Conservatives balk at GOP plan to avert government shutdown


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Conservatives balk at GOP plan to avert government shutdown

Perhaps it's time for all to stand up and be counted---allow the spending bill deadline to pass...let the pressure force a true vote.

"Hard-line conservatives are threatening to scuttle Republican leaders' plans to prevent a weekend government shutdown and saying GOP leaders lack the votes to push their proposal through the House.
The setback late Tuesday came as a deal between President Donald Trump and Congress to protect young immigrants from deportation also remained distant.

The intransigence by the House Freedom Caucus came as Republican leaders raced against a Friday deadline for pushing a short-term spending bill through Congress. If they fail, federal agencies would start shutting their doors over the weekend. That's an election-year debacle that GOP leaders and many Democrats are eager to avoid for fear of alienating voters.

The leader of the Freedom Caucus emerged from a Tuesday night meeting to say its members — and other GOP lawmakers as well — want a short-term bill keeping federal agencies open to contain added money for the military.
"There's not enough support to pass it with GOP-only votes in the House," the group's leader, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told reporters. He said he planned to discuss their concerns with Republican leaders."
On the left, liberal groups are ramping up pressure on Democrats to resist any spending plan. Groups like MoveOn, United We Dream and CREDO shifted their focus from Republicans to Democrats earlier in the month, threatening primary challenges and public ridicule for Democrats unwilling to risk a government shutdown to save the program for young immigrants.
On the left, liberal groups are ramping up pressure on Democrats to resist any spending plan. Groups like MoveOn, United We Dream and CREDO shifted their focus from Republicans to Democrats earlier in the month, threatening primary challenges and public ridicule for Democrats unwilling to risk a government shutdown to save the program for young immigrants.
Politics as usual.
On the left, liberal groups are ramping up pressure on Democrats to resist any spending plan. Groups like MoveOn, United We Dream and CREDO shifted their focus from Republicans to Democrats earlier in the month, threatening primary challenges and public ridicule for Democrats unwilling to risk a government shutdown to save the program for young immigrants.
I note that the Republicans STILL have a majority in the House...and this is a rebellion of the the far-right--in the House.

Shut it down..I say---hold an open, up and down vote on DACA..and let the chips fall where they may. So much of this is about lawmakers not wanting to go on record--lest they be held accountable in the upcoming election.

The Democratic position is known....and at least they're consistent on the issue.
On the left, liberal groups are ramping up pressure on Democrats to resist any spending plan. Groups like MoveOn, United We Dream and CREDO shifted their focus from Republicans to Democrats earlier in the month, threatening primary challenges and public ridicule for Democrats unwilling to risk a government shutdown to save the program for young immigrants.
I note that the Republicans STILL have a majority in the House...and this is a rebellion of the the far-right--in the House.

Shut it down..I say---hold an open, up and down vote on DACA..and let the chips fall where they may. So much of this is about lawmakers not wanting to go on record--lest they be held accountable in the upcoming election.

The Democratic position is known....and at least they're consistent on the issue.
I agree hold a vote on the amnesty bill...the GOP will still need NINE democrats to vote with them to avoid the shut down. I think Manchin,Heitkamp and the senator from Indiana will vote so that's 6 more...who do you think would vote to keep it open? Possibly some senators from states with a heavy military presence? So maybe Jones from Alabama? Will McCaskill from Missouri? Tester from Montana isn't a complete left wing loon so maybe he will.
Desperate times, desperate measures. Too bad we have A bunch of children in our leadership. There should be a clean immigration vote and a clean funding vote. Isn’t that obvious? Seems like the immigration vote should be the dreamers and border security. Leave the rest to phase 2 comprehensive reform since our leaders cant seem to reach a compromise... the clock is running
Good Lord, I'm so tired of people freaking out over government shutdowns. All that ever comes of them is that pensions get paid, entitlements get paid, they shutdown the parks, then eventually iron it, and give retroactive pay to those who they laid off. Talk about a nothing burger.

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