Conservatives for the 53%


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Conservatives for the 53%

By David Weigel
Sept. 18, 2012

Back on Friday, I trudged around the Values Voter Summit in D.C. and asked conservatives why they thought Barack Obama might win. (The polls, then and now, suggest that he's in the position to do it.) The single most common answer? Well, Obama's Democrats have been pumping up the ranks of the poor with free goodies, and those saps might be numerous enough to vote for him. They'd been hearing that on talk radio for, well, years. "We have 47, 48 percent who pay no income taxes," said Rush Limbaugh in July. "We have 3 million more off the unemployment rolls and on the disability rolls, and they all vote!"

Limbaugh's riff sounds almost exactly like Romney's. So, I'm not surprised to see many conservative talkers calling on Romney to stand by the comments. Michael Walsh calls it the candidate's Gettysburg Moment:


There's already been a fair deal of lazy commentary comparing Romney's words to the ones Barack Obama uttered at a San Francisco fundraiser before the 2008 Pennsylvania primary -- the stuff about how in bad economic times, "people get bitter, they cling to their guns and religion." The one commonality between those hidden-tape gaffes is that they inform donors of what they already think about the stupidity of their fellow voters. Any liberal, in 2008, was familiar with Tom Frank's What's the Matter With Kansas? thesis about how Republicans suckered poor people into "voting against their interest." Any conservative, in 2012, is at least familiar with the "lucky ducky" quasi-Marxist theory that people who benefit from government spending will never, ever vote to cut it.

Did Romney's late night (actually, 7 p.m. local time) presser clean up the story? I think it did so in this way: He did not back down from the comments. He left the impression that his point, about moochers versus makers, was valid. And when Limbaugh warms up the microphone again today, he'll be reinforcing that message, not tearing chunks out of Romney.

Mitt Romney 47%: Conservatives defend his comments.


We Are The 53%
We Are The 53%
Beyond epic fail. Right wing logic 101:

David Koch - Net worth 31 billion = Kinda rich

Charles Koch - Net worth 31 billion = Kinda rich

Sheldon Adelson - Net worth 20.5 billion = Not that rich

Dick Cheney - Net worth 90 million = Middle class

Willard Romney - Net worth 220 million = Upper middle class

Barack Obama - Net worth 11.8 million = Obscenely rich elitist 1%

(Yes, right wingers are that stupid)
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Conservatives for the 53%

makes sense if they are running to win an election based on 50% +1 .... who wouldn't be?

so, how is it there are the other 47% after the previous Administration? ... and they won the election.
Beyond epic fail. Right wing logic 101:

David Koch - Net worth 31 billion = Kinda rich

Charles Koch - Net worth 31 billion = Kinda rich

Sheldon Adelson - Net worth 20.5 billion = Not that rich

Dick Cheney - Net worth 90 million = Middle class

Willard Romney - Net worth 220 million = Upper middle class

Barack Obama - Net worth 11.8 million = Obscenely rich elitist 1%

(Yes, right wingers are that stupid)

you forgot Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and many, many folks in Hollywood including the ones from the OP, How much is Weinstein worth?

Most of the congressional rich are libtards, how bout that.
So stop the shit, black label I'll just keep teabaggin ya, which ball do you want next time? Right or left?
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Any conservative, in 2012, is at least familiar with the "lucky ducky" quasi-Marxist theory that people who benefit from government spending will never, ever vote to cut it.
That's why the cold war ended and our military budget went "UP"!

Are you talking about "Clinton"...:eusa_shhh:

[And don't be cutting up quotes jackass]
There's already been a fair deal of lazy commentary comparing Romney's words to the ones Barack Obama uttered at a San Francisco fundraiser before the 2008 Pennsylvania primary -- the stuff about how in bad economic times, "people get bitter, they cling to their guns and religion." The one commonality between those hidden-tape gaffes is that they inform donors of what they already think about the stupidity of their fellow voters. Any liberal, in 2008, was familiar with Tom Frank's What's the Matter With Kansas? thesis about how Republicans suckered poor people into "voting against their interest." Any conservative, in 2012, is at least familiar with the "lucky ducky" quasi-Marxist theory that people who benefit from government spending will never, ever vote to cut it.

