Contraceptive Imperialism


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I ran across this and it is an insightful, and truthful, piece.

"Verbal engineering always precedes social engineering. By calling poverty by a new name, "overpopulation," we remove the burden for their condition from our conscience. No longer do we feel the need to feed them. We now can say, "It's your fault. If you'd just stop making babies, you wouldn't be living in poverty." Instead of corn meal, we ship them condoms. Instead of antibiotics, we send them IUDs. We feel morally superior for our great act of compassion, while they continue starving and dying.
We're also destroying their societal structures. Haitian families often have eight children or more. Their infant mortality rate is so high, only 50% survive to age five. Still more perish before age 15. A couple starting with eight children can expect only two to three to survive to adulthood. These parents rely on their children to provide for them in their old age. In Haiti there is no social security check. They have very little food, clean water, few jobs, little hope. By imposing our contraceptive imperialism on them, we are taking away their families, the only comfort they have left. Can we see how truly sinister this is? In America we can provide enough food to feed the entire world population. Yes, the entire world! The problem is lack of distribution of available resources, not "overpopulation." But our government pays our farmers not to farm their fields to keep the price of grains up on the world market. Meanwhile Haitians an hour and a half flight from our shores starve to death and die of diseases we eradicated here decades ago. "

Contraceptive Imperialism and Third World Poverty
Moron, there is a serous GLUT of corn on the market due to subsidies written for and by Big Agra. What do you think keeps prices down on the biohazard we call "meat" at the supermarket and those chemical laden processed foods that dominate the aisles? The corn grown is not edible... it is a commodity and the majority of it ends up in animal feed (esp. cows who cannot digest corn without getting very sick so they're pumped full of antibiotics) and high fructose corn syrup - which makes US very sick (hoowee, but is that a big profit maker, or what) - all the while the megacorporations are bankrupting farmers by further driving prices down through collusion and market manipulation. We could provide sustenance, but that ain't what's growing. Profits is what we grow, everyone else be damned. Moron.

You Are What You Grow | Michael Pollan
Oh for pete's sakes.

These people are eating fucking grass and garbage (when they can find it). I promise you, they could make use of animal grade corn.
I ran across this and it is an insightful, and truthful, piece.

"Verbal engineering always precedes social engineering. By calling poverty by a new name, "overpopulation," we remove the burden for their condition from our conscience. No longer do we feel the need to feed them. We now can say, "It's your fault. If you'd just stop making babies, you wouldn't be living in poverty." Instead of corn meal, we ship them condoms. Instead of antibiotics, we send them IUDs. We feel morally superior for our great act of compassion, while they continue starving and dying.
We're also destroying their societal structures. Haitian families often have eight children or more. Their infant mortality rate is so high, only 50% survive to age five. Still more perish before age 15. A couple starting with eight children can expect only two to three to survive to adulthood. These parents rely on their children to provide for them in their old age. In Haiti there is no social security check. They have very little food, clean water, few jobs, little hope. By imposing our contraceptive imperialism on them, we are taking away their families, the only comfort they have left. Can we see how truly sinister this is? In America we can provide enough food to feed the entire world population. Yes, the entire world! The problem is lack of distribution of available resources, not "overpopulation." But our government pays our farmers not to farm their fields to keep the price of grains up on the world market. Meanwhile Haitians an hour and a half flight from our shores starve to death and die of diseases we eradicated here decades ago. "

Contraceptive Imperialism and Third World Poverty

Hun... we seem to have a problem feeding the people here at home...let alone the entire world.

When we don't have food stamps, food pantrys, meal lines, or people going on and on about people being hungry and worrying about where there next meal is coming from.... then you can harp on about the world.
So how about they stop your evil contraceptives... and we cut off ALL aid.

and let them all starve to death... :thup:..... works for me.
You are not helping my argument that social darwinism is a liberal ideology, syrenn.
I ran across this and it is an insightful, and truthful, piece.

"Verbal engineering always precedes social engineering. By calling poverty by a new name, "overpopulation," we remove the burden for their condition from our conscience. No longer do we feel the need to feed them. We now can say, "It's your fault. If you'd just stop making babies, you wouldn't be living in poverty." Instead of corn meal, we ship them condoms. Instead of antibiotics, we send them IUDs. We feel morally superior for our great act of compassion, while they continue starving and dying.
We're also destroying their societal structures. Haitian families often have eight children or more. Their infant mortality rate is so high, only 50% survive to age five. Still more perish before age 15. A couple starting with eight children can expect only two to three to survive to adulthood. These parents rely on their children to provide for them in their old age. In Haiti there is no social security check. They have very little food, clean water, few jobs, little hope. By imposing our contraceptive imperialism on them, we are taking away their families, the only comfort they have left. Can we see how truly sinister this is? In America we can provide enough food to feed the entire world population. Yes, the entire world! The problem is lack of distribution of available resources, not "overpopulation." But our government pays our farmers not to farm their fields to keep the price of grains up on the world market. Meanwhile Haitians an hour and a half flight from our shores starve to death and die of diseases we eradicated here decades ago. "

Contraceptive Imperialism and Third World Poverty

It was exactly that same kind of imperious "we know better" idealism that condemned Africa to malaria by taking away pesticides.
We'll FORCE them to be environmentally and eugenically correct, or they'll die while we're trying!

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