Conservative converting to Pro-Obamacare: my demands


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
OK, I surrender, I'm converting. Obamacare is the law of the land and as a law abiding and law respecting citizen, I'm on board. I support the law. :clap2:

HOWEVER.......seeing as 50% of citizens who pay income taxes are going to subsidize the other 50%'s healthcare, I have some demands. Having to drive through the ghetto fairly often, and seeing my tax money at work, I have issues and demands I want Obama to begin. Here they are:

To obtain your Obamacare at the taxpayer expense, you MUST be forbidden from the following:

- You are no longer allowed to play the lottery. If you got money to burn, obviously you could've bought your own healthcare.

- You are no longer allowed to at any time be more than +2% over your body mass index and body fat % healthy standard. The dept. of health will check this when you come in for free healthcare, and if you are 45% body fat, you are turned away. Get your fat asses into shape.

- Exercise is mandatory. Gym memberships will be subsidized, but we will have government exercise locations throughout each city led by former military instructors. Your fat ass WILL show up for a minimum of THREE weekly PT sessions, else, you lose your free Obamacare.

- The IRS will also do a yearly "Luxury Item Audit" of your home. "Luxury Items" will include, but not be limited to, any car valued at over $20,000, any television set valued at over $500, as well as a long list of other non-essential items in which a cheaper, generic less luxury item of similar function is available. If you can afford a Lexus with rims, you can buy your own health insurance also.

So, in exchange for my support, I expect Obama to enforce these things in the ghetto. No more lottery tickets. No luxury items. Mandatory exercise. Mandatory body fat screenings with punishment. That way, while my tax money is working for them, they will be working to prevent the use of it as much as necessary.

Fair enough?????
OK, I surrender, I'm converting. Obamacare is the law of the land and as a law abiding and law respecting citizen, I'm on board. I support the law.

HOWEVER.......seeing as 50% of citizens who pay income taxes are going to subsidize the other 50%'s healthcare, I have some demands. Having to drive through the ghetto fairly often, and seeing my tax money at work, I have issues and demands I want Obama to begin. Here they are:


Fair enough?????

Before we implement such a policy as you have suggested, I think we're going to need national ID cards. The card would be encoded with a citizenship class. Everyone would have to swipe the card before every transaction. For instance, anyone attempting to buy an ice cream cone would have to establish his eligibility according to your standards; body mass, exercise record, etc.

Fair enough?
Well, I would have liked to have gone to a Canadian system. That would have reduced the outlay to the point we could cover all our citizens for far less than we pay for the current system. But the President got what was possible to get at this time. As the economy improves and we see the good in the minimal that we have gotten, then we can work on creating a real health care system.

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