Comic Book Danish


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I think one reason comic books are so appealing to the masses is that they capture a basic human fascination with outlandish behavior (e.g., vigilantism, masquerade, etc.), which you find in only a handful of entertainment mediums (e.g., comedians, circus performers, magicians, etc.).

Here's a pseudo-spiritual vigilantism-tale I cooked up today referencing Batman (DC Comics). My hope is to convey how conversational this modern art form really is!


Evanista was called the Pied Piper of Old New York. He would walk around the streets on full-moon nights (sometimes on Halloween Eve) with his flute and play to the street-rats who flocked around him hypnotized by his bizarre melodies and offbeat cadence. Evanista was secretly a 'vigilante' whose intention was to promote general human spirit by doing unusual things such as playing tunes for rats. His hope was that people would see him walking by and notice a representative human being who reminded them of the basic goodness of human imagination. Evanista was very strange --- he collected thousands of comic books.

One night, a crooked woman named Harleen broke into his modest apartment and stole a good chunk of his comic books. Realizing how obsessed 'Evanista the Vigilante' was with comic books, she formed a mini-ghoul gang the following Halloween and dressed up with her allies as Batman (DC Comics) nemeses (such as Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, and Mad Hatter) and walked around the city with loud trumpets and horns and creating an outlandish 'noise,' but nevertheless 'blending' into the general hustle-and-bustle of Halloween in the city. Evanista noticed them and it dawned on him that this gang of 'comic book mischief artists' were making fun of him by creating meaningless loitering.

Evanista's pride was severely wounded, and he felt the demoralization in the eyes of the street-rats he so loved to play his flute-melodies for, so he started scheming. Evanista took out his flute and approached Harleen (who was dressed as Harley Quinn) that Halloween and asked her, "What is the name of your 'gang'?" to which the sinister woman replied coldly, "The Loiterers." Evanista pulled out his flute and started playing in front of Harley Quinn's face, so she asked him loudly, "How do you know I like that melody at all?" Evanista lowered his flute and replied coldly, "I wanted to see if you'r loiter or stick around and be an audience to my flute-playing!" Harley Quinn was so angry and retorted, "Hey, I was just standing here, and you started playing, so nothing says I was part of your hypothetical 'audience'!" Evanista replied with cleverness, "Then you claim my tune had no melody at all?"

The Loiterers scattered, realizing Evanista's flute-playing was a clever trick indeed. Who could deny, especially a loiterer, that a random sound of flute-melodies emanating in the streets of the city would not grab anyone's attention? Evanista the Vigilante won the day, and from that Halloween onwards, he would complement his flute-playing by saying things to passerby such as, "I disbanded the sneaky Loiterers gang with this flute, and tonight, I will entreat your 'Djinn-friendly Halloween ears'!" Evanista would be remembered as the urban bard who changed the way people seriously looked at crime-control and pedestrian sanity in the modern world. However, no one ever figured out why Evanista collected so many comic books. What was it about the vigilantism-daydream stories that fascinated Evanista so much? Evanista's secret died with him.





Green Day

Since comics speak to 'pedestrian daydreams,' here's a short-story I wrote about a comic book flowery eco-activism Halloween-themed event which inspires 'offbeat heroics' and 'new-age political consciousness.'


The two American actors/celebrities Tom Cruise and Patrick Swayze became friends after portraying similar characters in the American films Magnolia and Point Break. Cruise portrayed the loud and arrogant media-personality Frank T.J. Mackey in his film, while Swayze portrayed the bank-robbing wild surfer Bodhi in his film. They started conversing about the importance of characterization in storytelling and film-making and how Mackey and Bodhi represented new age 'primal spiritualism.' Cruise and Swayze decided to go on some joint eco-PR assignments associated with the environmentalism organization founded by another American actor/celebrity Leo DiCaprio.

