Coming soon to a hospital near you

Because I wanted to make it clear that I do not speak about people who work in the food industry in those terms. Rather, I was paraphrasing what I frequently hear from wealthy limousine liberal elitists.

I get it. You wanted to make clear that you are not an elitist by placing some quotes around "those people," which you believe is a phrase that no one but a limousine liberal elitist would use. Very sharp of you, especially in light of the comment you made about me that I work at Jamba Juice (which I may, for all you know).

On a separate note, Bully, Ruby and I have all noted how silly it is to draw wide extrapolations from an individual circumstance at one hospital (whether in the US or abroad) to a system as a whole. Other than noting that I work at Jamba Juice (which of course, you never meant as an insult) and Bully is "Florence Nightengale," do you have anything else to add?
I posted an article from at UK about an atrocity that occured at the NHS' "flagship hospital." This thread was not meant to be a discussion of the Canadian system - there's another one of those going on right now in this very sub-forum. What about this do you not understand?

Yet you brought up canada in your OP.

This is a pretty childish way to argue a point though, pretending a horror story is a good way to measure an entire health system. If we are to go by that criteria, then the link posted here about the horror stories taking place in that LA hospital that Reilly T shared with us means the american system is a complete failure right?
BWAHAHAHAHA, I was drunk as fuck last night and I still managed to get the Libtards' panties in a bunch.

ReillyT said:
Folks, this is what Conservatism brings us...

The King/Drew fiasco was not brought to you by Conservatives. It was the end result of political correctness taken to the extreme as well as the LA County Board of Supervisors' fear that holding what was originally intended to be the flagship "Black Hospital" (and there was a point where it was an excellent hospital, period) to the same standards as other hospitals would be perceived as racism. Do you know who fought tooth and nail to keep King/Drew from being taken over by the county, while people were dying? Look into it (hint: Liberals - with the exception of the LA Times. I despise the Times - but I commend them for their role in exposing the complete incompetence and lack of oversight at King/Drew). Conservatives in talk radio and print media here were pleading for the county to step in and end the bloodbath. Prominent Liberals were screaming bloody murder and fighting tooth and nail to keep a open a hospital that had been killing disadvantaged Blacks and Hispanics.

But being a fair-minded type of guy, I won't fault you for not being familiar with King/Drew because unless you're from Southern California there was no way you'd have heard about it. The MSM doesn't like stories like this.

The Times published a series of investigative articles a few years back dealing with the terrible care provided at King/Drew, and why the bloodbath was able to continue for so long. You can read them here:

Check 'em out. This is an indictment of our PC culture which was brought to us by Liberalism.

Bullypulpit said:
So before you go blowing shit about how wonderful the US health care system is, get your facts straight and learn a little basic science..

This has nothing to do with science, but if you want to take it there I'll have no problem running circles around your stupid ass. You're probably light years ahead of me when it comes to changing colostomy bags and bedpans, and that's about it.

Sepsis is not the issue. Oligohydramnios is not the issue. A uriniary tract infection is not the issue. None of the pre-existing medical conditions that this woman was suffering from when she showed up to the hospital are relevent. These complications occur regardless of whether the pregnant woman is American, Cuban, English, Canadian, etc. This is a management issue, period. What is a complete fucking outrage, and what you conveniently ignored in your reply, is the fact that she GAVE BIRTH IN A FUCKING TOILET, because the hospital (which the articles describes as one of the NHS "flagships") didn't have any any midwives available. This occured at one of the UK's premier hospitals, not some podunk walk-in clinic, so yes, this tells me that there is something seriously FUCKED with British health care, and I intend to do EVERYTHING I can to prevent a similar system from being implemented here.
From ABC news

Now, if I were an ass, and wanted to wildly extrapolate from individual incidents in order to discredit an entire system for the provision of health care, and (as a bonus) an entire political ideology, I might write something like this:

"Folks, this is what Conservatism brings us. Conservatism is a plague that befalls nations and condemns them to doom. It is a threat to our way of life and to our health. We must NEVER let this happen here. This is a crime against humanity. ANYONE who has ever advocated privatised medicine is responsible for this atrocity."

Of course, if I were to do this, I would hope that most people would just laugh me off, because I could clearly not be taken seriously.

I suspect if you check you will find that is a Government run Hospital.
My mom delivered me in a government hospital in 1971. There where women delivering babies in the restrooms by the ER or hospital entry all the time. They didn't have enough beds in the L&D to handle all the needs of the community.

BTW... No, I wasn't one of the ones delivered in the restroom.
mexicans deliver their litter in toilets all the time. every time a mexican takes a dump it makes a new baby mexican.

screw you. mexicans breed multiple young at one time. they travel in herds. that is why there are so many of them. we need to sterilise all mexicans in this country so they stop making more of their garbage kind.
typical liberal. cant deal with the cold hard facts i just threw down.

u must be a mexican too. u dont belong here.

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