Concerning the abortion issue !


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.
While I would agree that including morning after pills in the rape response kit would do a lot to curtail abortions later, there are many pro lifers out there who view the morning after pill to be just as bad as an abortion.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.

Abortion doesn't cure rape, it' just protects the rapist.
True story.
While I would agree that including morning after pills in the rape response kit would do a lot to curtail abortions later, there are many pro lifers out there who view the morning after pill to be just as bad as an abortion.
It IS an abortifacient.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.
All women should report a henious crime against them, especially in as far as rape or incest goes. If it is taught in society that these things (rape and incest), are very wrong from the age that is appropriate to teach such things to our young and vulnerable adults, and that their reporting is supported and secure for them to do so without shame, then things would begin to change in a more positive direction right ??

As long as the wrong messaging and teaching goes on, then confusion will continue to reign supreme in these area's of life.
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While I would agree that including morning after pills in the rape response kit would do a lot to curtail abortions later, there are many pro lifers out there who view the morning after pill to be just as bad as an abortion.
In such a case or cases such as rape or incest, I would say that they are wrong (pro-lifers otherwise if think in that sort of way).

However it always depends on how that pill is used. It shouldn't be used just to have unprotected or careless sex that later could result in a possible pregnancy afterwards, where as the pill is relied upon to end that projected pregnancy where no crime was even committed that may result in a possible pregnancy later on down the line.

Take responsibility for your actions, and/or getting pregnant, and do the right thing if were raped by reporting ASAP.

The learning curve if carry to term, could be a positive thing, and a friend for life could be born for whom would support you through and through in which could be the result of that pregnancy kept.

Being responsible is key to the moral delema's found in it all.
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I don't believe living with myself would come easy if I failed to report a monster and he went on to assault more women.
I have come to understand that most liberals are simply a cluster of cells and can be aborted if they are unviable tissue that cannot survive without mommy Godvernment.
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It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.
All women should report a henious crime against them, especially in as far as rape or incest goes. If it is taught in society that these things (rape and incest), are very wrong from the age that is appropriate to teach such things to our young and vulnerable adults, and that their reporting is supported and secure for them to do so without shame, then things would begin to change in a more positive direction right ??

As long as the wrong messaging and teaching goes on, then confusion will continue to reign supreme in these area's of life.

Is just couldn't get past the first sentence.

Not all those who are raped are women. They are girls and teenagers. Many are raped by a family member or family friend. Many are too young to understand what's happening to them and their bodies, many of them are in total denial about it, many of them have been shamed or terrorized into remaining silent about it.

The number of reasons why women don't report it are way too many to list and for anyone to require it for a woman to be able to have control of their body is just sick in my opinion.

I'm a rape survivor. It didn't cause a pregnancy but if it had, I would have had an abortion faster than a new york minute.

It's not up to you or anyone beyond the rape or incest survivor, their doctor and family to make that choice. It isn't up to a big government nanny.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.
Lol force the terrified rape victim to have rapist’s babies! Go make a baby, rapists! Threaten the bitch with prison if she dares deny you!
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.

Abortion doesn't cure rape, it' just protects the rapist.
True story.

I have no clue what you are getting at, if you have a story maybe you ought to tell it.

My story is I ran the Domestic Violence Unit, and my colleague ran the sexual assault unit. For five years I read arrest reports and there were as many unreported rapes as reported rapes. We collaborated with Womens' NGO's who provided counseling to victims of abuse, their therapists were able to gather information which victims were unwilling to share with LE, including or women deputies.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.
All women should report a henious crime against them, especially in as far as rape or incest goes. If it is taught in society that these things (rape and incest), are very wrong from the age that is appropriate to teach such things to our young and vulnerable adults, and that their reporting is supported and secure for them to do so without shame, then things would begin to change in a more positive direction right ??

As long as the wrong messaging and teaching goes on, then confusion will continue to reign supreme in these area's of life.

Is just couldn't get past the first sentence.

Not all those who are raped are women. They are girls and teenagers. Many are raped by a family member or family friend. Many are too young to understand what's happening to them and their bodies, many of them are in total denial about it, many of them have been shamed or terrorized into remaining silent about it.