It is at one of these eco-PR events where Cruise and Swayze met the female American rock musician Fiona Apple (who once dated the director of Cruise's film), and they both instantly took a liking to her. Apple was dressed as the female comic book anti-heroine and eco-terrorist Poison Ivy, a nemesis of Batman (DC Comics), since the eco-PR event (sponsored by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation) was a costumed event. Cruise and Swayze were dressed as the comic book superheroes Green Lantern and Green Arrow (DC Comics), respectively. Apple remarked to the green-duo that they looked very impressive, and they both assured her of their sincere interests in eco-activism related PR-work.

A monkey-wrench was thrown into this event when an ISIS terrorist named Ali Khan showed up dressed as the comic book super-villain Ra's al Ghul (also an eco-terrorist). He infiltrated the celebrity event so he could assassinate Leo DiCaprio and post on the Internet, "A useless celebrity media campaign event veiled as a 'pro-environment' cause!" Cruise (aka, 'Green Lantern') noticed Ali (aka, 'Ra's al Ghul') first, but soon so did Swayze (aka, 'Green Arrow'). Lantern and Arrow decided to confront Ra's al Ghul while Fiona (aka, 'Poison Ivy') was talking with Leo. As the green-duo approached Ali, they noticed him taking out a machine gun from his green trench-coat so they wrestled him to the ground, disarmed him, and had him hauled off to jail.

The newspapers wrote the following (a notice that led to Cruise and Apple to begin dating!):

"The Halloween-themed costumed eco-event hosted by Leo DiCaprio and his foundation was given an extreme shock when an ISIS terrorist named Ali Khan tried to create mayhem but was thwarted by the American actors Tom Cruise and Patrick Swayze who were dressed as the comic book superheroes Green Lantern and Green Arrow! Khan was dressed as the comic book super-villain and eco-terrorist Ra's al Ghul and was detected by Cruise/Lantern and then assisted by Swayze/Arrow who wrestled him to the ground until police hauled the terrorist away. Another celebrity attending the event, female American musician Fiona Apple who herself was dressed as the comic book anti-heroine and eco-terrorist Poison Ivy, remarked, 'I'm so impressed that celebrities (reputedly to be politically apathetic) became 'unlikely heroes'!'"


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The Copycat Circus


Fiona Apple decided to become a copycat eco-terrorist modelled after the female comic book anti-heroine Poison Ivy (DC Comics). Apple read various comics and perused different drawing/painting/film presentations of Poison Ivy and planned to dress up as the 'villainness' for Halloween and plant pumpkin bombs at the base of Seattle's Space Needle. She prepared five miniature carved-out pumpkins fitted with incredibly power but miniature explosives and headed to Seattle on Halloween morning.

The night before, Apple decided to party and drank too much and posted some blurted confessions of her Space Needle plan on the Internet, and Tom Cruise read them and darted to the Space Needle (dressed as the Green Lantern) to intercept her. When he arrived he met Fiona who was in a full Poison Ivy costume (dark-green) modelled after one glossy-drawing adaptation. Cruise (aka, 'Green Lantern') shined his flashlight in her eyes, and Fiona (aka, 'Poison Ivy') dropped her pumpkins. The detonator was still in her hand, and Lantern grabbed it from her and had her hauled off to Arkham Asylum, Gotham City're premier center for the treatment and rehabilitation of the criminally-insane.

Cruise escorted Apple to Arkham and interviewed her dressed as Green Lantern (it was still Halloween Eve after all), and Apple was still in her distinctive Poison Ivy costume. Everything was going well in terms of psychoanalysis revelations until Apple (aka, 'Poison Ivy') admitted that she had fantasies of planting eco-terrorism initiative pumpkin-bombs in the house of Cruise (aka, 'Green Lantern'). Lantern realized Poison Ivy was a complete anti-social maniac whose words needed to be taken with a serious grain of salt. Lantern continued to interview her and oversee her rehabilitation but he unfortunately witnessed the once-popular female musician slip into madness and literally become the anti-heroine Poison Ivy.

