Conservatives And The Religious Right Cannot Be Allowed To Take Away Our Civil Rights


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights

"Bake that fucking cake, peasant"
What civil rights are you worried about?

The right to murder your child in the womb? Leftists are always fretting about that "right."

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights

Are you an example of the current so called American education system or do you choose to ignore almost 525 years of history? The "Christianizing" (is that a word) of America began in at least 1630. The Spainish began conversion to Christianity efforts in North America much earlier.
Either you are woefully ignorant or are purposefully dishonest with your politically driven screed.

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights

Right, so that excludes the Black Liberation movement that wants to empower the state to help the poor for Jesus.

Thanks for that.

You know, the type of church Obama attended
I'm sitting here laughing and shaking my head! What on earth are you talking about? What "rights" are conservatives trying to take from you? Your "right" to force a Christian baker to bake you a gay wedding cake against their will, when you could easily and quickly just find another baker? Your "right" to force a Christian photographer to attend and photograph your gay wedding against their will, even though you could easily and quickly find another photographer? Those "rights"?

Gee, why isn't this argument applied to Facebook and Twitter when they remove or block conservative content? What happened to "public accommodation" argument--you know, the argument that if you are a business, you are a "public accommodation" and therefore cannot refuse service to anyone?

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights
Little bit (by little bit, I mean a whole shit ton), of revisionist history. The “christianization” of America started with the whole natural law philosophy that the constitution was based off of. You know, the whole “endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights” type of thing. God gave us X natural ability, therefore government, or any other person, has no right to take that away. Like it or not, we are what western philosophy based on “everyone has a spark of divinity” and the “power of reason” begought. They reasoned that because everyone was created in God’s image, and God gave us certain abilities and free will, therefore everyone has a right to these “rights”.

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights

Wow...Taking away our Civil Rights. I'll stand with ya.

There is no reason living in a country with Freedom of Speech that I
can't call a N#&&*( a N#&&*(...CORRECT!

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights
No one wants take take away women's rights, weirdo.

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights
/——/ Leave it to a libtard to quote a profound racist.
“I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman,” Susan B. Anthony famously said.
The left has been busy trying to take away the free speech rights of anyone who opposes their agenda.
One only has to look at what's occuring on the campus of every university in this country.
They will demonize anyone with opposing views to the point that others become too afraid to speak.

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights
Little bit (by little bit, I mean a whole shit ton), of revisionist history. The “christianization” of America started with the whole natural law philosophy that the constitution was based off of. You know, the whole “endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights” type of thing. God gave us X natural ability, therefore government, or any other person, has no right to take that away. Like it or not, we are what western philosophy based on “everyone has a spark of divinity” and the “power of reason” begought. They reasoned that because everyone was created in God’s image, and God gave us certain abilities and free will, therefore everyone has a right to these “rights”.


You mean our rights don't come from Obama?

The hell you say.

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights
Little bit (by little bit, I mean a whole shit ton), of revisionist history. The “christianization” of America started with the whole natural law philosophy that the constitution was based off of. You know, the whole “endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights” type of thing. God gave us X natural ability, therefore government, or any other person, has no right to take that away. Like it or not, we are what western philosophy based on “everyone has a spark of divinity” and the “power of reason” begought. They reasoned that because everyone was created in God’s image, and God gave us certain abilities and free will, therefore everyone has a right to these “rights”.


You mean our rights don't come from Obama?

The hell you say.
/——/ Obama declared our freedom of speech: “You’re free to agree with me.”

In order to fully understand the push by Trump and Conservative politicians at the state and federal level to gut women’s rights, it is important to understand the role of religion in American politics. The ‘Christianizing of America’ began with The Moral Majority in the late 1970’s under Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich who also founded (ALEC), The American Legislative Exchange Council that the KOCH brothers are involved in, and the Heritage Foundation, a think tank whose job it was to come up with ideas on how to politicize religion.

Conservatives and the Religious Right Can't be Allowed to Take Our Civil Rights
Little bit (by little bit, I mean a whole shit ton), of revisionist history. The “christianization” of America started with the whole natural law philosophy that the constitution was based off of. You know, the whole “endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights” type of thing. God gave us X natural ability, therefore government, or any other person, has no right to take that away. Like it or not, we are what western philosophy based on “everyone has a spark of divinity” and the “power of reason” begought. They reasoned that because everyone was created in God’s image, and God gave us certain abilities and free will, therefore everyone has a right to these “rights”.


You mean our rights don't come from Obama?

The hell you say.
/——/ Obama declared our freedom of speech: “You’re free to agree with me.”
It just goes to show that is why Obama is for freedom and Trump is Hitler.

After all, Trump took that freedom away

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