Cons refuse to except that the CONfederacy lost the war


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
The cons continue to defend those that fought for slavery and bigotry. They continue to defend the Ku Klux Klan, that flies the CONfederate flag so proudly. They still fight for the right to insult the winners of the Civil War. They say that flying the rebel flag honors their heritage, but they are the descendants of losers. When the Nazi's lost WWII, their flag was torn down and burned. And like the Nazi flag, the CONfederate flag should have no honor.

The south lost their war of bigotry and hate, and should be made to capitulate the same as Germany did after WWII. The losers of the war should not be allowed to pretend they didn't lose.

Now, some of the cons are calling for more violence and bloodshed against blacks and gays. Some have advocated it here on this forum, and I quote, "Time for more bullets and blood, not ballots". These are the same as the ISIS extremists.
Live in the past much? The south surrendered, everybody knows this. What world do you live in ya frigg'n drunk?
Poor Hangover.

Just because the word Conservative shares a syllable with Confederate doesn't mean that they are ideologically linked.

DEMOCRATS are the carries of the Confederate Flame, bub.
The cons continue to defend those that fought for slavery and bigotry. They continue to defend the Ku Klux Klan, that flies the CONfederate flag so proudly. They still fight for the right to insult the winners of the Civil War. They say that flying the rebel flag honors their heritage, but they are the descendants of losers. When the Nazi's lost WWII, their flag was torn down and burned. And like the Nazi flag, the CONfederate flag should have no honor.

The south lost their war of bigotry and hate, and should be made to capitulate the same as Germany did after WWII. The losers of the war should not be allowed to pretend they didn't lose.

Now, some of the cons are calling for more violence and bloodshed against blacks and gays. Some have advocated it here on this forum, and I quote, "Time for more bullets and blood, not ballots". These are the same as the ISIS extremists.

From the diary of a madman. :cuckoo:
The cons continue to defend those that fought for slavery and bigotry. They continue to defend the Ku Klux Klan, that flies the CONfederate flag so proudly. They still fight for the right to insult the winners of the Civil War. They say that flying the rebel flag honors their heritage, but they are the descendants of losers. When the Nazi's lost WWII, their flag was torn down and burned. And like the Nazi flag, the CONfederate flag should have no honor.

The south lost their war of bigotry and hate, and should be made to capitulate the same as Germany did after WWII. The losers of the war should not be allowed to pretend they didn't lose.

Now, some of the cons are calling for more violence and bloodshed against blacks and gays. Some have advocated it here on this forum, and I quote, "Time for more bullets and blood, not ballots". These are the same as the ISIS extremists.
they dont?.....i better tell the 3 guys from the south i worked with....they might want to know....
OP is both uninformed AND delusional.

By the way, Hillary belongs to the CFR which is a GIANT "Con" think tank.

Suck on that a while.
The cons continue to defend those that fought for slavery and bigotry. They continue to defend the Ku Klux Klan, that flies the CONfederate flag so proudly. They still fight for the right to insult the winners of the Civil War. They say that flying the rebel flag honors their heritage, but they are the descendants of losers. When the Nazi's lost WWII, their flag was torn down and burned. And like the Nazi flag, the CONfederate flag should have no honor.

The south lost their war of bigotry and hate, and should be made to capitulate the same as Germany did after WWII. The losers of the war should not be allowed to pretend they didn't lose.

Now, some of the cons are calling for more violence and bloodshed against blacks and gays. Some have advocated it here on this forum, and I quote, "Time for more bullets and blood, not ballots". These are the same as the ISIS extremists.

Libs still ignorant on the cause of the Civil War. They still believe it was about slavery when the Union itself had slave states and only ten percent of southerners owned slaves.

You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you can make them think.
The cons continue to defend those that fought for slavery and bigotry. They continue to defend the Ku Klux Klan, that flies the CONfederate flag so proudly. They still fight for the right to insult the winners of the Civil War. They say that flying the rebel flag honors their heritage, but they are the descendants of losers. When the Nazi's lost WWII, their flag was torn down and burned. And like the Nazi flag, the CONfederate flag should have no honor.

The south lost their war of bigotry and hate, and should be made to capitulate the same as Germany did after WWII. The losers of the war should not be allowed to pretend they didn't lose.

Now, some of the cons are calling for more violence and bloodshed against blacks and gays. Some have advocated it here on this forum, and I quote, "Time for more bullets and blood, not ballots". These are the same as the ISIS extremists.

The democrats lost their war to keep blacks as slaves, after the Republicans defeated them. Then of course, the racist democrats used the racist, democrat terror group, the kkk to attack the newly freed slaves and the Republicans trying to help them. the democrats slowly stole elections through the use of poll taxes and literacy tests to block the abililty of blacks to vote. And after taking back power the racist democrats instituted the jim crow laws to keep blacks under their control.

Hate to tell you, but that's old news.... The Democrats lost that war 150 years ago....

If it's still burning a hole in your brain, that alcohol must be a pretty good preservative......
The true racists of 2015 are the democrat liberals who are determined to keep blacks as slaves to the government in order to buy their votes. But sorry dems , americans of all colors are not as stupid as you think they are.

liberalism is a failed ideology, the democrat party has been severely damaged by obama and hillary will complete its destruction.
The real war didn't end until 1877 when the last federal troops left and the South was free again. Free for the old power structure to regain much of it's former power/influence.
So far, all the cons are doing is deflect attention and deny they have anything to do with the south, while on other threads they're still defending their bigotry.

And like healthcare and equal rights, they think their actually going to win their bigoted fight. Please cons, continue to dig that hole, it's the only thing you're good at.
So far, all the cons are doing is deflect attention and deny they have anything to do with the south, while on other threads they're still defending their bigotry.

And like healthcare and equal rights, they think their actually going to win their bigoted fight. Please cons, continue to dig that hole, it's the only thing you're good at.
Says a mindless partisan bigot that does not know the difference between "accept" and "except".
So far, all the cons are doing is deflect attention and deny they have anything to do with the south, while on other threads they're still defending their bigotry.

And like healthcare and equal rights, they think their actually going to win their bigoted fight. Please cons, continue to dig that hole, it's the only thing you're good at.

the slave owning south was controlled by democrats. The only hole being dug is the one you are looking out of.

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