The number of reasons why women don't report it are way too many to list and for anyone to require it for a woman to be able to have control of their body is just sick in my opinion.

I'm a rape survivor. It didn't cause a pregnancy but if it had, I would have had an abortion faster than a new york minute.

It's not up to you or anyone beyond the rape or incest survivor, their doctor and family to make that choice. It isn't up to a big government nanny.
Thanks for your input, and so sorry for your experience in life, but like you said "I'm a rape survivor. It didn't cause a pregnancy but if it had, I would have had an abortion faster than a new york minute".

Otherwise you would have sought help immediately, meaning before any pregnancy could develope you would make sure it wouldn't correct ?

You looking at the world as it is lived by most today (not sure of your age), is probably a whole lot different than it was many years ago, otherwise when things weren't as bad in regards to such things, so of course it is understood that your perspective is way different in relation to the lifestyles and cultures that flourished when such things were almost non-existent in society by what was known at large way back then.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.
Lol force the terrified rape victim to have rapist’s babies! Go make a baby, rapists! Threaten the bitch with prison if she dares deny you!
Uh don't post unless you read first the comments posted in order to understand them, otherwise you make a fool of yourself.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.

Abortion doesn't cure rape, it' just protects the rapist.
True story.

I have no clue what you are getting at, if you have a story maybe you ought to tell it.

My story is I ran the Domestic Violence Unit, and my colleague ran the sexual assault unit. For five years I read arrest reports and there were as many unreported rapes as reported rapes. We collaborated with Womens' NGO's who provided counseling to victims of abuse, their therapists were able to gather information which victims were unwilling to share with LE, including or women deputies.
Can the thinking or fear be changed by education in order to make it better for the victim involved ??? I mean it seems that if you add in the trama of abortion to an already terribly bad situation, otherwise if the person waited for whatever reason, then wouldn't that just add to the hurt and hardship the person faces in the entire event on down the road ??? Why not try to minimize the pain and suffering by educating on how to react to a dramatic experience by not allowing it to grow worse due to fear, but to take quick action to remedy the situation as best as possible ??
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.
Lol force the terrified rape victim to have rapist’s babies! Go make a baby, rapists! Threaten the bitch with prison if she dares deny you!
Uh don't post unless you read first the comments posted in order to understand them, otherwise you make a fool of yourself.
If someone raped your sister or mother would you force them to give the rapist a child? Would you send them to prison for not giving rapist's some kids, trash?
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.

Abortion doesn't cure rape, it' just protects the rapist.
True story.

I have no clue what you are getting at, if you have a story maybe you ought to tell it.

My story is I ran the Domestic Violence Unit, and my colleague ran the sexual assault unit. For five years I read arrest reports and there were as many unreported rapes as reported rapes. We collaborated with Womens' NGO's who provided counseling to victims of abuse, their therapists were able to gather information which victims were unwilling to share with LE, including or women deputies.

Can the thinking or fear be changed by education in order to make it better for the victim involved ??? I mean it seems that if you add in the trama of abortion to an already terribly bad situation, otherwise if the person waited for whatever reason, then wouldn't that just add to the hurt and hardship the person faces in the entire event on down the road ??? Why not try to minimize the pain and suffering by educating on how to react to a dramatic experience by not allowing it to grow worse due to fear, but to take quick action to remedy the situation as best as possible ??

That's why LE collaborates with NGO's who provide therapy at no cost. A well trained empathetic therapist can mitigate the trauma, embarrassment and often guilt of the victim. Many cities and counties have Victim Witness programs, attached to the police or sheriff or prosecutor to explain the process of domestic and sexual abuse.

Note: The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) funds these services, as well as staffing for Police/Sheriff, Probation and Prosecutor's agencies.

The GOP wants to reduce the funding, or eliminate VAWA all together.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.

Have you ever been raped, and then learned 6 weeks later (when there is a heart beat) that the morning after pill is too late. Have you considered the morning after pill is opposed by many social conservatives who claim its use is in fact an abortion, and to provide this solution would be an affront to God?

How would you react if you learned you were pregnant, or a loved one was raped and learned six weeks later that you/she was impregnated by a rapist, and you or she have to raise and pay for this ill-conceived child for at least 18 years?

