Common Sense Crime Prevention... or "How best to organize your community"

The Hazards of Owning a Gun
A common reason for gun ownership is personal and family protection. However, firearms are rarely used for this purpose.[10] A five-year study from the National Crime Victimization Survey found that people used guns in self-defense in fewer than 1% of all violent crimes.[11] Guns kept in the home for protection are much more likely to result in the death of a friend, family member, or neighbor. Only 15% of homicides occur during felonies such as robbery, burglary, or drug-trafficking, whereas more than half are the result of an argument between two people who know each other.[12] In addition, having a gun in the home increases the risk of homicide three fold and suicide five fold.[6-8, 13-15] Handguns specifically pose a higher risk of suicide and homicide than long guns.[6,7,9]

Log In Problems
gee, and did they exclude those suicides where the person bought the gun specifically to commit suicide from those numbers?
or those that bought them for the purpose of actually killing a friend/family member?
Silly argument.

The purpose of cars is to transport people from place to place.

The purpose of guns is to kill.

Arguing with gun freaks is a waste of time. Let 'em spew all the macho "I dare you" bullshit they want.

I say let them have all the guns they want .. which most often are used to kill themselves, a spouse, or somebody they know far more than they are used against criminals.

I'm betting that criminals are glad they have them .. makes it easy for criminals to get their hands on guns.
For every self-defense use of a firearm in the home, there are 11 suicides, 7 homicides and 4 unintentional shootings. -Journal of Trauma, August, 1998

Instead of conferring protection, keeping a gun in the home is associated with an increased risk of both suicide and homicide.

-Archives of Internal Medicine, 1997

Among high-income countries, where firearms are more available, more women are homicide victims. Women n the U.S. are at a higher risk of homicide victimization than are women in any other high-income country.

-Journal of American Medical Women's Association, 2002

A disproportionately high number of 5-14 year olds died from suicide, homicide and unintentional firearm deaths in states and regions where guns were more prevalent.

-Journal of Trauma, February, 2002

States with the highest levels of gun ownership had, on average, 9 times the rate of unintentional firearm deaths compared to states with lowest gun levels.

-Accid Anal Prev, July 2001

Between 1988 and 1997, the suicide, homicide, and unintentional firearm death rates among women were disproportionately higher in states where guns were more prevalent.

-Journal of Urban Health, March, 2002

In the United States, regions with higher levels of household handgun ownership have higher suicide rates.

-Injury Prevention, February, 2002

Reducing the aggregate level of gun availability may decrease the risk of firearm-related deaths.

-Social Science Medicine, May 1998

To the extent that homicide frequently occurs spontaneously among young men in public places, it's the carrying of firearms, rather than their ownership, that is the immediate proximate cause of criminal injury.

- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1980

Citizens For A Safer Minnesota -- More Guns = More Gun Death and Injury


They ain't interested in no stinking facts .. they're in love. :eusa_angel:

They ain't interested in no stinking facts .. they're in love. :eusa_angel:

A statistic isn't a fact. It's a probability.

And if you want to live your life by probability go ahead.

So you wouldn't go to the bathroom because most slip and fall injuries happen there

You wouldn't drive because there were over 6 million car accidents in 2006

You would be a vegan because meat has cholesterol and causes heart attacks

You would be afraid to exercise because there were over a million sports related injuries last year and forget about riding a bike

You would never get married because more than half end up in divorce court

You would never start a business because 80% fail in the first 5 years

Should I go on?

So in short, I am going to keep my gun and buy more because I have never had an accident with a weapon and I want to see a statistic that reads 100% of criminals who try to break into Skull Pilot's home and/or business get shot.
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A statistic isn't a fact. It's a probability.

And if you want to live your life by probability go ahead.

So you wouldn't go to the bathroom because most slip and fall injuries happen there

You wouldn't drive because there were over 6 million car accidents in 2006

You would be a vegan because meat has cholesterol and causes heart attacks

You would be afraid to exercise because there were over a million sports related injuries last year and forget about riding a bike

You would never get married because more than half end up in divorce court

You would never start a business because 80% fail in the first 5 years

Should I go on?

So in short, I am going to keep my gun and buy more because I have never had an accident with a weapon and I want to see a statistic that reads 100% of criminals who try to break into Skull Pilot's home and/or business get shot.

You can go on all you choose sir. I don't live life paranoid .. gun freaks do.

This isssue is nothing but fun and giggles for me because as I said, gun freaks can have all the guns they want. Suicide, killing their spouse, and their kids killing themselves and other children awaits.

"Make my day" .. stupid as fuck
Amusing clip but aiming for the kneecaps or feet is some hollywood crap. He'd be leaving himself wide open for a lawsuit. Aim for the head and chest.

