Conservative Chickens Come Home to Roost


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Conservative Chickens Come Home to Roost


Throughout this entire process, the spectacle of these clowns thrashing each other and continually seizing and then fumbling frontrunner status has left me with an oddly reassuring feeling, one that I haven't quite been able to put my finger on. In my younger days I would have just assumed it was regular old Schadenfreude at the sight of people like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich suffering, but this isn’t like that – it's something different than the pleasure of watching A-Rod strike out in the playoffs.

No, it was while watching the debates last night that it finally hit me: This is justice. What we have here are chickens coming home to roost. It's as if all of the American public's bad habits and perverse obsessions are all coming back to haunt Republican voters in this race: The lack of attention span, the constant demand for instant gratification, the abject hunger for negativity, the utter lack of backbone or constancy (we change our loyalties at the drop of a hat, all it takes is a clever TV ad): these things are all major factors in the spiraling Republican disaster.

Most importantly, though, the conservative passion for divisive, partisan, bomb-tossing politics is threatening to permanently cripple the Republican party. They long ago became more about pointing fingers than about ideology, and it's finally ruining them.

Oh, sure, your average conservative will insist his belief system is based upon a passion for the free market and limited government, but that's mostly a cover story. Instead, the vast team-building exercise that has driven the broadcasts of people like Rush and Hannity and the talking heads on Fox for decades now has really been a kind of ongoing Quest for Orthodoxy, in which the team members congregate in front of the TV and the radio and share in the warm feeling of pointing the finger at people who aren't as American as they are, who lack their family values, who don’t share their All-American work ethic.

The finger-pointing game is a fun one to play, but it’s a little like drugs – you have to keep taking bigger and bigger doses in order to get the same high.

So it starts with a bunch of these people huddling together and saying to themselves, "We’re the real good Americans; our problems are caused by all those other people out there who don’t share our values." At that stage the real turn-on for the followers is the recognition that there are other like-minded people out there, and they don’t need blood orgies and war cries to keep the faith strong – bake sales and church retreats will do.

So they form their local Moral Majority outfits, and they put Ronald Reagan in office, and they sit and wait for the world to revert to a world where there was one breadwinner in the family, and no teen pregnancy or crime or poor people, and immigrants worked hard and didn't ask for welfare and had the decency to speak English – a world that never existed in reality, of course, but they're waiting for a return to it nonetheless.


The rest of it is so spot on, but I cannot copy it all. LINK
a very thoughtful piece lol

even former heroin addicts that write for rolling stone can have a few clueless followers........
You gotta really wonder about the radical left's intelligence when they use the words "perverse obsessions" and republicans in the same sentence when they defended Clinton and the most perverse administration in history. I guess hatred wipes out historic perspective in the liberal mind.
"it's something different than the pleasure of watching A-Rod strike out in the playoffs."


What a fucking loser.

Must be a Mets fan

I stopped reading after that btw
You gotta really wonder about the radical left's intelligence when they use the words "perverse obsessions" and republicans in the same sentence when they defended Clinton and the most perverse administration in history. I guess hatred wipes out historic perspective in the liberal mind.

Yes, lying about getting a blowjob from a fat girl REALLY COMPARES to lying to go to war in Iraq and killing 4000+ of our troops and wasting close to 3 TRILLION DOLLARS for WMD's that didn't exist.

Conservative Chickens Come Home to Roost


Throughout this entire process, the spectacle of these clowns thrashing each other and continually seizing and then fumbling frontrunner status has left me with an oddly reassuring feeling, one that I haven't quite been able to put my finger on. In my younger days I would have just assumed it was regular old Schadenfreude at the sight of people like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich suffering, but this isn’t like that – it's something different than the pleasure of watching A-Rod strike out in the playoffs.

No, it was while watching the debates last night that it finally hit me: This is justice. What we have here are chickens coming home to roost. It's as if all of the American public's bad habits and perverse obsessions are all coming back to haunt Republican voters in this race: The lack of attention span, the constant demand for instant gratification, the abject hunger for negativity, the utter lack of backbone or constancy (we change our loyalties at the drop of a hat, all it takes is a clever TV ad): these things are all major factors in the spiraling Republican disaster.

Most importantly, though, the conservative passion for divisive, partisan, bomb-tossing politics is threatening to permanently cripple the Republican party. They long ago became more about pointing fingers than about ideology, and it's finally ruining them.

Oh, sure, your average conservative will insist his belief system is based upon a passion for the free market and limited government, but that's mostly a cover story. Instead, the vast team-building exercise that has driven the broadcasts of people like Rush and Hannity and the talking heads on Fox for decades now has really been a kind of ongoing Quest for Orthodoxy, in which the team members congregate in front of the TV and the radio and share in the warm feeling of pointing the finger at people who aren't as American as they are, who lack their family values, who don’t share their All-American work ethic.

