Collusion, delusion, which is it?


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Until actual evidence surfaces that shows Trump, his son in law, and others of the administration ACTUALLY colluded with Russia and is responsible for committing crimes, I will remain seriously doubtful given the fact that the rabid dog media under George Soros are OBVIOUSLY doing all they can to oust Trump and smear everyone they can, even Pence, just so liberals can regain power. And all this so called collusion propaganda was no doubt created as a diversion to keep everyone from focusing on the bigger picture which is all the criminality happening on the left.

Anyone not seeing Obama and his administration were acting nefariously at this point are delusional and in complete denial given all the information that's been reported. And I'm growing more weary by the day hearing people claim his actions stemmed from naivete which is basically saying stupidity when in fact everything he did was purely intentional and part of a much bigger plan. To those still riding the fence, ask yourself why among all of Obama's other treasonous activities that were obviously seriously detrimental for America, would he also pardon M13 gang members from prison who are some of the worst criminals on the planet? The same thugs that reportedly carry around machetes daring anyone to try and stop their actions which includes human trafficking and raping women at will. And speaking of claiming stupidity, Bill Clinton didn't know he shouldn't meet with Loretta Lynch secretly before Hillary was to testify before Congress? Or worse, everyone was suppose to buy the lame excuse that Hillary didn't know her emails could easily be lifted from a wide open email server by even the dumbest hacker wannabe on the planet? This while knowing all of the aforementioned have law degrees so either they're dumber than most high school drop outs or their actions were criminal and intentional.

Obama in my opinion was and still is working for some other entity outside of the country who are trying to take over the U.S. My guess is some country or faction in the Middle East given his affinity for Islamic culture. And others such as George Soros who is pushing for world globalization and a Marxist society (communism) would be just as catastrophic. But whatever, given the fact there are so many greedy power hungry people in high positions who can easily be bought such as Hillary Clinton who would sell her own mother or children if enough money was involved, it won't be hard to accomplish. And speaking of sociopaths who are determined to undermine the U.S. and other countries, bare in mind none of these people care in the least about their country's citizenry, it's all about them gaining as much power as they can so they not only control their own homelands but are able to hopefully conquer other nations as well.

So remember, we the people voted for Trump to stop all of this madness happening in America and therefore we need to remain vigilant to recognize what the George Soros paid media, Obama, and all others are clearly up to. And we should NEVER allow them to change our opinions by buying their biased media BS propaganda. A good start to keep this from happening to future generations is to have this discussion with your kids at home. Also research colleges and universities most of which are being paid to brainwash them to join different dangerous movements either stemming from Islamic cultures or liberal Marxism.

Remember although the left would have you think conservatives are nothing but a bunch of racist, whateverphobes, nothing could be further from the truth. This post is to all Americans of ALL COLORS. The only requirement is that you are a staunch patriot that gets what's happening and therefore just want to put America first and save the country.
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Conviction by innuendo. There was no collusion with Russia. Even IF Russia hacked into the election, which it did not, there was no collusion.

The media is trying to create something out of nothing. It is not against the law to talk to a Russian. Every world leader has a back channel to every other world leader and always has. The media could create collusion with Russia out of baking chocolate chip cookies.
Until actual evidence surfaces that shows Trump, his son in law, and others of the administration ACTUALLY colluded with Russia and is responsible for committing crimes, I will remain seriously doubtful given the fact that the rabid dog media under George Soros are OBVIOUSLY doing all they can to oust Trump and smear everyone they can, even Pence, just so liberals can regain power. And all this so called collusion propaganda was no doubt created as a diversion to keep everyone from focusing on the bigger picture which is all the criminality happening on the left.

