Community Investment? Oh, Please


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.

You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.

You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that
Well ... excuuuuuuse me ......... FYI - Our problems go much deeper than "community", much deeper than "hand-outs", much deeper than "race", much deeper than our "black population", and much deeper than what Mr. Obama is willing to acknowledge and address.

Your post doesn't begin to address the problems we face, nor the issues within races, nor community issues. Your post is obviously political biased, prejudice, and is the usual political "blah blah" that we hear and read every single day. Our problems are NOT Republican problems, nor are they Democrat problems. Our problems are politically based agendas where America and her citizens are far down the priority list. Try looking passed the surface and the propaganda BS of party politics, and examine the root causes that pushed our problem to the level they are today.

Or, are you one of those that play the party blame game, and not understanding nor realizing exactly how politics adversely affects all of us, regardless of race or nationality?
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.

You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that

Another clueless, racist bigot thread. STFU. If anyone knows about receiving public assistance, it's you.
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.

You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that
Well ... excuuuuuuse me ......... FYI - Our problems go much deeper than "community", much deeper than "hand-outs", much deeper than "race", much deeper than our "black population", and much deeper than what Mr. Obama is willing to acknowledge and address.

Your post doesn't begin to address the problems we face, nor the issues within races, nor community issues. Your post is obviously political biased, prejudice, and is the usual political "blah blah" that we hear and read every single day. Our problems are NOT Republican problems, nor are they Democrat problems. Our problems are politically based agendas where America and her citizens are far down the priority list. Try looking passed the surface and the propaganda BS of party politics, and examine the root causes that pushed our problem to the level they are today.

Or, are you one of those that play the party blame game, and not understanding nor realizing exactly how politics adversely affects all of us, regardless of race or nationality?

The war on poverty is lost, just like the war on drugs. I never said it was a political problem, I said it's a failure to apply one's self and get ahead, even with trillions of dollars spent they can't get it done. Why?
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
crime has dropped precipitously. Mortality and malnutrition rates amongst children have also gone way down. What kind of return did you expect?
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?
Why does Baltimore hate their residents......raise taxes and gift it to the blacks.........
If blacks are equal then why should we treat them differently then anyone else??? I don't get sonny argument based on this reality.

If they commit a crime they deserve to be arrested.
No one should be treated any differently than anyone else. FYI - they are arrested whether they commit a crime or not. EXAMPLE: Mr. Gray.
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?

Encourage away, opportunities come to those that apply themselves and work towards goals.
Reports from England say the new baby girl that what's her face just delivered will add billions to the Brit economy by the time she is six. Maybe if we crowned a king and queen of Baltimore and dey gets bizzy.....we can solve the problem.
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please
Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.

You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that
Well ... excuuuuuuse me ......... FYI - Our problems go much deeper than "community", much deeper than "hand-outs", much deeper than "race", much deeper than our "black population", and much deeper than what Mr. Obama is willing to acknowledge and address.

Your post doesn't begin to address the problems we face, nor the issues within races, nor community issues. Your post is obviously political biased, prejudice, and is the usual political "blah blah" that we hear and read every single day. Our problems are NOT Republican problems, nor are they Democrat problems. Our problems are politically based agendas where America and her citizens are far down the priority list. Try looking passed the surface and the propaganda BS of party politics, and examine the root causes that pushed our problem to the level they are today.

Or, are you one of those that play the party blame game, and not understanding nor realizing exactly how politics adversely affects all of us, regardless of race or nationality?

The war on poverty is lost, just like the war on drugs. I never said it was a political problem, I said it's a failure to apply one's self and get ahead, even with trillions of dollars spent they can't get it done. Why?
They can't get it done due to no real effort, no sound doable workable plan, political agendas, addressing the wrong problems, and not assigning the right resources to the situation. They make a half-hearted effort, then claim there's no money to continue and go beyond first steps. No one has made an honest effort to address poverty, homelessness, jobs, nor what it takes to be productive and self-supporting. Without encouragement and real opportunities, any program for those less fortunate will fail. We spend more money and resources on wars, bailouts, subsidies, and foreign aid than we spend on the well-being and prosperity of our citizens.

People respond to encouragement and real opportunities. People want to realize their dreams and to be self-supporting and enjoy life. When we push people aside, neglect them, make excuses for them, give them false hope, and treat them as liabilities instead of an asset, what can we expect from them?

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