:night: Fool, cya mañana...
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Are you talking about "Clinton"...:eusa_shhh:
I'm talking about neocon's and the military industrial complex that constantly lies this nation into war without any regard for how much harm that does to the country.

And yes, Clinton and Obama are part of this problem as well.

If I was President, I'd tell those Pentagon mother-fuckers, you either cut your budget in half, or I will. In addition, I want you to pull all US troops, from all the bases, out of the Middle East. I want all covert actions to cease in that area, with the end result being no US presence in the ME at all. And lastly, I want a total ban on drone warfare.
Beyond epic fail. Right wing logic 101:

David Koch - Net worth 31 billion = Kinda rich

Charles Koch - Net worth 31 billion = Kinda rich

Sheldon Adelson - Net worth 20.5 billion = Not that rich

Dick Cheney - Net worth 90 million = Middle class

Willard Romney - Net worth 220 million = Upper middle class

Barack Obama - Net worth 11.8 million = Obscenely rich elitist 1%

(Yes, right wingers are that stupid)

I know this is a paltry amount, but HOW THE HELL did he amass it?

Harry Reid Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth

Harry Reid is a senior U.S. Senator and a member of the Democratic Party, as well as an attorney at law and has a net worth of $5 million. Harry Reid has earned his net worth through his lucrative career in politics, and as a city attorney in his early years. He also served as Lieutenant Governor of Nevada in 1971. In 1977 he began serving as chairman for the Nevada Gaming Commission, and held this position until 1981. He also served two terms in the House of Representatives for District 1 from 1983-1987, as a United States Senator from Nevada, in 1987, a U.S. Senate Majority Whip from 2001-2003, as well as a minority whip from 1999 to 2001 and again from 2003 to 2005. He was also the chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee, beginning in 2001, until 2003. From 2005 to 2007, he held the office of a minority leader and in 2006, became a majority leader and was re-elected as majority leader in 2008.

How much does a senator make? – US Senator Salary
How much does a senator like Harry Reid make in Salary

Harry Reid Net Worth and salary

As have other politicians, Harry Reid has had plenty of criticisms and accusations thrown his way, while in office. He’s been accused of trying to increase the value of his own property by having a bridge built between Nevada and Arizona. He was also accused of using campaign contributions for personal use, and in using his political power to help a friend who is also one of his son’s (an attorney) clients to build a golf course. Other accusations include taking donations from four Indian tribes during the Jack Abramoff Indian Lobbying Scandal and it was proven that Reid had a general increase in Indian contributions during that time.

Harry Reid married Landra Gould in 1959 and they are the parents of four sons, Rory, Josh, Leif and Key, and one daughter, Lana. His son Josh, was appointed by President Barack Obama, to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s Governing Board as a presidential appointee, and is a partner in the law firm, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. Another son, Rory, (an elected commissioner for Clark Country, Nevada) was also nominated in the Governor of Nevada election. Another son put his hat in the ring for municipal office for Cottonwood Heights, Utah. Key Reid is a former attorney at the law offices of Lionel, Sawyer and Collins. Leif Reid is a lawyer dealing with administrative law, utilities, energy and commercial for the law offices of Lionel, Sawyer and Collins. There were requests that Harry Reid should resign his position in the senate, after making a racial comment during President Obama’s campaign, but were told that there is no chance of that happening. Reid apologized for his comment, both publicly and to the President himself, in which President Obama accepted.

Harry Reid has a role in the film, “Casino,” which has a reenactment of part of the Harry Reid-Frank Rosenthal confrontation, filmed in 1995. Reid has also appeared in the 2000 film, “Traffic” and the 2007 documentary film, “Sand and Sorrow,” along with Senators, Sam Brownback and Barack Obama when he was U.S. Senator of Illinois.

Was he that good in 'Casino'?
The Dems are praying that Mitt clings to his hateful 47% narrative.

Most conservatives WONKS understand what huge mistake it was.
Are you talking about "Clinton"...:eusa_shhh:

If I was President, I'd tell those Pentagon mother-fuckers, you either cut your budget in half, or I will. In addition, I want you to pull all US troops, from all the bases, out of the Middle East. I want all covert actions to cease in that area, with the end result being no US presence in the ME at all. And lastly, I want a total ban on drone warfare.


You'll get nothing and like it...:D

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