Anyone not seeing Obama and his administration were acting nefariously at this point are delusional and in complete denial given all the information that's been reported. And I'm growing more weary by the day hearing people claim his actions stemmed from naivete which is basically saying stupidity when in fact everything he did was purely intentional and part of a much bigger plan. To those still riding the fence, ask yourself why among all of Obama's other treasonous activities that were obviously seriously detrimental for America, would he also pardon M13 gang members from prison who are some of the worst criminals on the planet? The same thugs that reportedly carry around machetes daring anyone to try and stop their actions which includes human trafficking and raping women at will. And speaking of claiming stupidity, Bill Clinton didn't know he shouldn't meet with Loretta Lynch secretly before Hillary was to testify before Congress? Or worse, everyone was suppose to buy the lame excuse that Hillary didn't know her emails could easily be lifted from a wide open email server by even the dumbest hacker wannabe on the planet? This while knowing all of the aforementioned have law degrees so either they're dumber than most high school drop outs or their actions were criminal and intentional.

Obama in my opinion was and still is working for some other entity outside of the country who are trying to take over the U.S. My guess is some country or faction in the Middle East given his affinity for Islamic culture. And others such as George Soros who is pushing for world globalization and a Marxist society (communism) would be just as catastrophic. But whatever, given the fact there are so many greedy power hungry people in high positions who can easily be bought such as Hillary Clinton who would sell her own mother or children if enough money was involved, it won't be hard to accomplish. And speaking of sociopaths who are determined to undermine the U.S. and other countries, bare in mind none of these people care in the least about their country's citizenry, it's all about them gaining as much power as they can so they not only control their own homelands but are able to hopefully conquer other nations as well.

So remember, we the people voted for Trump to stop all of this madness happening in America and therefore we need to remain vigilant to recognize what the George Soros paid media, Obama, and all others are clearly up to. And we should NEVER allow them to change our opinions by buying their biased media BS propaganda. A good start to keep this from happening to future generations is to have this discussion with your kids at home. Also research colleges and universities most of which are being paid to brainwash them to join different dangerous movements either stemming from Islamic cultures or liberal Marxism.

Remember although the left would have you think conservatives are nothing but a bunch of racist, whateverphobes, nothing could be further from the truth. This post is to all Americans of ALL COLORS. The only requirement is that you are a staunch patriot that gets what's happening and therefore just want to put America first and save the country.

I would add Deception to the list, stemming from the authoritarian belief that the masses must be manipulated by deliberate misinformation (propaganda).
George Soros and Warren Buffet have also bought up small newspapers around the country. So they basically control what we read, see, and hear in our own communities. Warren Buffet bought up about 50+ newspapers across the South East in several states. Oddly, it is the uber rich who are contolling our news media and attempting to force false reporting and journalism on all of us. The Uber rich who became rich using our capitalistic freedom are forcing socialist and communist ideology into our homes every day. If you control the information people get you can control what the people think and believe.
Until actual evidence surfaces that shows Trump, his son in law, and others of the administration ACTUALLY colluded with Russia and is responsible for committing crimes, I will remain seriously doubtful given the fact that the rabid dog media under George Soros are OBVIOUSLY doing all they can to oust Trump and smear everyone they can, even Pence, just so liberals can regain power. And all this so called collusion propaganda was no doubt created as a diversion to keep everyone from focusing on the bigger picture which is all the criminality happening on the left.

Anyone not seeing Obama and his administration were acting nefariously at this point are delusional and in complete denial given all the information that's been reported. And I'm growing more weary by the day hearing people claim his actions stemmed from naivete which is basically saying stupidity when in fact everything he did was purely intentional and part of a much bigger plan. To those still riding the fence, ask yourself why among all of Obama's other treasonous activities that were obviously seriously detrimental for America, would he also pardon M13 gang members from prison who are some of the worst criminals on the planet? The same thugs that reportedly carry around machetes daring anyone to try and stop their actions which includes human trafficking and raping women at will. And speaking of claiming stupidity, Bill Clinton didn't know he shouldn't meet with Loretta Lynch secretly before Hillary was to testify before Congress? Or worse, everyone was suppose to buy the lame excuse that Hillary didn't know her emails could easily be lifted from a wide open email server by even the dumbest hacker wannabe on the planet? This while knowing all of the aforementioned have law degrees so either they're dumber than most high school drop outs or their actions were criminal and intentional.