LOL... I said the same thing the first time I saw it... Double tap, center of mass and presto... rights defended, perp sent to his maker to account for his crime.
The Constitution also counts slaves as three fifths of a person.

The sky is blue, you're a feminized leftist male and your next President is a Marxist Muslim... all perfectly valid facts... and all perfectly irrelevant.

Slaves were property... and they wouldn't have counted at all, except the southern states needed the body count to prop up their representation in the congress, to keep the north from running political rough-shod over them.

Clearly your point is that the US Constitution needs to be changed and you feel that by removing the 2nd amendment that this will 'remove the right'... well you're wrong, AS USUAL... The 2nd amendment does not give anyone a right to keep and bear arms... it merely notes the right and forbids the government from using its power to infringe upon the means of the individual to exercise that right. Here's a clue, where the gov't infringes upon that right, that is the undeniable sign that the gov't has crossed a line and has just fired itself. Which of course will result in a violent revolution and bring with it your demise and that of every other panty waist, feminized leftist subversive...

So keep pushing sis... we're ready to go whenever you gals decide you need to go. So if thats today... great, tormorrow, fine... 20 years from now... that's cool too. But when you go, you will end the free ride, forever; we'll simply be shutting the ride down.
You can go on all you choose sir. I don't live life paranoid .. gun freaks do.

This isssue is nothing but fun and giggles for me because as I said, gun freaks can have all the guns they want. Suicide, killing their spouse, and their kids killing themselves and other children awaits.

"Make my day" .. stupid as fuck

I am not a "gun freak"

I do not hunt but I enjoy skeet shooting. Try it, skeet is as challenging and fun as it gets.

I have a hand gun and my wife has a hand gun and of course we have our shotguns. We are both very good shots.

I haven't killed my wife and I won't. My son just turned 18 so he is obviously still alive.

I have never entertained thoughts of suicide and really if I was going to kill myself, I'd steal a bottle of hydromorphone from my business and set up an I.V. drip, pop a few valuim and go nighty night. I wouldn't eat my gun and leave a mess for anyone to clean up.
Guns serve no useful purpose.

Cars are something millions of people use everyday.

The Japanese have had only a few thousand gun deaths since 1960, we have had over 1,000,000.

Are the Japanese smarter than us?

The gun the OP was demonstrating an VERY USEFUL PURPOSE...

Yet this dumbass can't even recognize it, because she feels that the perp, tat was infringing upon the rights of TWO INNOCENT PEOPLE, is entitled to their life, DESPITE THEIR HAVING FORFEITED THEIR RIGHTS THROUGH THEIR OVERT DECISION TO USURP THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS...

She's a leftist and this is yet another example of WHY these people should not be allowed within 100 MILES of a voting booth.
I am not a "gun freak"

I do not hunt but I enjoy skeet shooting. Try it, skeet is as challenging and fun as it gets.

I have a hand gun and my wife has a hand gun and of course we have our shotguns. We are both very good shots.

I haven't killed my wife and I won't. My son just turned 18 so he is obviously still alive.

I have never entertained thoughts of suicide and really if I was going to kill myself, I'd steal a bottle of hydromorphone from my business and set up an I.V. drip, pop a few valuim and go nighty night. I wouldn't eat my gun and leave a mess for anyone to clean up.

Good for you, and I wish no such tragedy for you or your loved ones .. but tragedy for thr home of gun owners happens more often than tragedy for criminals through use of that gun.

Personally, I don't care one way or the other. I recognize Americans are gun-crazy.

I grew up in Detroit and I've lived in urban environments all my life .. never needed nor owned a gun, never will. My dog is very good at keeping intruders out of our home .. and he'll never shoot my wife or kids.
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And you say I live in fear.

You are obviously terrified that you will shoot your wife and kids if you own a gun.

Don't live in fear man get a gun and I bet you won't kill your family or your dog with it.
No one is going to limit your freedom to kill.

You need not worry about that.

Americans love killing. They celebrate it constantly.

The more the blood flows, the better.

ROFLMNAO... This gal is absolutely ATE UP with the dumbass...

I tell ya, if we instituted an IQ test to qualify to vote and to run for Federal office, the ideological left would be shut out and that is about all it would take to clear up 80-90% of the problems faced by the US.
And you say I live in fear.

You are obviously terrified that you will shoot your wife and kids if you own a gun.

Don't live in fear man get a gun and I bet you won't kill your family or your dog with it.

I've never once said that YOU live in fear, but the majority of gun freaks most certainly do.

