Comprehensive immigration reform is unconstitutional


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

A path to citizenship is not legally given to people who have committed a federal crime by entering the country illegally. The constitution do not allow illegal aliens to earn citizenship by paying a fine, learning English and getting into the line at your nearest WalMart in Burbank, Ca.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform leading to citizenship is unconstitutional. To buy citizenship is unconstitutional. A illegal aliens who has been given citizen and commit a felon is stripped of his citizenship and deported. That is the law. A U.S. citizen who commit’s a felon cannot ever vote and cannot work. An illegal aliens who enters this country has committed a federal crime and should never be allow citizenship.

Enforcing our immigration laws are not unconstitutional. The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act is not unconstitutional and it allow state and local officials to enforce immigration law. Allow arrest and detention of illegal aliens.

Carlos Diaz in on Alivera Street in down town Los Angeles asking people, Latinos, how they feel about the Arizona law. That’s like asking illegal aliens if they support the bill.

Everyone that want to board a plane is profiled, has to show an I.D. and if leaving the country a passport and your body is scanned. Forget your ID and forget about boarding a plane and consider yourself lucky is you are not detained. Argue the constitutionality of that with security.

The ‘Federal Immigration and Nationality Act” that has been in place since 1952 and give “state and local officials” “encourages state and local authorities” “detain an individual for a brief warrantless interrogation” “a reasonable suspicion” “dress or speech indicating foreign citizenship” “presence in an areas known to contain a concentration of illegal aliens” “Hispanic appearance alone ins not sufficient”

Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

How can this law be enforced if it is racist, abuse civil rights, racial profiling and unconstitutional.

Under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

How can you deport an illegal alien if you cannot enforce the law that gives you the authority to do so

Comprehensive Immigration Reform with amnesty is illegal and unconstitutional.

If you live in fear in this country, go the hell home.
Provide a link that shows being an illegal alien is a FELONY. It is a crime but I am not sure it alone is a felony. Legal aliens can be charged with misdemeanors and not lose their right to stay here. And as far as I know a felony conviction, while a reason to deport, is not an automatic deportation.

Do not get me wrong. I do NOT want amnesty for illegal aliens. I think the Government should be enforcing the laws we have now that require we deport them and fine any business hiring them.
Upon further reflection, Immigration is ONLY mentioned in the Constitution as a power of the Government to address after I believe it was 1808. There is no specifics at all in the Constitution except until 1808 and that restricted the federal Government from impeding the States from gaining anyone into their State they saw fit.

So any new Immigration bill would in fact NOT be unconstitutional in any way. Congress as sole power to regulate Immigration in any manner they see fit.
'Provide a link that shows being an illegal alien is a FELONY.'

Does AZ ring a bell???? Where have you been? I suggest that ALL states do the same thing! CA should follow AZ as well as TX and of course NM.
BTW - has deeming illegal entry a civil crime help stop the flow? And this garbage that we hear ALL over the media that we are a country of immigrants has been run to the ground. I want to know which country is NOT made up of immigrants????? I finally decided that the USA lets too many jerks tell it what to do. The solution is very simple: STICK to the Rule of Law; STICK to the immigration laws that are in the books!!! Problem solved. And then tell the world to go to hell!!!
Unconstitutional. There's that word again. Used to mean something. Now it's a catch all for anything somebody happens to disagree with.

Immigration Reform? Unconstitutional.
Bailouts? Unconstitutional.
Social Security reform? Unconstitutional.
Healthcare? Unconstitutional.

The good news is that it's easy to cut and paste blogger opinion. You can always find a blogger from either side waffling on about the constitution.

People who claim things to be 'unconstitutional' Do NOT know the constitution......
People who claim things to be 'unconstitutional' Do NOT know the constitution......

This op does not know that does not mean other ops do not know. You and tiger are dumb asses if you think because this poster is an idiot, everyone that claims something is Unconstitutional is also dumb.
People who claim things to be 'unconstitutional' Do NOT know the constitution......

This op does not know that does not mean other ops do not know. You and tiger are dumb asses if you think because this poster is an idiot, everyone that claims something is Unconstitutional is also dumb.

Name? RetiredGySgt.

Specialist Subject? The bleedin' obvious.
Provide a link that shows being an illegal alien is a FELONY. It is a crime but I am not sure it alone is a felony. Legal aliens can be charged with misdemeanors and not lose their right to stay here. And as far as I know a felony conviction, while a reason to deport, is not an automatic deportation.

Do not get me wrong. I do NOT want amnesty for illegal aliens. I think the Government should be enforcing the laws we have now that require we deport them and fine any business hiring them.

Illegal Immigration IS A CRIME!Such entry is a misdemeanor and, if repeated, becomes punishable as a felony. Over eight million illegal immigrants live in the United States -- some ...
Illegal Immigration IS A CRIME! - Cached - Similar

Under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."
Stating the immigraiton reform is unconstitutional is just an analogy of all the complaints that healthcare, the Arizona immigration law, etc, is unconstitutional.
Stating the immigraiton reform is unconstitutional is just an analogy of all the complaints that healthcare, the Arizona immigration law, etc, is unconstitutional.
"Immigration Reform" is a fairly broad title.
What about it would be un-constitutional if passed by Congress, who has jurisdiction over immigration in the first place?
Not that I'm in favor of amnesty, whatsoever.
It's just that I'm constantly hearing about "Immigration Reform".
Is there a bill to reference?
Seems a little more than ambiguous....

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