Obama in my opinion was and still is working for some other entity outside of the country who are trying to take over the U.S. My guess is some country or faction in the Middle East given his affinity for Islamic culture. And others such as George Soros who is pushing for world globalization and a Marxist society (communism) would be just as catastrophic. But whatever, given the fact there are so many greedy power hungry people in high positions who can easily be bought such as Hillary Clinton who would sell her own mother or children if enough money was involved, it won't be hard to accomplish. And speaking of sociopaths who are determined to undermine the U.S. and other countries, bare in mind none of these people care in the least about their country's citizenry, it's all about them gaining as much power as they can so they not only control their own homelands but are able to hopefully conquer other nations as well.

So remember, we the people voted for Trump to stop all of this madness happening in America and therefore we need to remain vigilant to recognize what the George Soros paid media, Obama, and all others are clearly up to. And we should NEVER allow them to change our opinions by buying their biased media BS propaganda. A good start to keep this from happening to future generations is to have this discussion with your kids at home. Also research colleges and universities most of which are being paid to brainwash them to join different dangerous movements either stemming from Islamic cultures or liberal Marxism.

Remember although the left would have you think conservatives are nothing but a bunch of racist, whateverphobes, nothing could be further from the truth. This post is to all Americans of ALL COLORS. The only requirement is that you are a staunch patriot that gets what's happening and therefore just want to put America first and save the country.
Take a look at this little peice of information:
George Soros and Warren Buffet have also bought up small newspapers around the country. So they basically control what we read, see, and hear in our own communities. Warren Buffet bought up about 50+ newspapers across the South East in several states. Oddly, it is the uber rich who are contolling our news media and attempting to force false reporting and journalism on all of us. The Uber rich who became rich using our capitalistic freedom are forcing socialist and communist ideology into our homes every day. If you control the information people get you can control what the people think and believe.
Until actual evidence surfaces that shows Trump, his son in law, and others of the administration ACTUALLY colluded with Russia and is responsible for committing crimes, I will remain seriously doubtful given the fact that the rabid dog media under George Soros are OBVIOUSLY doing all they can to oust Trump and smear everyone they can, even Pence, just so liberals can regain power. And all this so called collusion propaganda was no doubt created as a diversion to keep everyone from focusing on the bigger picture which is all the criminality happening on the left.

Anyone not seeing Obama and his administration were acting nefariously at this point are delusional and in complete denial given all the information that's been reported. And I'm growing more weary by the day hearing people claim his actions stemmed from naivete which is basically saying stupidity when in fact everything he did was purely intentional and part of a much bigger plan. To those still riding the fence, ask yourself why among all of Obama's other treasonous activities that were obviously seriously detrimental for America, would he also pardon M13 gang members from prison who are some of the worst criminals on the planet? The same thugs that reportedly carry around machetes daring anyone to try and stop their actions which includes human trafficking and raping women at will. And speaking of claiming stupidity, Bill Clinton didn't know he shouldn't meet with Loretta Lynch secretly before Hillary was to testify before Congress? Or worse, everyone was suppose to buy the lame excuse that Hillary didn't know her emails could easily be lifted from a wide open email server by even the dumbest hacker wannabe on the planet? This while knowing all of the aforementioned have law degrees so either they're dumber than most high school drop outs or their actions were criminal and intentional.
George Soros and Warren Buffet have also bought up small newspapers around the country. So they basically control what we read, see, and hear in our own communities. Warren Buffet bought up about 50+ newspapers across the South East in several states. Oddly, it is the uber rich who are contolling our news media and attempting to force false reporting and journalism on all of us. The Uber rich who became rich using our capitalistic freedom are forcing socialist and communist ideology into our homes every day. If you control the information people get you can control what the people think and believe.
Obama in my opinion was and still is working for some other entity outside of the country who are trying to take over the U.S. My guess is some country or faction in the Middle East given his affinity for Islamic culture. And others such as George Soros who is pushing for world globalization and a Marxist society (communism) would be just as catastrophic. But whatever, given the fact there are so many greedy power hungry people in high positions who can easily be bought such as Hillary Clinton who would sell her own mother or children if enough money was involved, it won't be hard to accomplish. And speaking of sociopaths who are determined to undermine the U.S. and other countries, bare in mind none of these people care in the least about their country's citizenry, it's all about them gaining as much power as they can so they not only control their own homelands but are able to hopefully conquer other nations as well.