I have no fear of shooting my wife because I have no need for a gun in my home .. and I do not live in fear .. never have. Why would I bring such a thing in my house knowing I don't need it?

My dog not only keeeps evil from my door .. last year he also saved my life by getting me help when I dropped dead from a stroke.

Let's see your gun do that. :eusa_angel:

I'm not trying to be antagonistic with you brother .. I simply have no use for guns.
Good luck.

People who own guns are much more likely to have a family member die of a gun death.

People who own guns are much more likely to have a family member die of a gun death.[/QUOTE]

As are people with Bath-tubs, steak-knives, Running water, and of couse PEOPLE in their house-holds...

Seriously... Do we really want this idiot voting? I mean what POSSIBLE good can come from it? She doesn't have the common sense possessed by a shovel, why on EARTH would we want this moron having a say in government policy?

When you read the comments by these imbeciles, it become imminently clear why the US is in the shape that the US is in...

Chris... let me ask you; Do you feel that Banks should loan money to people that otherwise cannot afford them, so that they can buy a house?

If so, why?

If not... WHY?


Minnesota? Huh... Isn't that the state which elected the FIRST Muslim into the US Congress? The Home of Charles Lindburg, who famously touted the remarkable efficiency of the NAZIS... Publically imploring the US government to make correlary changes to our government, to immulate that which he saw as a superior form of governance... as that of the NAZIS?

Well the longer ya live the more you find that life tends to repeat itself...

Of course the citation is statistical lies common to gungrabbing subversives. It should be noted that the NAZIS were big on 'common sense gun laws...' does anyone know how that worked out?
Imagine a preventable disease that kills 35,000 and injures another 100,000 each year in the US.

Imagine it? I don't have to imagine it... "Leftism" resulted, in just the last 70 years the deaths of no less than 150 MILLION PEOPLE... around the globe... and to a large extent, those deaths were intentionally caused by leftists with guns... of course many of those deaths were a function of leftist policy failures, which outstrips the death-rate of gun related violence by many orders of magnitude.

Yet while you claim to be concerned with the health of the collective, I don't see you advocating for the elimination of leftism...

Can you explain that Chris?

Could it be that you've some idea that leftists have rights? That we can't outlaw leftism because it's a person's right to be a softheaded, addle-minded fruit...

Huh... I wonder if there is any right to own a fire-arm?

WAIT! Unless I am mistaken you're claiming that the NEED of the collective is such that it is necessary to strip the individual of their firearms...

YET... the ideological left causes THOUSANDS OF TIMES more death and destruction than do firearms without leftists...


Chris you may be onto something here... perhaps we should consider the needs of the collective and strip that associated with vast levels of catastrophe from the culture.

Let me consider this for a while and get back to you...
You can go on all you choose sir. I don't live life paranoid .. gun freaks do.

This isssue is nothing but fun and giggles for me because as I said, gun freaks can have all the guns they want. Suicide, killing their spouse, and their kids killing themselves and other children awaits.

"Make my day" .. stupid as fuck

Isn't it cool how easy it is to spot someone that's never been robbed?

Sir, if you'll just be good enough to post your address, I'll do what I can to provide you with a greater perspective and open your mind to alternative thinking... When you walk into your home and find that it's been violated by people that didn't give a shit about your privacy or your rights... people that were only interested in what THEY WANTED, with an OVERT DISREGARD FOR WHAT YOU NEEDED... then you may find yourself growing paranoid... which after all, is just heads-up thinkin' when 'they' actually ARE out to get you.
.. but tragedy for thr home of gun owners happens more often than tragedy for criminals through use of that gun.

This is a lie... And it's a lie this idiot damn well knows to be a lie. There are tens of millions of people in the US that own guns and tens of thousands of instances where those people use their guns in defense of their own lives, their property and the lives and property of their neighbors every year... and the accidental, suicide, and murder rate by law abiding gun owners does NOT come CLOSE to matching those rates...
I've never once said that YOU live in fear, but the majority of gun freaks most certainly do.

I have no fear of shooting my wife because I have no need for a gun in my home .. and I do not live in fear .. never have. Why would I bring such a thing in my house knowing I don't need it?

My dog not only keeeps evil from my door .. last year he also saved my life by getting me help when I dropped dead from a stroke.

Let's see your gun do that. :eusa_angel:

I'm not trying to be antagonistic with you brother .. I simply have no use for guns.

Just trying to illustrate that people own guns, probably the vast majority of them, are not paranoid maniacs.

You are so quick to point out that not all Muslims are part of the lunatic fringe, yet you are quick to place gun owners in the fringe because you see no need for a weapon personally.

