Conspiracy Theory VS Scientific Theory

Is it that or is it cloning?

well they believe that atom/adam was the first genetically engineered Hu-man, this was Aries the 1st of the 12 tribes, Ariens came from Mars and genetically created a sum of themselves or Sumerien. You probably already heard that before about the 12 tribes and the cosmic genealogy. Thats why they use astrology to see what your imprint is and whether your compatible with certain tribes or which warring tribes to avoid.
Actually, Adam is Hebrew for man or human beings.

Hebrew word: adam

Merriam Webster disgrees. Now I'm going to have to find a tie breaker. But, my point is that, in context of the thread, it can be said that the KJV isn't the Bible but, rather, an english translation of the Bible and the words "Adam" and "atom" are totally unrelated.

Main Entry: 1Ad·am
Pronunciation: \ˈa-dəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin, from Greek, from Hebrew Ādhām
Date: before 12th century
1 : the first man and father by Eve of Cain and Abel
2 : the unregenerate nature of man —used especially in the phrase the old Adam
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Merriam Webster disgrees. Now I'm going to have to find a tie breaker. But, my point is that, in context of the thread, it can be said that the KJV isn't the Bible but, rather, an english translation of the Bible and the words "Adam" and "atom" are totally unrelated.

Main Entry: 1Ad·am
Pronunciation: \ˈa-dəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin, from Greek, from Hebrew Ādhām
Date: before 12th century
1 : the first man and father by Eve of Cain and Abel
2 : the unregenerate nature of man —used especially in the phrase the old Adam

Some folks believe they are one in the same though....
well they believe that atom/adam was the first genetically engineered Hu-man, this was Aries the 1st of the 12 tribes, Ariens came from Mars and genetically created a sum of themselves or Sumerien. You probably already heard that before about the 12 tribes and the cosmic genealogy. Thats why they use astrology to see what your imprint is and whether your compatible with certain tribes or which warring tribes to avoid.

You are joking right? Aries is of Greek etymology and has nothing to do with a tribe. And if you are speaking of the 12 tribes of Israel, Asher is the only one that begins with that sound/letter. And a "sum" of themselves? so..Sum- Arien? As in sum- summa...the Latin root word? That doesn't add up. Especially as Sumeria was a region, not a tribe.

Again, I can only assume you wrote this as a joke, not an actual proof or piece of evidence of whatever it is you are trying to say here.

And who is the THEY you imply believe this nonsense?

And just a sidebar, Eve in Ivrit is Chavah, meaning "to tell, or make known". So just to follow your logic...was the meaning of B'rayshiit to make known the atom? if so...that's some clever writing way back before the "atom was theorized".
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You are joking right? Aries is of Greek etymology and has nothing to do with a tribe. And if you are speaking of the 12 tribes of Israel, Asher is the only one that begins with that sound/letter. And a "sum" of themselves? so..Sum- Arien? As in sum- summa...the Latin root word? That doesn't add up. Especially as Sumeria was a region, not a tribe.

Again, I can only assume you wrote this as a joke, not an actual proof or piece of evidence of whatever it is you are trying to say here.

And who is the THEY you imply believe this nonsense?

And just a sidebar, Eve in Ivrit is Chavah, meaning "to tell, or make known". So just to follow your logic...was the meaning of B'rayshiit to make known the atom? if so...that's some clever writing way back before the "atom was theorized".

They is a guy who I met through my ex husband, he hangs a around a group who believes the grand tetons is some "power place" for UFO's and yeah they really believe that and more. You are correct I am joking around a little bit but in fact there are plenty of people who believe a lot of conspiracies, some might be schizophrenics, some like this fella I know are really intelligent in alot of things academically but have theories that deviate from the norm. Thanks for your information I will throw it at him next time I talk to him.:cool:
I am everything but I am nothing. Like I said before I am the Light Bearer(Allegory)


Media Personalities - Religous Leaders - Government Officals - Teachers - all have Authority and they look up to another with greater Authority. The Authority trickles down the pyrimid to the bottom.

I will speak in a lot of rhetoricals, so please do understand that I do not mean "you" exactly.

Rhetorical - a question not intended to be answered

I am just going to go ahead and jump right into the media and how it affects you and why Authority Figures use it.

The Media that I will be referring to mainly is the news. After that it would be Education TV shows and reality TV.

Let's start off with TV in general. This is the big one and makes the media work. This electronic machine is single handlely responsible for brain washing the society that indulges in it. It skews your thoughts and perception of the way and what the reality is. It is easy for the PTB (Powers that be) to get in your homes and send you the message that they want you to hear. You know a better way for them to get in your house? To make it easier and for them to select what area's they want to get in or whose home. They mandate that everyone upgrade to the digital signal because that way they can track exactly where the signal is going. The signals will very rarely be moving. So I am only stating a "theory" it is up to you to decide yourself if they have any other motives.

As I said before I am the Light Bearer. Who knows who I really am. Maybe I know what is going to happen maybe I don't. Maybe my duty is to tell you to look and shine the light in the right direction.

The Digital TV Transition: What You Need to Know About DTV

Now that the media which is government controlled and operated is always in your home and on the way to make sure they know whose home they are in. They want to give you somethings to watch about what they do. They get there credibility by showing random meetings of congress, presidental debates, terror watches, and political reports, the local and world wide news. The have free access to send what ever they want through the airways. This establishes their credibility with you because you sit and watch and "HEAR THEIR VIEWS AND THEIR CONCERNS" which they will repeat over and over again to get the point across to you. They will make a hot fuss about anything that they want to get passed. The latest and greatest thing they have came up with is the economy....

Let's all answer honestly and truthfully. Sorry to keep saying honest and truthfully and you can lie to me but not to yourself, but I have just been getting randoms (mostly sock puppets) that will lie through their teeth to me even though we all know what the anwer is. I guess that is the rhetorical.

So here is the rhetorical, have you changed anything in your daily life like quitting your job, collecting unemployment/welfare and not buying anything or has nothing changed in your daily life, you work, you pay your taxes, you have 401k, you buy things, and drive your car and fill it up with good ol' petrol?

Yeah, what I thought. You do what most normal people in the world do, you go out and you do your part to work, pay taxes, buy gas, stimulate the economy, even participate in the stock market through your 401k. So.... Why is all this happening, why do we have a credit and stock market problem.

So lets say we really do not have a problem, it is propaganda that the media which is government controlled has contrived and portrayed to you as a huge crisis. Every channel you turn to you can not go more then a few minutes with out hearing about the disaster. But wait, what if there was no TV with no news on it, how much of the economy collapse would you hear about. Would you hear it as much. Would only listen to their views on all the shows that tell you how grim and terrible the crisis is?

You sir/madam have a weapon that can only cut one way and that is through your mind.

Reality TV and 'Pop Stars', sports, news and general MAINSTREAM MEDIA - I can explain this to many ways. Take the basic's of a weapon that only the PTB have and ad some idolism in it. Now you got the mainsteam.

Mainstream - a prevailing current or direction of activity or influence

All I can say is..... look at the kids, remember my brain washing comment, remember idolism. Who wants to be like who? Who is acting like who? Why does everyone want to be pop star, baseball player, actor? They show these guys with all the glamour and glory with the easy life. It teaches your kids to be popular and be materialistic. To others, they think this is the way life is so they get depressed and think they will never be as pretty or rich as them and hate their quality of life. You gotta be in the cool crowd around here.
@everyone - When nothing happens something happens. Not to decide is to decide.


I have the question's that need answered.

Why does this world work the way it does?

That question needs answered. Answer it for yourself.

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