POISON IVY: Do you think I became an eco-terrorist to look smart?
GREEN LANTERN: I think you have a knack for survivalism.
POISON IVY: Humanity simply does not care about revolution.
GREEN LANTERN: What about the American Revolution?
POISON IVY: Purely anti-taxation based and not even as incendiary as the Cuban Revolution.
GREEN LANTERN: Would you suggest federal control of education?
POISON IVY: Certainly! How else can teachers be compelled to instruct on the virtues of gardening?
GREEN LANTERN: You think young pupils should be required to learn gardening?
POISON IVY: Without curriculum changes, you can never have cultural changes.
GREEN LANTERN: Not everyone agrees with Edward Abbey (a mentor of yours?).
POISON IVY: Abbey is like a father-figure to me, and I will realized his vision somehow...someday.
GREEN LANTERN: Until that day arrives, will you promised to meditate on the virtue of peace at Arkham?
POISON IVY: I'll treat Arkham the way it treats me, and I will continue to brood about my journey to paradise.
GREEN LANTERN: Criminals are not guaranteed an 'intrigue ticket' to the after-life.
POISON IVY: I'm scared. No one understands eco-pollution!
GREEN LANTERN: Eco-pollution is indeed scary...and maddening.
POISON IVY: Don't you want more direct citizenry action?
GREEN LANTERN: I want evaluation that this balanced and not reactionary.
POISON IVY: Do you think eco-terrorism is criminal insanity somehow (a cause for 'fanatics')?
GREEN LANTERN: The mirror of eco-paranoia will always be 'imagination medicine.'


Comics Cafe

Here's a mock dialogue about the death and vitality of Superman (DC Comics) between Brahma (Hindu god of creation), Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation), and Shiva (Hindu god of destruction).


BRAHMA: Behold! I've become the American movie actor Patrick Swayze!
KRISHNA: Behold, I've become the American movie actor Tom Cruise!
SHIVA: Two useless celebrities! I've become a radical Internet-blogger named Ali Khan/Abhishek Gangulee!

BRAHMA: Celebrity/entertainment is not useless; we've made symbolic films such as Rain Man and Red Dawn.
KRISHNA: Movies cover all subjects and types of characters --- even fantastic comic book characters!
SHIVA: Well, as a 'pseudo-vigilante' Internet-blogger, I find it more inspiring to meditate on redemption stories.

BRAHMA: What do you think of the Death of Superman (DC Comics) storyline?
KRISHNA: What do you think of the Superman-Wonder Woman love affair?
SHIVA: The death of Superman (i.e., Doomsday) is traumatic, and his affair with Wonder Woman is redefining.

BRAHMA: Do you think the story interests humanity, since it is clearly complex?
KRISHNA: Do you find entertainment/appeal in Superman's affair with Wonder Woman?
SHIVA: The death of Superman and his affair with Wonder Woman are symbols of 'Utopianism.'

BRAHMA: People can express interests in Utopia in different ways.
KRISHNA: Yes, someone might say, "I like the color," while another might say, "I like the greys."
SHIVA: Writing about real world problems is more proactive than daydreaming about comic books.

BRAHMA: Comic book avatars such as Superman symbolize civilization playfulness.
KRISHNA: They're not considered pornography or propaganda either.
SHIVA: True, but Captain America (Marvel Comics) is both graphic and overtly pro-democratic.

BRAHMA: Is there no value at all in writing about the death of Superman (or his resurrection)?
KRISHNA: I myself am fascinated by his death and his love with Wonder Woman.
SHIVA: The vitality of a comic book character reflects the pedestrian politics of the audience.

BRAHMA: Comics are 'pedestrian cartoons' and must be treated as 'everyman art.'
KRISHNA: Correct, they're not to be used as pedagoguery!
SHIVA: I believe Internet-blogging about the 'accessibility' of 'guerilla art' is essential.