So remember, we the people voted for Trump to stop all of this madness happening in America and therefore we need to remain vigilant to recognize what the George Soros paid media, Obama, and all others are clearly up to. And we should NEVER allow them to change our opinions by buying their biased media BS propaganda. A good start to keep this from happening to future generations is to have this discussion with your kids at home. Also research colleges and universities most of which are being paid to brainwash them to join different dangerous movements either stemming from Islamic cultures or liberal Marxism.

Remember although the left would have you think conservatives are nothing but a bunch of racist, whateverphobes, nothing could be further from the truth. This post is to all Americans of ALL COLORS. The only requirement is that you are a staunch patriot that gets what's happening and therefore just want to put America first and save the country.
Truth is, there is collusion

It's just that our "traditional media" are the ones guilty of it...
Until actual evidence surfaces that shows Trump, his son in law, and others of the administration ACTUALLY colluded with Russia and is responsible for committing crimes, I will remain seriously doubtful given the fact that the rabid dog media under George Soros are OBVIOUSLY doing all they can to oust Trump and smear everyone they can, even Pence, just so liberals can regain power. And all this so called collusion propaganda was no doubt created as a diversion to keep everyone from focusing on the bigger picture which is all the criminality happening on the left.

Anyone not seeing Obama and his administration were acting nefariously at this point are delusional and in complete denial given all the information that's been reported. And I'm growing more weary by the day hearing people claim his actions stemmed from naivete which is basically saying stupidity when in fact everything he did was purely intentional and part of a much bigger plan. To those still riding the fence, ask yourself why among all of Obama's other treasonous activities that were obviously seriously detrimental for America, would he also pardon M13 gang members from prison who are some of the worst criminals on the planet? The same thugs that reportedly carry around machetes daring anyone to try and stop their actions which includes human trafficking and raping women at will. And speaking of claiming stupidity, Bill Clinton didn't know he shouldn't meet with Loretta Lynch secretly before Hillary was to testify before Congress? Or worse, everyone was suppose to buy the lame excuse that Hillary didn't know her emails could easily be lifted from a wide open email server by even the dumbest hacker wannabe on the planet? This while knowing all of the aforementioned have law degrees so either they're dumber than most high school drop outs or their actions were criminal and intentional.

Obama in my opinion was and still is working for some other entity outside of the country who are trying to take over the U.S. My guess is some country or faction in the Middle East given his affinity for Islamic culture. And others such as George Soros who is pushing for world globalization and a Marxist society (communism) would be just as catastrophic. But whatever, given the fact there are so many greedy power hungry people in high positions who can easily be bought such as Hillary Clinton who would sell her own mother or children if enough money was involved, it won't be hard to accomplish. And speaking of sociopaths who are determined to undermine the U.S. and other countries, bare in mind none of these people care in the least about their country's citizenry, it's all about them gaining as much power as they can so they not only control their own homelands but are able to hopefully conquer other nations as well.

So remember, we the people voted for Trump to stop all of this madness happening in America and therefore we need to remain vigilant to recognize what the George Soros paid media, Obama, and all others are clearly up to. And we should NEVER allow them to change our opinions by buying their biased media BS propaganda. A good start to keep this from happening to future generations is to have this discussion with your kids at home. Also research colleges and universities most of which are being paid to brainwash them to join different dangerous movements either stemming from Islamic cultures or liberal Marxism.

