Conservatives Welfare and Free Stuff


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Hello Conservatives - I've been reading quite a lot of posts here from you folks about lazy people, welfare, and "free stuff" Well, before you flip on Rush Limbaugh, or light your next little candle in saint like worship to Ronnie Ray Gun, take a few min. and consider these 2 things:

1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work! That's right, despite what you've been hearing from Breitbart, FIX NEWS, and old Rush about those lazy welfare scabs (mostly Liberals) scamming "free stuff" off of you honest, hard working, Christian pure "Real Americans" it simply isn't true. Why is this?? It's because while executive pay packages for CEO's and CFO's has skyrocketed 500% in the last 35 years, working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and tens of millions of full time working Americans now live below the poverty line.

2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! I know you folks don't want to hear this, but companies such as Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, and Exxonmobil are costing you folks twice as much as welfare for the working poor. This is not money given in exchange for goods or services, it's simply "free money" given away to really big corporations.

Before you fine Christian pure souls get the urge to whail about "fake news" I'd suggest you consider the links below are from the business community such as the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, and INC. (Not exactly bastions of looney Liberalism) Please read them (if you can) before you start your next rant about "free stuff"

I could make this simpler for you folks to understand, but I'd need puppets and crayons. :bye1:

Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One

CEO Pay Is Out of Control. Here's How to Rein It In

Is The New Working Class Being Crushed In The 21st Century U.S. Economy?

Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work

CEO pay: Flatter salaries, but bigger bonuses

How Corporate Welfare Is Killing Small Businesses

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Last edited:

Pretty hard to legislate greed.

If you don't like the pay a CEO receives then don't do business with that corporation.


Hello Conservatives - I've been reading quite a lot of posts here from you folks about lazy people, welfare, and "free stuff" Well, before you flip on Rush Limbaugh, or light your next little candle in saint like worship to Ronnie Ray Gun, take a few min. and consider these 2 things:

1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work! That's right, despite what you've been hearing from Breitbart, FIX NEWS, and old Rush about those lazy welfare scabs (mostly Liberals) scamming "free stuff" off of you honest, hard working, Christian pure "Real Americans" it simply isn't true. Why is this?? It's because while executive pay packages for CEO's and CFO's has skyrocketed 500% in the last 35 years, working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and tens of millions of full time working Americans now live below the poverty line.

2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! I know you folks don't want to hear this, but companies such as Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, and Exxonmobil are costing you folks twice as much as welfare for the working poor. This is not money given in exchange for goods or services, it's simply "free money" given away to really big corporations.

Before you fine Christian pure souls get the urge to whail about "fake news" I'd suggest you consider the links below are from the business community such as the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, and INC. (Not exactly bastions of looney Liberalism) Please read them (if you can) before you start your next rant about "free stuff"

I could make this simpler for you folks to understand, but I'd need puppets and crayons. :bye1:

Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One

CEO Pay Is Out of Control. Here's How to Rein It In

Is The New Working Class Being Crushed In The 21st Century U.S. Economy?

Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work

CEO pay: Flatter salaries, but bigger bonuses

How Corporate Welfare Is Killing Small Businesses

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
The Day in the life of a Liberal

11:00 Get out bed. And not to soon. ( getting up any earlier promotes a strong

work ethic and we wouldn't want that)

12:00 Head on down to the post office and get your welfare check for your 6 kids

from their 5 different daddies.

12:30 Go to the local food mart and wait inline to cash said check and scoff at the

man in front of you who earned his from a job.

1:00 Make drug deal with your obama phone

2:00 Pass out from a drug induced haze

4:00 Have unprotected sex with the local DNC congressional rep..

5:00 Check into an abortion clinic where you are a preferred customer

6:00 Pass out from a drug induced haze

10:00 Wake up and see Hillary on TV and say there's a mighty fine lady

Wake up and see Trump on the news and call him a racist ahole.

Feel free to add to this timeless classic.
Hello Conservatives - I've been reading quite a lot of posts here from you folks about lazy people, welfare, and "free stuff" Well, before you flip on Rush Limbaugh, or light your next little candle in saint like worship to Ronnie Ray Gun, take a few min. and consider these 2 things:

1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work! That's right, despite what you've been hearing from Breitbart, FIX NEWS, and old Rush about those lazy welfare scabs (mostly Liberals) scamming "free stuff" off of you honest, hard working, Christian pure "Real Americans" it simply isn't true. Why is this?? It's because while executive pay packages for CEO's and CFO's has skyrocketed 500% in the last 35 years, working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and tens of millions of full time working Americans now live below the poverty line.

