Conservative Groups Declare Obama's Stimulus Bill a War on Prayer


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Democrats in Congress have declared war on prayer, say conservative groups who object to a provision in the stimulus bill that was passed by the House of Representatives last week.

The provision bans money designated for school renovation from being spent on facilities that allow "religious worship." It has ignited a fury among critics who say it violates the First Amendment and is an attempt to prevent religious practice in schools.

According to the bill, which the Democratic-controlled House passed despite unanimous Republican opposition, funds are prohibited from being used for the "modernization, renovation, or repair" of facilities that allow "sectarian instruction, religious worship or a school or department of divinity."

Conservative Groups Declare Obama's Stimulus Bill a War on Prayer - Presidential Politics | Political News -
Sorry religious wingnuts; logic goes like this:

Church and State are suppose to be separated.

Public schools are owned and run by the State. Funding for those schools comes from the taxpayer.

Therefore, Church should be kept out of schools.

Simple huh? :eusa_eh:
So no funds should be used on any building that ever has prayer in it, regardless of the primary function of the structure.... I'm not sure that makes sense, but ok.
yet they forced we taxpayers to pay so their dear leader could put his hand on a bible and swear "I Do." Now we gotta pay to fix the grass.

hypocrites.. :lol::lol: we payed for two preachers too,, whites gotta just do right.
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Sorry religious wingnuts; logic goes like this:

Church and State are suppose to be separated.

Public schools are owned and run by the State. Funding for those schools comes from the taxpayer.

Therefore, Church should be kept out of schools.

Simple huh? :eusa_eh:

I've explained this to you before, but since you appear to have a titanium skull protecting your tiny walnut brain, here we go again:

Separation of church and state is not a separation meant to PROHIBIT the practice of religion. It is meant to PROTECT it. The only purpose of "separation of church and state" legislation is to prohibit the STATE from PENALIZING people who don't follow the STATE religion..or lack thereof.

So Obama's determination to PENALIZE those schools which allow prayer is an OBVIOUS violation of "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE". Because he is very deliberately penalizing people for their religious beliefs.

Get it yet?

Fucking idiot.
Sorry religious wingnuts; logic goes like this:

Church and State are suppose to be separated.

Public schools are owned and run by the State. Funding for those schools comes from the taxpayer.

Therefore, Church should be kept out of schools.

Simple huh? :eusa_eh:

I've explained this to you before, but since you appear to have a titanium skull protecting your tiny walnut brain, here we go again:

Separation of church and state is not a separation meant to PROHIBIT the practice of religion. It is meant to PROTECT it. The only purpose of "separation of church and state" legislation is to prohibit the STATE from PENALIZING people who don't follow the STATE religion..or lack thereof.

So Obama's determination to PENALIZE those schools which allow prayer is an OBVIOUS violation of "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE". Because he is very deliberately penalizing people for their religious beliefs.

Get it yet?

Fucking idiot.

Mama's pissed! :eusa_angel:
Nice try leftist wingnuts separation of church and state is not only not all inclusive, the supreme court has also said that if you rent your school to other organizations to hold their meetings you also have to rent to religious organizations which would essentially mean that no school between the mountains could be refurbished, modernized, or whatever.
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Sorry religious wingnuts; logic goes like this:

Church and State are suppose to be separated.

Public schools are owned and run by the State. Funding for those schools comes from the taxpayer.

Therefore, Church should be kept out of schools.

Simple huh? :eusa_eh:

I've explained this to you before, but since you appear to have a titanium skull protecting your tiny walnut brain, here we go again:

Separation of church and state is not a separation meant to PROHIBIT the practice of religion. It is meant to PROTECT it. The only purpose of "separation of church and state" legislation is to prohibit the STATE from PENALIZING people who don't follow the STATE religion..or lack thereof.

So Obama's determination to PENALIZE those schools which allow prayer is an OBVIOUS violation of "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE". Because he is very deliberately penalizing people for their religious beliefs.

Get it yet?

Fucking idiot.

Mama's pissed! :eusa_angel:

Just hoping that the big letters might be easier to read for those who are obviously otherwise challenged.
Just hoping that the big letters might be easier to read for those who are obviously otherwise challenged.

Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine that government and religious institutions are to be kept separate and independent from each other.[1] The term most often refers to the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom of religious exercise.[2]

The phrase separation of church and state is generally traced to the letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state.[3] The phrase was then quoted by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878,[4] and then in a series of cases starting in 1948.[5] This led to increased popular and political discussion of the concept.

The separation of church and state is a legal and political principle derived from the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Allie, how do you think public prayer in school is going to be allowed? By Legislation.

The entire debate about this is stupid anyway since praying is selfish.
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Actually it is derived from one phrase in one of Thomas Jefferson's Letter to get Church and state as it is now been defined from the first amensment you have to turn the first amendment inside out and stand it on it's head.

