Cons refuse to except that the CONfederacy lost the war

The cons continue to defend those that fought for slavery and bigotry. They continue to defend the Ku Klux Klan, that flies the CONfederate flag so proudly. They still fight for the right to insult the winners of the Civil War. They say that flying the rebel flag honors their heritage, but they are the descendants of losers. When the Nazi's lost WWII, their flag was torn down and burned. And like the Nazi flag, the CONfederate flag should have no honor.

The south lost their war of bigotry and hate, and should be made to capitulate the same as Germany did after WWII. The losers of the war should not be allowed to pretend they didn't lose.

Now, some of the cons are calling for more violence and bloodshed against blacks and gays. Some have advocated it here on this forum, and I quote, "Time for more bullets and blood, not ballots". These are the same as the ISIS extremists.

Actually it's just the freaking opposite. Progs get their panties in a bunch over a piece of cloth while they ignore the mental stability of the actual perpetrator of a horrific mass murder. Progs need to keep the Confederacy alive in order to subjugate and intimidate their minority Black voting base. Racists democrats even get away with claiming that Black people don't have the intelligence to obtain a freaking photo I.D. in the 21st century.
As the fascists parrot the nazi line, "Where's your papers?"

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