2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! I know you folks don't want to hear this, but companies such as Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, and Exxonmobil are costing you folks twice as much as welfare for the working poor. This is not money given in exchange for goods or services, it's simply "free money" given away to really big corporations.

Before you fine Christian pure souls get the urge to whail about "fake news" I'd suggest you consider the links below are from the business community such as the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, and INC. (Not exactly bastions of looney Liberalism) Please read them (if you can) before you start your next rant about "free stuff"

I could make this simpler for you folks to understand, but I'd need puppets and crayons. :bye1:

Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One

CEO Pay Is Out of Control. Here's How to Rein It In

Is The New Working Class Being Crushed In The 21st Century U.S. Economy?

Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work

CEO pay: Flatter salaries, but bigger bonuses

How Corporate Welfare Is Killing Small Businesses

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Not many will defend corporate welfare. It is abuse of government and picking winners.

Obama gave the biggest corporate welfare handout in world history.

Defend that.
Hello Conservatives - I've been reading quite a lot of posts here from you folks about lazy people, welfare, and "free stuff" Well, before you flip on Rush Limbaugh, or light your next little candle in saint like worship to Ronnie Ray Gun, take a few min. and consider these 2 things:

1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work! That's right, despite what you've been hearing from Breitbart, FIX NEWS, and old Rush about those lazy welfare scabs (mostly Liberals) scamming "free stuff" off of you honest, hard working, Christian pure "Real Americans" it simply isn't true. Why is this?? It's because while executive pay packages for CEO's and CFO's has skyrocketed 500% in the last 35 years, working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and tens of millions of full time working Americans now live below the poverty line.

2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! I know you folks don't want to hear this, but companies such as Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, and Exxonmobil are costing you folks twice as much as welfare for the working poor. This is not money given in exchange for goods or services, it's simply "free money" given away to really big corporations.

Before you fine Christian pure souls get the urge to whail about "fake news" I'd suggest you consider the links below are from the business community such as the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, and INC. (Not exactly bastions of looney Liberalism) Please read them (if you can) before you start your next rant about "free stuff"

I could make this simpler for you folks to understand, but I'd need puppets and crayons. :bye1:

Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One

CEO Pay Is Out of Control. Here's How to Rein It In

Is The New Working Class Being Crushed In The 21st Century U.S. Economy?

Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work

CEO pay: Flatter salaries, but bigger bonuses

How Corporate Welfare Is Killing Small Businesses

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Blah blah blah FOX, blah blah blah BREITBART, blah blah blah RUSH, blah blah blah RUSH-uh.
The Trump lemmings have no issue with people getting free stuff. They are perfectly fine with someone choosing not to spend money on health insurance and then getting free care when they show up to the ER after and accident or medical emergency.

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1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work!

Yes they do. They are generally limited from getting BETTER jobs by their own mistakes and errors (convictions, dropping out of school, teen pregnancy, etc...). It is not the place of the Government to fix the problems they created for themselves.

QUOTE="bill718, post: 18906194, member: 57978"]2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! [/QUOTE]

I totally agree. There should be no Corporate, Agricultural, or International Welfare either. Those programs are unconstitutional and ought to be done away with entirely.
The Trump lemmings have no issue with people getting free stuff. They are perfectly fine with someone choosing not to spend money on health insurance and then getting free care when they show up to the ER after and accident or medical emergency.

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There's no such thing as "free", you go to the emergency room for an accident or other medical emergency you're personally liable for the costs whether you have insurance or not, if the hospital can't collect, the costs are distributed among paying patients (higher prices) and tax payers.

If you want to resolve the issue of unpaid emergency room costs, repeal EMTALA, if a person CHOOSES not buy insurance (or obtain it via existing health care programs or arrange for self funding) they're FULLY liable for that decision, as in no tickie, no washie.

If the individual states want to provide some other mechanism(s) for dealing with this situation that's up to them but the federal government has no business holding a gun to citizens heads and attempting to force them to make good choices by subsidizing bad ones.
The Trump lemmings have no issue with people getting free stuff. They are perfectly fine with someone choosing not to spend money on health insurance and then getting free care when they show up to the ER after and accident or medical emergency.

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There's no such thing as "free", you go to the emergency room for an accident or other medical emergency you're personally liable for the costs whether you have insurance or not, if the hospital can't collect, the costs are distributed among paying patients (higher prices) and tax payers.

