Coming LENR Conference at the American Nuclear Society


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
LENR Session At "Future Nuclear Technologies: Resilience and Flexibility"

There is a LENR conference coming up in the United States. The American Nuclear Society provides education and information concerning nuclear science to professionals. Their winter meeting will be on November 11 through the 16, and their focus this year is “Future Nuclear Technologies: Resilience and Flexibility”.

This upcoming conference will, as usual, surround topics concerning fission. But this year, they are including a session on LENR. The Materials Science and Technology Division for the American Nuclear Society will present a session titled “Discussion of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions – Papers/Panel”.

One part of the presentation will be by Steven Krivit of the New Energy Times, who will present his paper The Big Picture of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research.

Lewis Larsen of Lattice Energy will also present his study Electroweak Neutron Production…and Capturing Lightening Discharges.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., has worked on LENR for some years now, pursuing its application in numerous areas that would benefit from renewable or infinite power. Yasuhire Iwamura and Takehiko Itoh, along with Yasuko Terada of the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute and Tetsuya Ishikawa of the Coherent X-ray Optics Laboratory, will all present information on LENR with their presentation of Transmutation Reactions Induced by Deuterium Permeation Through Nano-Structured Pd Multilayer Thin Film.

The panel discussion that follows will be led by Lewis Larsen, who developed the Widom/Larsen theory that has been the foundation for a great deal of LENR experimentation. His studies dealt with the theoretical structure of weak force/neutron capture.

It seems that the debate on LENR is coming to its final stage of being accepted by the main stream scientific physics leadership. It remains now for this to propagate through the physics community, then other professional sciences and academic institutions, then finally the media and general public.

I am guessing this will only be 3 to 5 years time and LENR devices will be ubiquitous by 2018.
Is Cold Fusion Finally Being Accepted by the Scientific Community?
However, following recent LENR demonstrations at reputable institutions such as MIT, the University of Missouri, and the University of Bologna, as well as presentations by the world's largest instrument companies, National Instruments, a report by the European Commission's research and development centre that suggests LENR has its place in the future of renewable energy, and most impressively of all, the fact that NASA is interested and reportedly filed two LENR patents last year; serious companies are now considering the possibilities of LENR and investing in certain research projects. There are rumours that Boeing is working with NASA to test LENR powered aircraft.

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