conversations with god


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
so i am at work when we are all reading...of course we start the morning by comparing what we are lady has this book, 'conversations with god' so of course we all begin to look at it and read it....

Conversations with God - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

here are the highligts i read....god's word are in blue....

hitler is in heaven, he did not harm anyone but released them from life on earth to life in heaven....

there is no hell

the bible is not the word of god but the word of man

now personally....i saw a lot of this as simple spirituality....but i am not a person of the bible....if there is no can there be heaven....(that question comes from living with a taoist)

so is this just the latest feel good the guy a total fraud?
Makes you think, doesn't it? Maybe thats all the author intended. What if heaven and hell are states of mind? Heaven is feeling love and compassion to all beings without exception, and hell is feeling a killing rage toward others.

Where do you want to live? In love and peace, (heaven) or in hatred and war(hell)?

What if heaven and hell are temporary and not eternal?
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it does make one think....but i am still a bit put off by is basically channeling with an auto writer...


which has always been scoffed at.....perhaps he just figured out who he needed to channel....
o i got no problems with auto writing... basically i scoff at the channeling of god

new age girls? hmm i dont know about that....i worship an ancient goddess....i am not a wiccan
Just sounds like another 'feel good' book to me.

o i totally agree...

basically there is no sin...if it feels it...only by that can we be free..there is no hell....hitler is in heaven...

i need to read some more of it...but i remember the mexican jesus who said the same things....kinda the its 'all good' mentality
We answered with the Deep Study Program... an opportunity to join a group, limited to no more than 30, which sits down with Neale to ask any questions you wish about the material, and have Neale answer them directly and fully. This program is especially useful for those who wish to teach the material, lead study groups, or just want to have a better understanding of the material.

from the link you get to pay to ask god question thru neale?

i always say...follow the money...looks like money is being made hand over fist by this group
Years back he was on the radio A lot of things he asserted about world history were simply not true. I dont recall the details but it pissed me off pretty well at the time as I recall.
I just had a conversation with God. He told me that humans are beautiful and that beliefs are like nipples, everyone has a set and no two sets are identical.

I just had a conversation with God and I've just as much evidence to prove that as every published prophet.
I just had a conversation with God and I defy you to prove otherwise.
It looks like this guy is having conversations with himself...

Wouldn't that mean he is 'insane'?
focus damn it....i wonder if the romans sat around going...that jesus crowd...just a bunch of feel gooders.....

I'm sure some did. If you've never been a Christian its hard to grok the whole scene - The Christian 'thing' is to face any and all adversity with a smile and true understanding in their heart that this life on this world is just a stepping stone to a better one and they're just passing through. It's hard to beat someone to death and not be affected by their honest gratitude for killing them and sending them home to be with their God.

Since the litmus test of the day was actual death, I imagine that the Romans were mostly handling genuine Christians who believed with all their hearts in Heaven and their ticket to it. Modern examples notwithstanding, not having regular news of people dying for their faith alone makes it easier to scoff at the concept of 'God'.
Hmmm--seems like to me that "God" did not talk to him but he talked to himself.

At least he gives a definition of what his god is, but it is far from a theology since it does not incorporates an answer to "How should one live this life?"

Statements 3 and 4 are arguements that can lead to Hedonism. Thus I am a little curious about the substance of his claims.

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