Remember although the left would have you think conservatives are nothing but a bunch of racist, whateverphobes, nothing could be further from the truth. This post is to all Americans of ALL COLORS. The only requirement is that you are a staunch patriot that gets what's happening and therefore just want to put America first and save the country.
When did General Eledctric become the pawn of Soros?
George Soros and Warren Buffet have also bought up small newspapers around the country. So they basically control what we read, see, and hear in our own communities. Warren Buffet bought up about 50+ newspapers across the South East in several states. Oddly, it is the uber rich who are contolling our news media and attempting to force false reporting and journalism on all of us. The Uber rich who became rich using our capitalistic freedom are forcing socialist and communist ideology into our homes every day. If you control the information people get you can control what the people think and believe.
Until actual evidence surfaces that shows Trump, his son in law, and others of the administration ACTUALLY colluded with Russia and is responsible for committing crimes, I will remain seriously doubtful given the fact that the rabid dog media under George Soros are OBVIOUSLY doing all they can to oust Trump and smear everyone they can, even Pence, just so liberals can regain power. And all this so called collusion propaganda was no doubt created as a diversion to keep everyone from focusing on the bigger picture which is all the criminality happening on the left.

Anyone not seeing Obama and his administration were acting nefariously at this point are delusional and in complete denial given all the information that's been reported. And I'm growing more weary by the day hearing people claim his actions stemmed from naivete which is basically saying stupidity when in fact everything he did was purely intentional and part of a much bigger plan. To those still riding the fence, ask yourself why among all of Obama's other treasonous activities that were obviously seriously detrimental for America, would he also pardon M13 gang members from prison who are some of the worst criminals on the planet? The same thugs that reportedly carry around machetes daring anyone to try and stop their actions which includes human trafficking and raping women at will. And speaking of claiming stupidity, Bill Clinton didn't know he shouldn't meet with Loretta Lynch secretly before Hillary was to testify before Congress? Or worse, everyone was suppose to buy the lame excuse that Hillary didn't know her emails could easily be lifted from a wide open email server by even the dumbest hacker wannabe on the planet? This while knowing all of the aforementioned have law degrees so either they're dumber than most high school drop outs or their actions were criminal and intentional.

Obama in my opinion was and still is working for some other entity outside of the country who are trying to take over the U.S. My guess is some country or faction in the Middle East given his affinity for Islamic culture. And others such as George Soros who is pushing for world globalization and a Marxist society (communism) would be just as catastrophic. But whatever, given the fact there are so many greedy power hungry people in high positions who can easily be bought such as Hillary Clinton who would sell her own mother or children if enough money was involved, it won't be hard to accomplish. And speaking of sociopaths who are determined to undermine the U.S. and other countries, bare in mind none of these people care in the least about their country's citizenry, it's all about them gaining as much power as they can so they not only control their own homelands but are able to hopefully conquer other nations as well.

So remember, we the people voted for Trump to stop all of this madness happening in America and therefore we need to remain vigilant to recognize what the George Soros paid media, Obama, and all others are clearly up to. And we should NEVER allow them to change our opinions by buying their biased media BS propaganda. A good start to keep this from happening to future generations is to have this discussion with your kids at home. Also research colleges and universities most of which are being paid to brainwash them to join different dangerous movements either stemming from Islamic cultures or liberal Marxism.

