Conn. Heavily Controls Guns : Result : 20 Children Slaughtered


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Monster Alan Lanza knew that he could perpetrate the crime without any opposition - there was no one at Sandy Hook Elementary who could defend the children because Connecticut Gun Laws are the most restrictive in the country.

Even though there are many criminals like Lanza are amongst us , the fascists solution is to disarm us.

Go fig.

School Teacher In Israel Ready To Perform Her Duties. Can you identify the piece of equipment that she has that her Connecticut counterparts do not have?



What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.
When you limit the right of people to bear arms, when you erode human rights, people are vulnerable. Progressives promote and legislate for a system in which only the strong and violent have *rights*. This is the result.
What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.

Yo Vern, who could have predicted that Silva was going to go postal?

Are there many individuals amongst us who are criminally predisposed?

But you answer is to disarm law abiding citizens?

Whose head is up his anal cavity?!?!?!?!?

I wonder what direction the Sunday Talk shows will go tomorrow..
I'm sure there will a few who will blame the republican party for this...
Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be on I'm sure.
When you limit the right of people to bear arms, when you erode human rights, people are vulnerable. Progressives promote and legislate for a system in which only the strong and violent have *rights*. This is the result.

Yes, indeed.

Silva knew that he could easily slaughter little children who had no one to defend them thanks to Connecticut laws which have disarmed law abiding citizens.

When you limit the right of people to bear arms, when you erode human rights, people are vulnerable. Progressives promote and legislate for a system in which only the strong and violent have *rights*. This is the result.

Yes, indeed.

Silva knew that he could easily slaughter little children who had no one to defend them thanks to Connecticut laws which have disarmed law abiding citizens.


Then where did the killer get the guns? If what you claim is the truth.
What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.

Yo Vern, who could have predicted that Silva was going to go postal?

Are there many individuals amongst us who are criminally predisposed?

But you answer is to disarm law abiding citizens?

Whose head is up his anal cavity?!?!?!?!?


My answer isn't, nor has it been to disarm citizens. My POV is make laws that aren't stupid, and tell the wingnut fanatics to go pound a few buckets of sand up their ass.

When I go duck hunting, I'm only allowed a shotgun that can load three shots. Those shells must also be ecofriendly. If it exceeds that limit, or I'm using lead shot, my gun can be confiscated, I'm subject to fine and imprisonment, and they get to keep any ducks that were stupid enough to let me hit them. I still have the right to bear arms. I just can't carry around a 50 cal., with a 500 shot belt.

Why are you such a simpleton?
What's your point? Is it if the 5 year olds were packing heat this could have been averted?

Or that you think teachers should be required to pack automatic rifles?

You are aware that Israeli are all required to train in the military. Do you want that to be a requirement for all American teachers?

To you numbskulls, the answer always comes out more guns would have prevented this. I think you have your head up your ass.
So, criminals will start obeying gun control laws...why, exactly?
When you limit the right of people to bear arms, when you erode human rights, people are vulnerable. Progressives promote and legislate for a system in which only the strong and violent have *rights*. This is the result.

Lol gun rights are now human rights? Fuckin fool, so your for gun rights, but let me guess your against, gay, women, minority rights correct, kosher your prob. One of the dumbest mother fuckers on here, you along with freewill, avatar, rotttwieler, you guys are the def. Of retarded.

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