Many women who have been raped don't disclose the crime.
All women should report a henious crime against them, especially in as far as rape or incest goes. If it is taught in society that these things (rape and incest), are very wrong from the age that is appropriate to teach such things to our young and vulnerable adults, and that their reporting is supported and secure for them to do so without shame, then things would begin to change in a more positive direction right ??

As long as the wrong messaging and teaching goes on, then confusion will continue to reign supreme in these area's of life.

Is just couldn't get past the first sentence.

Not all those who are raped are women. They are girls and teenagers. Many are raped by a family member or family friend. Many are too young to understand what's happening to them and their bodies, many of them are in total denial about it, many of them have been shamed or terrorized into remaining silent about it.

The number of reasons why women don't report it are way too many to list and for anyone to require it for a woman to be able to have control of their body is just sick in my opinion.

I'm a rape survivor. It didn't cause a pregnancy but if it had, I would have had an abortion faster than a new york minute.

It's not up to you or anyone beyond the rape or incest survivor, their doctor and family to make that choice. It isn't up to a big government nanny.
Thanks for your input, and so sorry for your experience in life, but like you said "I'm a rape survivor. It didn't cause a pregnancy but if it had, I would have had an abortion faster than a new york minute".

Otherwise you would have sought help immediately, meaning before any pregnancy could develope you would make sure it wouldn't correct ?

You looking at the world as it is lived by most today (not sure of your age), is probably a whole lot different than it was many years ago, otherwise when things weren't as bad in regards to such things, so of course it is understood that your perspective is way different in relation to the lifestyles and cultures that flourished when such things were almost non-existent in society by what was known at large way back then.

Not that it's any of your business but it happened when I was 19. In 1979. There was no such thing as the morning after pill or a rape kit. Police didn't do anything about it. It happened when I was in college. The school didn't want to do anything about it either.

I was just lucky. The rape didn't cause a pregnancy. Like I said, if it had I would have had an abortion faster than a New York minute. It wouldn't have been anyone's business but my own.

No woman needs a big government nanny to run her life or her body,.

Things aren't that different today. Yes we have the morning after pill and it's in some rape kits but women are still treated very much the same today as they were when I experienced it. Yes there are rape kits but not every rape kit includes the morning after pill and there are literally millions of untested rape kits sitting in police departments all over this nation. Rapists could be apprehended if those rape kits were properly processed and tested but they aren't. It's just not that important. Women aren't that important until they are pregnant then it's more important to regulate her uterus than treat her like a human being with the same rights as all others in our nation.

I think if abortion is going to be made illegal then the males who caused the pregnancy should be put in prison for causing an unwanted pregnancy then have to support that child 100% though college. Any man who walks away from his own flesh and blood is put in prison for at least a decade and faces castration since he obviously doesn't know how to use his penis properly.

If women are going to be made criminals for wanting to control their own bodies then the man who made her pregnant should face consequences too.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.
Lol force the terrified rape victim to have rapist’s babies! Go make a baby, rapists! Threaten the bitch with prison if she dares deny you!
Uh don't post unless you read first the comments posted in order to understand them, otherwise you make a fool of yourself.
If someone raped your sister or mother would you force them to give the rapist a child? Would you send them to prison for not giving rapist's some kids, trash?
What the heck are you talking about idiot ? I am against forcing a woman to have a baby by a rapist or from incest, but I think that a pregnancy should be averted before it can ever get started by issuing immediately the morning after pill.
It should be that if a rape or incest case were to take place, then aborting a baby would not be nessesary, because no baby should have time to form when reported by the victim immediately after the act takes place against them.

The emergency room would then offer the victim the "morning after pill" as a way to ensure there is no pregnancy from such an evil act.

Simple stuff really.

If a baby forms in the womb, then the baby becomes a protected life who is of course with the same rights to live (as is granted by God, and his or her fellow human beings), just as any human life has that same right to live, therefore we all should be protecting a fellow human beings life in the womb, just as it is outside the womb under these heavens and stars in which we all live and thrive together in.
It shouldn't be an "issue" at all, it's not within the purview of the state to compel women to give birth against her will through force of law.

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