The finger-pointing game is a fun one to play, but it’s a little like drugs – you have to keep taking bigger and bigger doses in order to get the same high.

So it starts with a bunch of these people huddling together and saying to themselves, "We’re the real good Americans; our problems are caused by all those other people out there who don’t share our values." At that stage the real turn-on for the followers is the recognition that there are other like-minded people out there, and they don’t need blood orgies and war cries to keep the faith strong – bake sales and church retreats will do.

So they form their local Moral Majority outfits, and they put Ronald Reagan in office, and they sit and wait for the world to revert to a world where there was one breadwinner in the family, and no teen pregnancy or crime or poor people, and immigrants worked hard and didn't ask for welfare and had the decency to speak English – a world that never existed in reality, of course, but they're waiting for a return to it nonetheless.


The rest of it is so spot on, but I cannot copy it all. LINK

Who wrote that piece, a fourteen year old?

You gotta really wonder about the radical left's intelligence when they use the words "perverse obsessions" and republicans in the same sentence when they defended Clinton and the most perverse administration in history. I guess hatred wipes out historic perspective in the liberal mind.

No to mention it is the left obsessed with abortions, rubbers, morning after pills, gay marriage, transvestite rights, etc. Every election this is all they talk about.

The GOP has to get its head out of its ass and run two hardcore right wingers. That's what I keep hearing that "America wants", every time I freakin' turn around, so let's see them do it and we'll find out how things go.

Run Santorum/Bachmann, Santorum/Palin, and let 'er rip. Let's get this over with.

You gotta really wonder about the radical left's intelligence when they use the words "perverse obsessions" and republicans in the same sentence when they defended Clinton and the most perverse administration in history. I guess hatred wipes out historic perspective in the liberal mind.

Yes, lying about getting a blowjob from a fat girl REALLY COMPARES to lying to go to war in Iraq and killing 4000+ of our troops and wasting close to 3 TRILLION DOLLARS for WMD's that didn't exist.

Yes, consensual sex is more interesting than DEAD US troops.
You gotta really wonder about the radical left's intelligence when they use the words "perverse obsessions" and republicans in the same sentence when they defended Clinton and the most perverse administration in history. I guess hatred wipes out historic perspective in the liberal mind.

Yes, lying about getting a blowjob from a fat girl REALLY COMPARES to lying to go to war in Iraq and killing 4000+ of our troops and wasting close to 3 TRILLION DOLLARS for WMD's that didn't exist.


In case you were in a coma at the time, democrats voted for boots on the ground in Iraq and then they pretended they were bystanders or part of the jihad. If anything is perverse about Iraq it is the democrat politicians trying to undermine the mission every step of the way and calling Marines "murderers" and Soldiers "terrorists" and buying a full page ad in the NY Times calling the US commander "betray-us". Now that is perverse . Harry Reid should be in federal prison for trying to get the US Military to lay down their arms when he said "the war is lost". Radical lefties have to be very careful when they use the word "perverse" It comes back to haunt them on every level.
Yeah, when the Yankees moved they had to hire a few trucks to move all of the pennants and world series banners
It isn't about chickens coming home to roost. It is about too many debates. There has been a record number of them and it was incredibly stupid to do that.

The GOP candidates spent too much on-air time smashing and bashing each other to gain the upper hand and forgot there is a reason behind Reagan's 11th commandment. It is all important to present a unified front.

Instead of keeping it dry, they pissed all over their own powder, and gave the opposition all their ammunition.
Good grief, I'd be embarrassed to post that article on here...

STUPID and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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You gotta really wonder about the radical left's intelligence when they use the words "perverse obsessions" and republicans in the same sentence when they defended Clinton and the most perverse administration in history. I guess hatred wipes out historic perspective in the liberal mind.

No to mention it is the left obsessed with abortions, rubbers, morning after pills, gay marriage, transvestite rights, etc. Every election this is all they talk about.

I don't know if you will remember this Soggy but they tried this shit in 2004. It wasn't even on any radar screen, not one word about Bush being against Roe vs Wade and out of the mother trucking blue you had this whole march in DC to support pro choice.

Women were flying in from over the whole planet.

It was nuts. And they are playing the same old playbook again. I remember going "what the hell is happening". Whoopi Goldberg. Hillary. It was insane frankly but what else is new with the left wing nutbars.
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Remember this people?

Nothing was going on. No one was threatening choice. But the asswipes on the left staged this.

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