Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints...


You just earned yourself a roving wiretap and sneak-n-peek search, pal.
Yes it is very unfortunate. Most Americans really are fat lazy asses who can't get enough of their War,Porn,Sports,Stupid Reality TV,Facebook,Twitter,and Cell Phones. Combine that with them genuinely fearing their Government,you get nothing but disaster. And that's what we're living with right now. I fear for my nations's future. I really do.
You know Paul, as a constitutional conservative, I agree with about 95-98% of what Libertarians stand for. I got to say though, that complaint sounds dangerously close to advocating the same kind of social engineering that progressives have been trying to covertly inflict on this country for the last 80 years.

I DO NOT think that is what you are saying...I'm just sayin' my librarian brother that that's what it sounds like.

Social engineering shouldn't be any more tolerated by conservatives than it is by liberals. As a libertarian...I'm sure you feel the same. I know dang well Ron Paul does!

He says if people want to be fat lazy's THEIR problem!

And I agree! ;~)
Have your papers on you at all times people. Seriously. The Gestapo is here.

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