick some Prozac!

Since Im not a chick, dont think I need any prozac,,besides, prozac is so,,,,ten minutes ago, get with it dude., or should I call you a dudette?
Max Power said:
You are right about Clinton on the borders.

But the rest of your post is laughably incorrect.
Government spending hasn't passed Clinton's peak?
Just look at that graph. He BLEW past Clinton's peak. Increased it by, what, 30%? And that's just his first term. His second term isn't very pretty either, if you consider that recent transportation bill and Katrina.

Okay, Clinton cut the deficit by dismanting our military. That's true, but it actually began in 1991, under president George Bush.

Where do you get your information? Seriously... there is NO comparison of Bush to any other president in terms of spending. He puts them ALL to shame.
Bush is the #1 biggest spending president of ALL time.

"All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills."

Everybody in the majority is responsible. And most responsible of all are 70 years of lying Democrats convincing the citizens of this nation that A. They are dependent on the Federal Government to ensure their livelihood. B. All Federal expenditures are manna from heaven which actually costs no person any money at all except of course "the rich"..
ThomasPaine said:
"All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills."

Everybody in the majority is responsible. And most responsible of all are 70 years of lying Democrats convincing the citizens of this nation that A. They are dependent on the Federal Government to ensure their livelihood. B. All Federal expenditures are manna from heaven which actually costs no person any money at all except of course "the rich"..

The Democrats are somehow most responsible, yet the Republicans have had total control for what, 5 years now, and have done significantly worse.


FWIW, all the Democratic presidents who presided over that Democratic Congress managed to exercise their vetos. Bush is the first since John Quincy Adams to last a full term w/o issuing a veto.
Max Power said:
The Democrats are somehow most responsible, yet the Republicans have had total control for what, 5 years now, and have done significantly worse.


FWIW, all the Democratic presidents who presided over that Democratic Congress managed to exercise their vetos. Bush is the first since John Quincy Adams to last a full term w/o issuing a veto.


Republicans have not had total control.

By the way MORON, your statement of only a majority vote needed is wrong. House and/or senate rules require a supermajority vote for taxation and/or spending to be approved. :dance:

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