CDZ Con Con Con Job or Rule of Law?

To be or not to be...

Independent (voluntary) people in independent (voluntary) states perpetually (voluntarily) agreeing to combine defensive forces (federate) into United States of America.

That appears to be the state of the union at the time of the resolution of May 15th: to be, or not to be, unified in voluntary (independent) mutual defense.

It makes absolutely no sense to be giving up involuntary servitude, which means to refuse to pay the extortion payments in any form whatsoever, so as then to allow one's selves to start making extortion payments as dependents (involuntary) of a new "majority ruler" idea as if saying, in so many words, a declaration of momentary independence.

That is why, by the way, the voluntary federal union of independent people in independent states reasons out as a perpetual union: so long as people volunteer (as independent people) so long is the voluntary union a perpetual one since the volunteers are effective at defending their independence FROM tyrants claiming to be collecting "taxes" which are merely extortion payments hidden under the false color of law.

A declaration of brief independence would sound like this:

We the people are unhappy with the criminals currently extorting all our hard earned earnings as the criminals use that stolen loot to enforce these extortion payments, and those criminals use the stolen property for their own pleasures too, and our unhappiness will only be found if we found a more local version of the same thing, so as to make sure our independence is as brief as is humanly possible since we are never happy without some criminal extortion payment required from us in order for us to work to death miserably so as to allow the criminals to live like kings. at least the form of one home grown tyrant named John Adams, who spoke so eloquently when the idea was to provoke a pogrom financed through fraudulent money schemes that extort all the wealth out of both sides in a war of aggression for profit, which is the same John Adams aristocratic American who then turns his coat once "elected" as "president" of a newly formed fraudulent corporation, and with coat firmly turned back to Red Coat the man enforces the so called Alien and Seditions Acts from Corporate HQ in the new counterfeited version of a perpetual union of independent people in independent states.

The nature of voluntary association remains to be perpetual to all who volunteer toward effective mutual defense. No volunteers due to ignorance, and hard earned wealth is invested in the alternative perpetual fraudulent "national interest" which turns out to be corporal slavery.

The 6th President warned y'all. So did Patrick Henry and George Mason. Ignorance is not perpetual, unless one volunteers to be ignorant.
Moving to page 74 of Elliot's Debates Volume One and the writing of Thomas Jefferson explaining the state of the voluntary union before the people of America were ready to fight against war of aggression. The next quote firmly asserts the human condition of independence FROM involuntary association as a demonstrable fact.

"On the other side, it was argued by J. Adams,Lee, Wythe, and others, that no gentleman had argued against the policy of the right o separation from Britain, nor had supposed it possible we should ever renew our connection; that they had only opposed its being now declared:
That the question was not whether, by a declaration of independence, we should make ourselves what we are not; but whether we should declare a fact which already exists:
That, as to the people or Parliament of England, we had always been independent of them, their restraints on our trade deriving efficacy from our acquiescence only, and not from any rights they possessed of imposing them; an that, so far, our connection had been federal only, and was now dissolved by the commencement of hostilities:"

If you fail to see the significance of those words in context to terms such as secession and federation, then you may want to learn something valuable.

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