If you want to resolve the issue of unpaid emergency room costs, repeal EMTALA, if a person CHOOSES not buy insurance (or obtain it via existing health care programs or arrange for self funding) they're FULLY liable for that decision, as in no tickie, no washie.

If the individual states want to provide some other mechanism(s) for dealing with this situation that's up to them but the federal government has no business holding a gun to citizens heads and attempting to force them to make good choices by subsidizing bad ones.

There is no way you will get even a single member of Congress to vote to remove it.

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The Trump lemmings have no issue with people getting free stuff. They are perfectly fine with someone choosing not to spend money on health insurance and then getting free care when they show up to the ER after and accident or medical emergency.

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There's no such thing as "free", you go to the emergency room for an accident or other medical emergency you're personally liable for the costs whether you have insurance or not, if the hospital can't collect, the costs are distributed among paying patients (higher prices) and tax payers.

If you want to resolve the issue of unpaid emergency room costs, repeal EMTALA, if a person CHOOSES not buy insurance (or obtain it via existing health care programs or arrange for self funding) they're FULLY liable for that decision, as in no tickie, no washie.

If the individual states want to provide some other mechanism(s) for dealing with this situation that's up to them but the federal government has no business holding a gun to citizens heads and attempting to force them to make good choices by subsidizing bad ones.

There is no way you will get even a single member of Congress to vote to remove it.

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Well then just get used to the fact that health care, health care insurance and taxes will continue to rise in price (and become more scarce) as the federal government continues its cycle of poor decisions designed to "fix" the consequences of past poor decisions, the ACA was a legislative fuck up sold as a "fix" for all the past legislative fuck ups perpetrated on the citizenry as "fixes", why do you think that the people that foisted the ACA on the public are all bitching about how the ACA is fine as long as it gets "fixed"? Why the hell do you have to keep "fixing" the "fixes"? and why would anybody in their right mind trust the institutions that fucked it up in the first place to "fix" it?

There's only one "fix" for poor decision making on the part of citizens and that is NOT subsidizing poor decision making nor is it operating in fairy tale land where people believe that there are no costs (both real and opportunity) associated with getting what they want.

Strong work ethic blah blah blah make wise decisions blah blah blah. The vast majority of people are out their working for pittance like 50 thousand dollars. While the cost of living, healthcare, good, clothes, cars, goes up, wages stagnate, benefits are slashed. Then wack jobs say get you need to save alot more. How can one save if one can't survive on their wages? Of course cutting social security and such will also be considered for cuts as those are the last bastions of help for the hard working person. At that point the rich will have it all. we are headed backwards in this respect. On a downward slope.
I agree that those who need help should get help. The problem is, should people be forced into helping others?

Yes, in a perfect world, we would all help each other, we would all be generous, and we could end homelessness and hunger.

The problem is, the government takes so much from people that charity becomes difficult. As has been mentioned, wages haven't kept pace with inflation. Gone are the days, like back in the 50's and 60's, when people could work hard, make a decent living, get promoted, and retire in comfort.

Now, people are working like crazy just to make ends meet. Retirement for many, is limited to what they can get from social security. Sure, everything rises in price over time, and yes, wage stagnation is part of it, but equally is the fact that taxes are simply too high. When a worker loses 40% or 50% of their pay each payday really has a lot to do with it.

Now, why are taxes high? Well, government waste is surely part of it. Government will spend more on services and other purchases than what is necessary. Any time government is in the need to make some sort of buy, you can guarantee there will be a bloated price tag attached to it.

But then there are also things like, we give money to other countries. We send billions each year in aid to other countries. I've yet to figure out how we can do this, I mean, if we have no money (We're 20 trillion in we have no money), how is it we have money to give away? Oh yeah, we borrow it...............

So, now, were in debt to China, for money we give to others. Try this approach in your own life, it won't work. Eventually, the banks will deny you credit, but, as a country, we just keep going and going.

Then there are all of these social programs. We have social programs for many many things. Free phones, free internet, housing subsidies, food programs, free education to many. All of this has to be paid for somehow. Remember, the government has no wealth, and it does not generate money. The only money it has is the money it takes from its citizens. In other words, every war, every subsidy, and every financial aid given to other country is paid for, and is being paid for by tax payers.