BRAHMA: Do you believe in censorship, Shiva?
KRISHNA: Do you believe in curfews, Shiva?
SHIVA: I believe in eBay seller ratings!




Demon Diagrams (Censorship Politics)


Dr. Harleen Quinzel escaped from her life of criminal psychology after she met Jack Napier, a convicted and chemically-disfigured mafia ghoul was slowly becoming the anti-NYC demon-terrorist the Joker. Quinzel was 'christened' as the wily aide to the Joker, Harley Quinn! Joker gave her one year (beginning in the summer) to subvert a basic civilization stability in Gotham City, and Harley came up with the most evil scheme for urban terror what any woman has ever invented. She began work, prompting Gotham's masked vigilante Batman (secretly the wealthy businessman and princely socialite Bruce Wayne, head of Wayne Enterprises, which is currently invested in weapons-research, HGP marketing, shop-chain contracts, and comic book films).

Harley Quinn decided to use a mock radio show broadcasted on her own private pirate-radio signal to host a Saturday evening show called, "Leatherface," during which she would offer up reasons the young men of Gotham City should go to a local hardware store and pick up a chainsaw and run around creating mayhem and bloody murder pretending to be the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre --- reasons such as, "Americans are fast food gluttons," "The Gotham mayor is a corrupt official," "Unreported date rapes of women at Gotham University," and "Obstructed justice procedures in Gotham courts!" Batman decided to retort with his own 'legal' radio show sponsored by Wayne Enterprises.

Batman's show was called "The Reluctant Butler," and it showcased perspectives, interviews, news excerpts, academic research, and society chatter about the challenges of being patriotic in the modern age of profiteerism-gauged politics and centralized governance (e.g., European Union, NATO, Wall Street, etc.). Batman believed if the only way to 'fight' the criminal insanity of political and socio-cultural corruption was to loot hardware stores for Excalibur chainsaws meant to 'baptise' the fanatic into a 'wannabe-Leatherface,' then the Gotham mayor needed to endorse the funding of Arkham Asylum, Gotham City's premier center for the treatment of the criminally-insane. Batman's radio show became very popular and on an award. Batman gave the award to his butler Alfred Pennyworth (since the radio show was partially named in honor of him).

Harley Quinn was furious but realized her day had come. She lost this little batter but swore to continue her crusade to help her guru the Joker (whom she referred to giddily as 'Mr. J') create general warranted anarchy in Gotham City. Street chatter about the lure to grab chainsaws from hardware stores dwindled, and the briefly-vitalized demonic cinema-image of the horrifying Leatherface was put to rest. Bruce Wayne commemorated the minor but very comforting victory by funding the construction of a super-movie theater in the heart of the city, a commerce-and-culture establishment which would bring in great consumer attention. The theater was called Gotham-Wayne Cinema and it boasted an arcade, restaurants, and a movie-memorabilia gift-shop. Gotham-Wayne Cinema made a great deal of money for Gotham City, and even Batman was content.


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The Flag


CAPTAIN AMERICA: Democracy is worth dying for!
RED SKULL: You're ignorant of the lure of profiteerism in capitalism.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Consumerism is another word for friendship.
RED SKULL: There's nothing friendly about Burger King related obesity.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Cholesterol-intake is being investigated by the public.
RED SKULL: Only anarchy can cure the maladies of civilization.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: You seek a basic dictatorship.
RED SKULL: A dictatorship is simply an objective extension of oligarchy.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Humanity favors systems supporting personal rights.
RED SKULL: People crave leadership, not brotherhood.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: It's an age-old argument, and it will fail!
RED SKULL: On what grounds?
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Brotherhood breeds trust.
RED SKULL: Only the strong can rule the weak.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: The true vigilante believes in gifts and talents.
RED SKULL: Anything is for sale, including nuclear weapons.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: No man wants devastation.
RED SKULL: You don't respect the superiority of chess.



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