Conservative or Liberal, it may be in the genes.

Studies like this are scary. Why? Because people who believe they are "the most intelligent" people around might believe that bilge and use it as justification to murder anyone who disagrees with them.
Studies like this are scary. Why? Because people who believe they are "the most intelligent" people around might believe that bilge and use it as justification to murder anyone who disagrees with them.

Hmm, didn't quite get THAT out of the article Avatar, but upon reflection, I guess I see where your going.

Kinda scary actually.....:smoke:
What a crock of horse crap. Political views are a very specific, higher level of behavior, and while they may be influenced by any genes contributing to a person's personality, it's an indirect, and unproven, effect.

While I'm on it, I'm getting sick of modern scientists. Once upon a time, scientists started with a handful of evidence and tried to put it together to form a conclusion. Now, they start with a conclusion and they try to find evidence that supports it, rather than entertain the fact that their conclusion might be wrong. I mean, look at global warming. A proper scientist says, "Hmm, certain climate changes are occurring at certain parts of the planet. Let's compare those to the rest of the planet and look for possible causes." Instead, we have guys running around going, "Assuming pollution is causing changes in the climate, how can we prove it?"
What a crock of horse crap. Political views are a very specific, higher level of behavior, and while they may be influenced by any genes contributing to a person's personality, it's an indirect, and unproven, effect.

While I'm on it, I'm getting sick of modern scientists. Once upon a time, scientists started with a handful of evidence and tried to put it together to form a conclusion. Now, they start with a conclusion and they try to find evidence that supports it, rather than entertain the fact that their conclusion might be wrong. I mean, look at global warming. A proper scientist says, "Hmm, certain climate changes are occurring at certain parts of the planet. Let's compare those to the rest of the planet and look for possible causes." Instead, we have guys running around going, "Assuming pollution is causing changes in the climate, how can we prove it?"

Ok then, we'll be marking down the Hobbit as thinking the article basically sucks!:D

Can I interest you in any article's on Darwin's Theory?;)
Mom is a hippie, Dad is so libertarian he's practically an anarchist. I was so liberal in college (less than 5 years ago) that Howard Dean would have said "Well...that might be a bit too far," to me in political conversations...yet here I am, a moderate libertarian, I suppose.

I agree with 1549 and others, the article is bunk.
Ok then, we'll be marking down the Hobbit as thinking the article basically sucks!:D

Can I interest you in any article's on Darwin's Theory?;)

The article was good. It was well written and reported. The theory the article is about, though...yeah, it basically sucks.
I used to be a pro-war conservative until around 2004, and now I am a non-interventionist libertarian bordering on anarcho-capitalist. I don't think your political outlook is inherited.
Ya know, I was thinking about something last night, that I hadn't thought about in some time.

My father was career military, Army, then later Air-force.

Him, and my mother mostly voted Democratic, both in local, and National elections. They were both registered Democrats. I recall him saying, that most people in the military were Dem's, don't know that he knew that for sure, or if that was just his opinion.

Except for a brief period, when I returned from overseas in'68, I've been a Registered Republican, thought I haven't voted straight party lines in any election, that I recall.

Anyhoo, I only mention this cause I find it somewhat odd. The Democrats have always tried to downsize, and minimize the military, and to vote them into office seems, well, odd.

I've lived on two Air Force Bases in my life so in California and one in North both places - the military members I encountered were OVERWHELMINGLY Republican or Libertarian.

During the 2004 elections, my husband could list on one hand the officers and enlisted soliders he knew that were voting for Kerry...they were known as the anomalies...not the norms.

It is important to note, however: that I also NEVER heard or saw a Democratic officer being teased, mocked, or treated poorly or differently at all from their Republican peers. It was completely acceptable to have a different opinion - just unusual in that setting.

Your father might have been in a different enviroment, but I do believe that statistically, the military is about 80% or more Republican.
It could be that the military once was largely Democrat. Remember, FDR, a Democrat, led the country during the largest scale war we've ever fought. I can't see that happening now, though.
It could be that the military once was largely Democrat. Remember, FDR, a Democrat, led the country during the largest scale war we've ever fought. I can't see that happening now, though.

I'm sure your right Hobbit.

My father was a pilot, flying B-24's out of a base in North Africa.

He was shot down over Italy, and held prisoner for over a year, though he did escape twice.

He didn't talk much about his time as a POW, but he would tell anyone that would listen, how much he respected FDR.

He also flew during the Korean war, and felt MacArthur over stepped his authority, and showed disrespect to the President.
Both of my parents were raised West Side Chicago Democrats. My mom was oppositional however. :laugh: When she went to vote for Truman and the precinct captain paid her to vote Democrat, she took the money and pulled for Dewey. He lost, but the ties had been broken.

She voted for Eisenhower, so did my dad. Then they both went for JFK, but I think that had more to do with Irish Catholic, than Democrat. I think that was their last Democratic Presidential votes.

So for the most part, I was brought up with voting Republican, with my mom leading the family more and more conservative. Still, in high school, I was flirting with communism and truly hated Nixon.

Now I am what I am. ;)

So I don't think it's 'genetic', more proof, two of my kids are registered Dem. One however, though he detests GW, thinks he may enlist after college graduation, because he thinks the West is under attack.

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