We, as a whole, are over taxed to the point we cannot make a decent living, and because college is cost prohibitive for a lot of people, tied to the fact that most companies will only promote people who have a degree, a great many of your working class get stuck in the jobs they are in with no hope of ever advancing.

We are perpetually in debt, and the hope of ever paying off the debt is a fallacy. Most people don't realize how the federal reserve really works. Money is infused into the economy via the federal reserve, borrowed by the treasury. Every dollar borrowed by the treasury is borrowed at interest. This means we are creating unplayable debt when the government borrows money, as the only way to repay the interest on the money we borrowed, is to borrow more money, which then has it's own interest attached to it.

You can see the spiral this creates. The national debt is will never reach zero.

The best we can hope for is to slash spending immensely, and decrease the amount and rate at which we are borrowing.

I'd suggest a hybrid tax system, consisting of a fixed flat tax, couples with a consumption tax. No loopholes, no deductions. Say a 10% flat tax on all income. Everyone who earns a paycheck pays this tax. Then, you add a consumption tax on all non essential goods and services. Let the population decide how much tax they want to pay by how much stuff they want to buy.

What happens here is, you lower taxes on income but you generate more revenue because you have everyone paying into the system.

Now, I said tax on all non essential goods and services. I think things necessary for life should be tax reduced, if not tax free. Things like groceries, water, and electricity. The government could give those services massive tax breaks in exchange for tax free or reduced taxes to the users if that service.

Also, corporate tax rates should be reduced to under 20%, but, also cut out all loopholes they use to shelter their taxes. If say a 15% corporate tax rate on all revenue earned by a company that is based in the US. If they choose to try and skirt the system by moving their headquarters outside of the US, then our government takes a 25% tariff, or tax on all monies earned inside the US borders. I'm no economist so I'm not sure if any of this would work, but, hey, brain storming here :D

Anyway, sorry this was so long. We need to have government cut their budget, and reduce cost, change the tax structure to a more reliable system, and possibly this would increase revenue, for both the government, as well as the taxpayer, and maybe then we all wouldn't be so cash strapped, and would be more willing to work on helping others, through charities.
Hello Conservatives - I've been reading quite a lot of posts here from you folks about lazy people, welfare, and "free stuff" Well, before you flip on Rush Limbaugh, or light your next little candle in saint like worship to Ronnie Ray Gun, take a few min. and consider these 2 things:

1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work! That's right, despite what you've been hearing from Breitbart, FIX NEWS, and old Rush about those lazy welfare scabs (mostly Liberals) scamming "free stuff" off of you honest, hard working, Christian pure "Real Americans" it simply isn't true. Why is this?? It's because while executive pay packages for CEO's and CFO's has skyrocketed 500% in the last 35 years, working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and tens of millions of full time working Americans now live below the poverty line.

2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! I know you folks don't want to hear this, but companies such as Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, and Exxonmobil are costing you folks twice as much as welfare for the working poor. This is not money given in exchange for goods or services, it's simply "free money" given away to really big corporations.

Before you fine Christian pure souls get the urge to whail about "fake news" I'd suggest you consider the links below are from the business community such as the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, and INC. (Not exactly bastions of looney Liberalism) Please read them (if you can) before you start your next rant about "free stuff"

I could make this simpler for you folks to understand, but I'd need puppets and crayons. :bye1:

Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One

CEO Pay Is Out of Control. Here's How to Rein It In

Is The New Working Class Being Crushed In The 21st Century U.S. Economy?

Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work

CEO pay: Flatter salaries, but bigger bonuses

How Corporate Welfare Is Killing Small Businesses

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
Not many will defend corporate welfare. It is abuse of government and picking winners.

Obama gave the biggest corporate welfare handout in world history.

Defend that.

Which handout was that?
Hello Conservatives SNIP


Hates conservatives check.
Hates Rush Limbaugh check.
Hates President Reagan check.
Hates Breitbart check.
Hates Fox News check.
Hates Christians check.
Hates CEO's check.
Hates Corporations check.
Prissy elitist liberal attitude check.

Genuine card carrying liberal progressive got it, anything else? :laugh:
Hello Conservatives - I've been reading quite a lot of posts here from you folks about lazy people, welfare, and "free stuff" Well, before you flip on Rush Limbaugh, or light your next little candle in saint like worship to Ronnie Ray Gun, take a few min. and consider these 2 things:

1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work! That's right, despite what you've been hearing from Breitbart, FIX NEWS, and old Rush about those lazy welfare scabs (mostly Liberals) scamming "free stuff" off of you honest, hard working, Christian pure "Real Americans" it simply isn't true. Why is this?? It's because while executive pay packages for CEO's and CFO's has skyrocketed 500% in the last 35 years, working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and tens of millions of full time working Americans now live below the poverty line.

