Congratulations Barry: 2012 budget deficit exceeds 2011 shortfall


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Congratulations Barry: 2012 budget deficit exceeds 2011 shortfall

Rick Moran

It was close. A lot of us didn't think he could do it. But we should have realized by now that when it comes to spending money we don't have, Barrack H. Obama is the champion.

CNS News:

According to the U.S. Treasury, the debt of the U.S. government climbed by a total of $1,275,901,078,828.74 in fiscal 2012, which ended yesterday.

That means the federal government borrowed approximately an additional $10,855 for each household in the United States just over the past twelve months.

The total debt of the United States now equals approximately $136,690 per household.


Excuse me, math is not one of my strong subjects but shouldn't the budget deficit be, like, you know, going down every year instead of going up?

Sorry - my bad. For a minute, I thought we were living in an alternate reality where people actually took things like trillion dollar deficits seriously. I will now return to La-La Land and make happy faces because President Obama has the situation well in hand.

Read more: Blog: Congratulations Barry: 2012 budget deficit exceeds 2011 shortfall

If the Republicans cared about the deficit they would have accepted the $4 trillion in spending cuts that Obama offered last year. They would not compromise at all.

The truth is that the Republicans couldn't care less about the deficit. If they did they would have accepted the best they could get. Refusing to accept a 3% tax increase for the wealthest Americans is PURE BULLSHIT!

They wanted a huge deficit so they could make a big stink about it in the upcoming election.

'Cause otherwise they got NOTHING!
If the Republicans cared about the deficit they would have accepted the $4 trillion in spending cuts that Obama offered last year. They would not compromise at all.

The truth is that the Republicans couldn't care less about the deficit. If they did they would have accepted the best they could get. Refusing to accept a 3% tax increase for the wealthest Americans is PURE BULLSHIT!

They wanted a huge deficit so they could make a big stink about it in the upcoming election.

'Cause otherwise they got NOTHING!

I fail to see how no change in the tax margins results in a BIGGER deficit. If taxes didn't go up, then...anyone? Anyone? That's right! SPENDING went up! How the hell did Bush pull that one again? Four years on and he's still at it. He must be the most powerful ex-President in HISTORY!

Also, if the Clinton tax rates were such an orgasmically good thing for the country, why are you asking only the rich people to enjoy them again?

This question never gets answered when I ask it.

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Good thing Barry is "focused like a laser" on the economy.......imagine how big the deficit would be if he wasn't there, you know, focusing?

He's saved us all!!!


it's so sad that you can only laugh....
If the Republicans cared about the deficit they would have accepted the $4 trillion in spending cuts that Obama offered last year. They would not compromise at all.

The truth is that the Republicans couldn't care less about the deficit. If they did they would have accepted the best they could get. Refusing to accept a 3% tax increase for the wealthest Americans is PURE BULLSHIT!

Too bad that $4 trillion did not include the bloated entitlement system we have.

Oh sure..the Dumbos were eager to take a whackity whack at Defense and whatnot and jack up taxes, but they have a heart attack if you ask them to sacrifice something.
If the Republicans cared about the deficit they would have accepted the $4 trillion in spending cuts that Obama offered last year. They would not compromise at all.

The truth is that the Republicans couldn't care less about the deficit. If they did they would have accepted the best they could get. Refusing to accept a 3% tax increase for the wealthest Americans is PURE BULLSHIT!

They wanted a huge deficit so they could make a big stink about it in the upcoming election.

'Cause otherwise they got NOTHING!

And if the Dembulbs gave a shit about the deficit they would have done something about it rather than passing another TAX

Don't know where you got your information but we haven't had a budget deficit for 3 years now. Yes we have run a deficit, but we haven't had a budget because comrade Reid refuses to consider a budget in the commiecrat controlled senate. The least we conservatives can do is be accurate in our assertions, the commiies damn sure won't.
Don't know where you got your information but we haven't had a budget deficit for 3 years now. Yes we have run a deficit, but we haven't had a budget because comrade Reid refuses to consider a budget in the commiecrat controlled senate. The least we conservatives can do is be accurate in our assertions, the commiies damn sure won't.

You think nit picking is warranted here? He meant that we spent 1.275 trillion dollars more than we took in and you think all is fine because of a technicality?

1.275 TRILLION dollars!!

Don't know where you got your information but we haven't had a budget deficit for 3 years now. Yes we have run a deficit, but we haven't had a budget because comrade Reid refuses to consider a budget in the commiecrat controlled senate. The least we conservatives can do is be accurate in our assertions, the commiies damn sure won't.

You think nit picking is warranted here? He meant that we spent 1.275 trillion dollars more than we took in and you think all is fine because of a technicality?

1.275 TRILLION dollars!!


Where did this money go to? We're falling behind China and the rest of the world.
Congratulations Barry: 2012 budget deficit exceeds 2011 shortfall

The Teabag congress FAILED to pass a realistic budget.

Congrats, you're an idiot.

Moron. The Tea Party House passed multiple budgets that were ignored by Reid and the Senate. You're too stupid to be allowed to vote.
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Don't know where you got your information but we haven't had a budget deficit for 3 years now. Yes we have run a deficit, but we haven't had a budget because comrade Reid refuses to consider a budget in the commiecrat controlled senate. The least we conservatives can do is be accurate in our assertions, the commiies damn sure won't.

You think nit picking is warranted here? He meant that we spent 1.275 trillion dollars more than we took in and you think all is fine because of a technicality?

1.275 TRILLION dollars!!


Where did this money go to? We're falling behind China and the rest of the world.

Mostly to entitlement programs, the wars, and general governmental waste.

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