Congresswoman: Obamacare creating health insurance monopolies


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this a hoot, he sold you dupes out to the BIG BAD INSURANCE Corporations .. and not only that he made you all HIS SLAVE...and what do you all do, say oh thank you my dear leader, we will follow you over any cliff..just say when...
links in article at site

Rep. Renee Ellmers raised awareness of a new problem with Obamacare’s implementation: the creation of private-sector health insurance monopolies that will limit Americans’ provider choices.

The major health insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield, which is closely coordinating with the White House on Obamacare implementation, will enjoy perhaps the greatest monopoly of all, the North Carolina Republican said in a statement.

“Although seven insurance companies currently operate in North Carolina, under the new Obamacare exchanges, those options will dwindle down to one in the majority of counties,” Ellmers said Thursday following the disclosure of figures by federal health officials showing that more than 60 percent of North Carolina counties will have only one insurance provider option under Obamacare: Blue Cross Blue Shield.

all of it here
Read more: Congresswoman: Obamacare creating health insurance monopolies | The Daily Caller
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That'll make it much easier for the government to take over the entire industry once all 57 states have only one company to deal with.
That'll make it much easier for the government to take over the entire industry once all 57 states have only one company to deal with.

they bragged about doing just that....we have a hostile fascist Government and if people don't wake up, ALL their rights to freedom of choice will be gone...

but as we see, with the left-libs, freedom of choice is only for KILLING the babies
We are down to 3 exchange participating Companies here, Coventry has yet to even file brochures or applications.
Texass is not going to implement the ACA, yet they have the highest average of those that have no health insurance.But i know personally how Texass is, I've lived there, they are like Okies they are a cruel bunch of evangelical baptists.

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