Congressman Tom Campbell fighting UN AGENDA 21 in the House


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
The water tragedy of California in 2009 and 2010 cost Central Valley farmers hundreds of billions of gallons of contracted water that were instead dumped into the Pacific Ocean in the name of the Delta Smelt.

This tragic policy fallowed hundreds of thousands of acres, threw thousands of hard-working families into unemployment and devastated communities throughout the region, not on the basis of sound science, but rather on what one federal judge rightly called the "ideological zealotry" of rogue bureaucrats.

I was honored to support Congressman Devin Nunes's H.R. 1837 -- which passed the House last week -- in order to restore common sense and sound science to California water allocations, while bringing the full force of federal law to protect senior and area of origin water rights holders.

Ironically, the opposition argued that this bill forces states to secede their authority over water rights to the federal government, when in fact states like California are infringing on the property rights of individuals -- which is the federal government's responsibility to protect under the 14th Amendment.

[ame=]H.R. 1837 Water Rights (San Joaquin Water Issues) - YouTube[/ame]
Media Center | Tom McClintock for Congress

[ame=]H.R. 1837 Water Issues: Protecting Citizens' Property Rights - YouTube[/ame]
Media Center | Tom McClintock for Congress

Comment: Good for Tom :clap2: , he might not know it but he is fighting UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 21 policy here in California. UN AGENDA 21 wants to give all our resources to the interests of the AAE, their corps and their NGO's and remove the rest from the reach of the people.
Yeah, I saw that too.
It was funny how the Dem from California tired all the tricks in the book to get some state power and environmental power back.
He started out with "18 states will be affected by this bill and they will lose all of their water rights as states".
It was funny, but at the same time pathetic.
But the bill isn't going anywhere in the Senate.

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