
Avatar4321 said:
Its not the questioning of the President that is getting you labeled unamerican. Its freaking opposing everything this nation stands for. It's youre continual desire to see President Bush fail, even if it means this nation fails with it. Its your continual badmouthing of everything this nation does.

And if you think everyone on this board supports everything the President does your a freaking illiterate, because we speak out against dumb moves too. We just arent about to go undermine our military when they are out defending us.

Like I said its pieces of crap like you who care more about getting your political power back then the survival of this nation. It must suck to know that whats bad for america is good for you.

And if you care so damn much about what the Founding Fathers wants for this nation. youd be fighting to get the full executive power restored to the President instead of the watered down power he has been left. Congress and the Courts have robbed past Presidents, this President, and Future Presidents. If you care at all about the Constitutional youll fight to give the President back His full power so He can execute His Constitutional duties, such as saving your sorry ass.


Why do I feel like an extra in a Marcel Marceau movie?

Avatar4321 said:
Its not the questioning of the President that is getting you labeled unamerican. Its freaking opposing everything this nation stands for. It's youre continual desire to see President Bush fail, even if it means this nation fails with it. Its your continual badmouthing of everything this nation does.

And if you think everyone on this board supports everything the President does your a freaking illiterate, because we speak out against dumb moves too. We just arent about to go undermine our military when they are out defending us.

Like I said its pieces of crap like you who care more about getting your political power back then the survival of this nation. It must suck to know that whats bad for america is good for you.

And if you care so damn much about what the Founding Fathers wants for this nation. youd be fighting to get the full executive power restored to the President instead of the watered down power he has been left. Congress and the Courts have robbed past Presidents, this President, and Future Presidents. If you care at all about the Constitutional youll fight to give the President back His full power so He can execute His Constitutional duties, such as saving your sorry ass.

Having served in the military, and taken to heart an oath to support and defend the Constitution against <b>ALL</b> enemies, both foreign and <b>DOMESTIC</b>, I will not brook you or anyone else questioning my patriotism.

If our nation is to survive, it must live up to the values our Founding Fathers laid down in the Constitution, and if our elected leaders choose to regard that document as nothing but "...A goddamned piece of paper..." they do so all our peril. If they abandon the very foundation of this Republic, they risk becoming the destroyers of the Republic.

It is for this reason that the branches of government must be coequals, each having specific duties. It does not fall under the purview of the executive branch to make laws, as this President has done with his agressive use of signing statements. Nor is something legal simply because he says it is. This is the responsiblility of the legislative branch, as is oversight of the executive branch, which this Congress has failed miserably at.

The unitary executive brach with rubber-stamp legislative and judicial branches, which you seem to be advocating, sets us on a path towards an all powerful. centralized government...A totalitarian regime...Gee, sounds like communism to me.
Kath, good read. Tried to rep you but it says I give it to others before giving it up to you again.

I think the idea of simply pulling back and rewarding other nations with money based on our needs and thier actions is pretty good. But, I don't have faith that any political leader of any party will actually advocate it.

Oh yeah, and for those who wish to criticize the President. Go for it. Just make sure you have your act together and do it with class. It's ok to disagree, it's not OK to be an ass about it.
sitarro said:
So this didn't answer your question? I don't give a crap if someone wants to criticize the Bush Administration on truthful, valid points but when absolutely ignorant garbage is made up and used as criticism I have a problem with that.

Iraq had WMDs, that is a fact that has been proven over and over again. To say that Bush lied about the existence of them is a lie. Iraq needed to be dealt with, that is also a fact, just because the UN and a few insignificant countries who were being paid by Saddam disagreed doesn't make the action wrong. Saddam had broken the agreements he made in 91 numerous times including firing upon our aircraft and attempting to assassinate a former President of the United States, that in itself was enough to take this enemy of the world out. Our interest in the area and our friends were threatened, more reason to take him out.

The federal government was not to blame for the idiocy of my home state in the lack of reaction to the needs in New Orleans. President Bush warned that joke of a Governor and Mayor of what was coming, they chose to pretend that they could handle the disaster that has been coming since before I was born. To blame the federal government when the reaction time was actually the fastest in history to a natural disaster is nothing but pure partisan bullshit.

What's the point, one has to be blind and naive to not see what the United States has done for the rest of the world. Reread the editorial.

You shouldn't have to explain all this sitarro. It only goes to show how incredibly IGNORANT and INEPT someone is that you have to.

Liberals... my God. What a bunch of ridiculous, preposterous, shysters.
Diuretic said:

Why do I feel like an extra in a Marcel Marceau movie?


So the thing to do when faced with facts and truths in joeyland is to rub one off?

Funny... liberals here in America do the same thing.
pegwinn said:
Kath, good read. Tried to rep you but it says I give it to others before giving it up to you again.

I think the idea of simply pulling back and rewarding other nations with money based on our needs and thier actions is pretty good. But, I don't have faith that any political leader of any party will actually advocate it.

Oh yeah, and for those who wish to criticize the President. Go for it. Just make sure you have your act together and do it with class. It's ok to disagree, it's not OK to be an ass about it.

Thank you! So goes the story of my life! :laugh: Whether anyone else will step up? We'll soon see, as I do not think WE are going to do or 'approve' of Israel doing, whether they'll listen or not, time will tell. Now is the UN's hour, will they meet my expectations or rise above them?
Pale Rider said:
So the thing to do when faced with facts and truths in joeyland is to rub one off?

Funny... liberals here in America do the same thing.

Subtlety isn't your strong point is it? Okay, in future just for your I - and if that brings up painful memories from your schooldays then tough.
Diuretic said:
Subtlety isn't your strong point is it? Okay, in future just for your I - and if that brings up painful memories from your schooldays then tough.

Oh ha ha... ho ho... stop... my sides hurt... you're so funny.


And no, I'm anything but subtle. Subtlety only creates gray areas where you liberals get lost. Following rational thought paterns is not where you peoples strength lies. It's lying.
Okay I shall issue subtlety warnings in future. You know how inclusionary we liberals are. Oh damnit, was that too subtle? :teeth:

Okay fun over, that was good for a chuckle. Back to business now.

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