Congress Readies Rosenstein Impeachment As DOJ Continues Illegal Obstruction


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein continues to criminally defy a Congressional subpoena mandating the DOJ turn over FBI / Mueller investigation documents.

Already having intentionally refusing to meet required deadlines, Eisenstein was given another deadline of this past Sunday. Eisenstein refused to respond to Congress and again refused to turn over documents.

Eisenstein has even reportedly attempted to intimidate Congressmembers by threatening to investigate them if they continued to demand he comply with their subpoena.

As a result of refusing to comply with the latest deadline Reps Jordan and Gowdy announced they were moving forward with Contempt of Congress charges against Eisenstein followed by filing articles if Impeachment for his continued crimes if necessary.

Nunes Accuses DOJ Of ‘Obstruction’ In Battle Over FBI Informant Documents

“Your continued refusal to permit Members of Congress and designated staff to review the requested documents is obstruction of a lawful Congressional investigation,” Nunes wrote to Rosenstein on Friday."

Rosenstein and the DOJ continue to refuse to hand over documents, claiming the documents are 'too sensitive' to release to Congress.

(Mueller's team attempted this same bogus claim when a judge in an initial Manafort hearing demanded to see the legal authorization and jurisdiction given to Mueller in regards to his investigation - it did not work. The judge forced Mueller's team to hand over the documents.)

The fact remains that DOJ Deputy Director Rosenstein is in criminal violation of Contempt of Congress in committing Obstruction of Justice in order to protect and prolong the Mueller witch hunt.

The witch hunt has been proven to be a never-ending political investigation of a NON-crime in an attempt to carry out a proven collaborated conspiracy to execute a political coup - the goal being the treasonous removal from office the newly elected President.

In order to prolong their witch hunt to find any crime they can - to include trying to manufacture a crime of Obstruction against Trump, the DOJ Deputy Director has and continues to commit the crime of Obstruction if Justice through criminal non-compliance with a Congressional subpoena.

At this point Rosenstein shod not only be charged with Contempt and Impeached - he should be PERP-WALKED, INDICTED, CONVICTED, & SENT TO PRISON!
Rosenstein defiant as impeachment talk rises

Rosenstein remains defiant while rejecting Congressional oversight of the on-going investigation of the President that has instead exposed crimes and criminal bias within the FBI.

Rosenstein may not LIKE Congress demanding documents or being subpoenaed to hand over documents, but he does not have the legal right to criminally refuse to comply with such a subpoena, which has done and continues to do.
Rosenstein: Justice Department won't be extorted by Congress

Rosenstein deceitfully called Congress' issuing a subpoena to obtain documents from the DOJ 'extortion' in defense of his criminal non-compliance of the subpoena.

This arrogant criminal, currently running the DOJ during Sessions' complete abandonment of his job, should be removed from that position - based on his continued crimes - immediately.
He knows they are all screwed if the documents get out before the have all been altered.
He's a stubborn little pencil pusher:26:.....hope they disarm him ASAP.....
Rosenstein continues to criminally obstruct Justice.

Mueller has intentionally withheld evidence in the past to jail innocent people.

The FBI has been found to have changed reports and manipulated / altered documents.

FBI agents / Mueller investigators have been found to have committed crimes in their failed pursuit of taking down Trump.

FBI text messages reveal Obama wanted to get kept informed about all of it...

This is the biggest political criminal scandal in US history.
Well, well, well......It appears right wing media is ramping up their attack on fellow republican Rosenstein. He must have something good on someone.

The (supposed backers of law enforcement lol) republican party attack on federal law enforcement continues. Deep state!
Well, well, well......It appears right wing media is ramping up their attack on fellow republican Rosenstein. He must have something good on someone.

The (supposed backers of law enforcement lol) republican party attack on federal law enforcement continues. Deep state!
He is hiding information and documents that congressional investigators want and have demanded...its not like there is no reason to ramp up an attack....the man is being insubordinate....He was not elected....
Well, well, well......It appears right wing media is ramping up their attack on fellow republican Rosenstein. He must have something good on someone.

The (supposed backers of law enforcement lol) republican party attack on federal law enforcement continues. Deep state!
He is hiding information and documents that congressional investigators want and have demanded...its not like there is no reason to ramp up an attack....the man is being insubordinate....He was not elected....
Didn't trump appoint him? What's the deal with republicans nowadays eating their own, it makes it look like a trump cult.

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