The wacko gun owners you like to use as an example are just that wacko
The Hazards of Owning a Gun
A common reason for gun ownership is personal and family protection. However, firearms are rarely used for this purpose.[10] A five-year study from the National Crime Victimization Survey found that people used guns in self-defense in fewer than 1% of all violent crimes.[11] Guns kept in the home for protection are much more likely to result in the death of a friend, family member, or neighbor. Only 15% of homicides occur during felonies such as robbery, burglary, or drug-trafficking, whereas more than half are the result of an argument between two people who know each other.[12] In addition, having a gun in the home increases the risk of homicide three fold and suicide five fold.[6-8, 13-15] Handguns specifically pose a higher risk of suicide and homicide than long guns.[6,7,9]

Log In Problems

A five-year study from the National Crime Victimization Survey found that people used guns in self-defense in fewer than 1% of all violent crimes

WOW... I'd like to see that data... Because first... where I live it's not a crime to use a gun in self defense... so I would like to know IF THAT IS THE BASIS OF THAT STATISTIC...

But let's assume that the stat reflects that <1% of people being subjected TO A VIOLENT CRIME use a gun in self defense... That would tell me that the survey MAY BE USING DATA FROM AREAS WHERE VIOLENT CRIME IS HIGH AND GUN OWNERSHIP IS FORBIDDEN OR IS HIGHLY RESTRICTED BY "COMMON SENSE REGULATION"... Like say Inner cities... places like DC... NYC... ect...

I've had to pull a gun twice in my life... both were in places where carrying a loaded firearm was illegal... Flint, MI and Philidephia. Now no reports were filed... despite the cops being called in the Flint incident. Where the perpetrator was a &#8216;road-rager,&#8217; ran me off the road and a passer-by called the cops when he saw me standing behind my vehicle bearing down on the perp who was pissing his pants trying to tear the door off of his pick-up truck, having just reconsidered his previous position to run me into a ditch and beat my ass... ROFL... I gotta tell ya, the look on that turds face when that 12Gg leveled on his mug was PRECIOUS... I COULD SEE HIS WHOLE LIFE FLASHING BEFORE HIS EYES!

The second was a car of gang bangers in Philly who for whatever reason, one known only to them, decided to force me from my Bucket truck in some God forsaken neighborhood... There were four of them in a compact car, each wearing their colors and at a traffic light began demanding I get out of my truck... the one with the pistol was brandishing it at his side to let me know he was in charge and because he had what looked like a 38 Chief revolver... I was to 'get out of dat truck and get the fuck outta heya...'

He was the only one that got out of the car at first, but when I didn't flee at his command the others started pouring out and when Hood #1 turned to watch his boys coming out of the car, I set the muzzle of my 12Gg on the window of my door... It's loaded with a series of #00 and slug Magnums and Homey was standing about 3' off the muzzle, so had those boys kept coming his entire head would have been taken pretty near clean off... and I guess he had some experience, at least enough to know what he was looking at, because when his head turned back around... LOL... "GOT-DAYUM!" said he&#8230; and he and the brothers bolted for cover... He dropped his piece, the whole SHOW fled to the convenience store which was behind them... across the street, left the car and pistol right there in the road...

It was hilarious... I yelled: "Are ya sure? 'Cause I'm ready!" And of course the "MotherF.....ker's started flying when I got out and picked up what turned out to be a piece of no name shit 32... which I tossed into the dumpster back at my hotel. They didn't pursue me, they didn't call the cops, no poll was taken of either account... yet twice in ONE life, a firearm has been used to defend that life.

And I expect that that is what happens MOST of the time. Why on eart would someone call the cops to let them know they just used a firearm to defend themselves?

In doing so, you open yourself up to prosecutorial discretion... meaning that once the report is filed, the States attorney is VERY LIKELY to begin an investigation, which is VERY LIKELY going to result in YOU BEING TRIED FOR THE ILLEGAL POSSESSION AND USE OF A FIRE ARM...

I was lucky in Flint, because the cop that showed up was not a moron and recognized that I had done the right thing. That dude was probably drunk... and he was definitely going to fight and to have fought him would have opened up another entirely broader can of worms, leaving me potentially liable for his injuries, as to fight him, 'would have shown complicit belligerence' and the officer realized that I had no intention to harm the dumbass; that my actions were strictly defensive and so he gave me a good verbal thrashing for carrying a loaded firearm against Michigan state law, a wink and a handshake...

FTR, I was a fiber contractor at the time and traveled extensively around the US working innumerable projects... often in locations which some might deem 'less than desirable..." Being paranoid in these places is, as noted above... 'just good head-up thinkin'' as they usually are out to getcha...
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