Al the first amendment says is that congress can't tell religious people where and how to builkd there religious structure, or when, how, and where they can worship. The current misinterpretation of that simple declarative statement seems to be that what congress is not permitted to do, the courts can do in Spades, not to mention hearts, diamonds, and clubs.
Children who choose to pray publicly, in a society where there is a separation of church and state, will be allowed to do so. In a society where there is no separation, they will be "prevented", "punished" or otherwise penalized for daring to show religion when the state mandates that there shall be none.

Get it YET??

This is a struggle for you, I understand. Ohhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Just hoping that the big letters might be easier to read for those who are obviously otherwise challenged.

Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine that government and religious institutions are to be kept separate and independent from each other.[1] The term most often refers to the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom of religious exercise.[2]

The phrase separation of church and state is generally traced to the letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state.[3] The phrase was then quoted by the United States Supreme Court first in 1878,[4] and then in a series of cases starting in 1948.[5] This led to increased popular and political discussion of the concept.

The separation of church and state is a legal and political principle derived from the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Allie, how do you think public prayer in school is going to be allowed? By Legislation.

The entire debate about this is stupid anyway since praying is selfish.

Praying ... I guess you need to clarify that as well.

I see lil old ladies carrying rosary beads and spinning them through their fingers all the time.
I see muslims pray on carpets
Why cant someone pray in school. Stupid
Children who choose to pray publicly, in a society where there is a separation of church and state, will be allowed to do so. In a society where there is no separation, they will be "prevented", "punished" or otherwise penalized for daring to show religion when the state mandates that there shall be none.

Get it YET??

This is a struggle for you, I understand. Ohhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.....

By allowing children to pray pubicly in a society where there is a separation of church and state; you are establishing as government a religion. Under the rule, that is not allowed.

The whole point is moot anyway. If you respect your God, you shouldn't pray.
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Children who choose to pray publicly, in a society where there is a separation of church and state, will be allowed to do so. In a society where there is no separation, they will be "prevented", "punished" or otherwise penalized for daring to show religion when the state mandates that there shall be none.

Get it YET??

This is a struggle for you, I understand. Ohhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.....

By allowing children to pray pubicly in a society where there is a separation of church and state; you are establishing as government a religion. Under the rule, that is not allowed.

"Not Allowed"...

Are you out of your fucking mind? This is what separation of church and state exists to PREVENT. CHILDREN ARE ALLOWED TO PRAY PUBLICLY, and that includes in school, you FUCKING MORON. The minute they are penalized for it, then "separation of church and state" has no meaning, and you are officially penalizing people for their beliefs and using government power to subjugate and intimidate them.

This just blows my mind. What the hell are people eating, that they think it's OK for the fucking state to STOP CHILDREN, or ANYONE THE FUCK ELSE, from PRAYING IN PUBLIC?

Nazi fucking piece of shit.

Mindless pod people....
so all the muslim students are going to lose their prayer rooms.....intollerant bastards........
Sorry religious wingnuts; logic goes like this:

Church and State are suppose to be separated.

Public schools are owned and run by the State. Funding for those schools comes from the taxpayer.

Therefore, Church should be kept out of schools.

Simple huh? :eusa_eh:

I've explained this to you before, but since you appear to have a titanium skull protecting your tiny walnut brain, here we go again:

Separation of church and state is not a separation meant to PROHIBIT the practice of religion. It is meant to PROTECT it. The only purpose of "separation of church and state" legislation is to prohibit the STATE from PENALIZING people who don't follow the STATE religion..or lack thereof.

So Obama's determination to PENALIZE those schools which allow prayer is an OBVIOUS violation of "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE". Because he is very deliberately penalizing people for their religious beliefs.

Get it yet?

Fucking idiot.


If I get this right you are saying that the government should be able to fund religious causes because not funding them would penalize them? And therefor violate the separation of church and state?

I m sorry, maybe it is just me but isn't government funding of religious causes the violation of "the separation of church and state" principle and not the "not funding" of them ("penalizing" as you said it). But I don't think the government should avoid "stimulating" schools that teach a certain religion, the government should just say the schools can't use the money for religious purposes. And as far as I can tell, Obama is just abiding by the "separation of church and state" principle, he is not saying religious schools won't get money: he is only saying they can't use the taxpayermoney for religious purposes. For example: they should not build a church or a mosque with taxpayer money because that is purely religious.
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so all the muslim students are going to lose their prayer rooms.....intollerant bastards........

They will be removed at gun point, apparently.

Because it's "not allowed" to show your faith in a public building.


Every now and then I have just a glimmer of what the world would be if there were some culling going on...of course, my choices in culling would be a world apart from the culling choices my commie bastard neighbors would make..

But oh, if only I could make those choices what a better place the world would be...for just a minute, or an hour......

Then I remember, I'm not a poison-minded, backward thinking commie Yobama Podbot. I don't believe in eugenics, or communism, or the evisceration of freedom of speech and freedom of religion......or the marginalization of everyone who doesn't live in NYC, LA, Cleveland, Chicago or Miami.
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