2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! I know you folks don't want to hear this, but companies such as Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, and Exxonmobil are costing you folks twice as much as welfare for the working poor. This is not money given in exchange for goods or services, it's simply "free money" given away to really big corporations.

Before you fine Christian pure souls get the urge to whail about "fake news" I'd suggest you consider the links below are from the business community such as the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, and INC. (Not exactly bastions of looney Liberalism) Please read them (if you can) before you start your next rant about "free stuff"

I could make this simpler for you folks to understand, but I'd need puppets and crayons. :bye1:

Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One

CEO Pay Is Out of Control. Here's How to Rein It In

Is The New Working Class Being Crushed In The 21st Century U.S. Economy?

Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work

CEO pay: Flatter salaries, but bigger bonuses

How Corporate Welfare Is Killing Small Businesses

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
So what is your point?
Hello Conservatives - I've been reading quite a lot of posts here from you folks about lazy people, welfare, and "free stuff" Well, before you flip on Rush Limbaugh, or light your next little candle in saint like worship to Ronnie Ray Gun, take a few min. and consider these 2 things:

1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work! That's right, despite what you've been hearing from Breitbart, FIX NEWS, and old Rush about those lazy welfare scabs (mostly Liberals) scamming "free stuff" off of you honest, hard working, Christian pure "Real Americans" it simply isn't true. Why is this?? It's because while executive pay packages for CEO's and CFO's has skyrocketed 500% in the last 35 years, working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and tens of millions of full time working Americans now live below the poverty line.

2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! I know you folks don't want to hear this, but companies such as Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, and Exxonmobil are costing you folks twice as much as welfare for the working poor. This is not money given in exchange for goods or services, it's simply "free money" given away to really big corporations.

Before you fine Christian pure souls get the urge to whail about "fake news" I'd suggest you consider the links below are from the business community such as the Wall Street Journal and Forbes, and INC. (Not exactly bastions of looney Liberalism) Please read them (if you can) before you start your next rant about "free stuff"

I could make this simpler for you folks to understand, but I'd need puppets and crayons. :bye1:

Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One

CEO Pay Is Out of Control. Here's How to Rein It In

Is The New Working Class Being Crushed In The 21st Century U.S. Economy?

Trump Wants Families On Food Stamps To Get Jobs. The Majority Already Work

CEO pay: Flatter salaries, but bigger bonuses

How Corporate Welfare Is Killing Small Businesses

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?
I would rather give my $$$$$ to corporations and rich people than give it to baby factories living in projects.
1. The vast majority of welfare and food stamp recipients work! That's right, despite what you've been hearing from Breitbart, FIX NEWS, and old Rush about those lazy welfare scabs (mostly Liberals) scamming "free stuff" off of you honest, hard working, Christian pure "Real Americans" it simply isn't true. Why is this?? It's because while executive pay packages for CEO's and CFO's has skyrocketed 500% in the last 35 years, working class wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and tens of millions of full time working Americans now live below the poverty line.

Yes they do, but that has nothing to do with a CEO or company. You get paid for the work you do. If your work is pretty much meaningless, then so is your pay.

Yes, people who work do get food stamps. This is why in Maine, they decided to make food stamp requirements for people with no dependents. You either have to work 20 hours per week, volunteer 20 hours per month, or be enrolled in a vocational program. Guess what? Most of those people weren't that hungry after all. Most dropped out of the program.

Food stamps are a deterrent to advancement. People who use these programs make sure they make under X per month to continue to receive those food stamps. Several of our customers use temporary services. When they get busy, they ask the temps if they can work more hours. Most refuse. Why? Because for them, it would be like working for free. Any additional money they make gets deducted from their government stipend.

2. Government hand out's such as subsidies, grants, and other corporate welfare goodies to the Fortune 500 cost Americans twice as much as social welfare! I know you folks don't want to hear this, but companies such as Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical, and Exxonmobil are costing you folks twice as much as welfare for the working poor. This is not money given in exchange for goods or services, it's simply "free money" given away to really big corporations.

What do you consider corporate welfare? If you mean allowing companies to keep more of THEIR MONEY, that's not welfare at all.

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