Remember although the left would have you think conservatives are nothing but a bunch of racist, whateverphobes, nothing could be further from the truth. This post is to all Americans of ALL COLORS. The only requirement is that you are a staunch patriot that gets what's happening and therefore just want to put America first and save the country.
Take a look at this little peice of information:
George Soros and Warren Buffet have also bought up small newspapers around the country. So they basically control what we read, see, and hear in our own communities. Warren Buffet bought up about 50+ newspapers across the South East in several states. Oddly, it is the uber rich who are contolling our news media and attempting to force false reporting and journalism on all of us. The Uber rich who became rich using our capitalistic freedom are forcing socialist and communist ideology into our homes every day. If you control the information people get you can control what the people think and believe.
What communistic ideaology is in your home?
Until actual evidence surfaces that shows Trump, his son in law, and others of the administration ACTUALLY colluded with Russia and is responsible for committing crimes, I will remain seriously doubtful given the fact that the rabid dog media under George Soros are OBVIOUSLY doing all they can to oust Trump and smear everyone they can, even Pence, just so liberals can regain power. And all this so called collusion propaganda was no doubt created as a diversion to keep everyone from focusing on the bigger picture which is all the criminality happening on the left.

Anyone not seeing Obama and his administration were acting nefariously at this point are delusional and in complete denial given all the information that's been reported. And I'm growing more weary by the day hearing people claim his actions stemmed from naivete which is basically saying stupidity when in fact everything he did was purely intentional and part of a much bigger plan. To those still riding the fence, ask yourself why among all of Obama's other treasonous activities that were obviously seriously detrimental for America, would he also pardon M13 gang members from prison who are some of the worst criminals on the planet? The same thugs that reportedly carry around machetes daring anyone to try and stop their actions which includes human trafficking and raping women at will. And speaking of claiming stupidity, Bill Clinton didn't know he shouldn't meet with Loretta Lynch secretly before Hillary was to testify before Congress? Or worse, everyone was suppose to buy the lame excuse that Hillary didn't know her emails could easily be lifted from a wide open email server by even the dumbest hacker wannabe on the planet? This while knowing all of the aforementioned have law degrees so either they're dumber than most high school drop outs or their actions were criminal and intentional.
George Soros and Warren Buffet have also bought up small newspapers around the country. So they basically control what we read, see, and hear in our own communities. Warren Buffet bought up about 50+ newspapers across the South East in several states. Oddly, it is the uber rich who are contolling our news media and attempting to force false reporting and journalism on all of us. The Uber rich who became rich using our capitalistic freedom are forcing socialist and communist ideology into our homes every day. If you control the information people get you can control what the people think and believe.
Obama in my opinion was and still is working for some other entity outside of the country who are trying to take over the U.S. My guess is some country or faction in the Middle East given his affinity for Islamic culture. And others such as George Soros who is pushing for world globalization and a Marxist society (communism) would be just as catastrophic. But whatever, given the fact there are so many greedy power hungry people in high positions who can easily be bought such as Hillary Clinton who would sell her own mother or children if enough money was involved, it won't be hard to accomplish. And speaking of sociopaths who are determined to undermine the U.S. and other countries, bare in mind none of these people care in the least about their country's citizenry, it's all about them gaining as much power as they can so they not only control their own homelands but are able to hopefully conquer other nations as well.

So remember, we the people voted for Trump to stop all of this madness happening in America and therefore we need to remain vigilant to recognize what the George Soros paid media, Obama, and all others are clearly up to. And we should NEVER allow them to change our opinions by buying their biased media BS propaganda. A good start to keep this from happening to future generations is to have this discussion with your kids at home. Also research colleges and universities most of which are being paid to brainwash them to join different dangerous movements either stemming from Islamic cultures or liberal Marxism.

Remember although the left would have you think conservatives are nothing but a bunch of racist, whateverphobes, nothing could be further from the truth. This post is to all Americans of ALL COLORS. The only requirement is that you are a staunch patriot that gets what's happening and therefore just want to put America first and save the country.
Conviction by innuendo. There was no collusion with Russia. Even IF Russia hacked into the election, which it did not, there was no collusion.

The media is trying to create something out of nothing. It is not against the law to talk to a Russian. Every world leader has a back channel to every other world leader and always has. The media could create collusion with Russia out of baking chocolate chip cookies.
So true
What is moonglow talking about, as usual liberal rhetoric. THE facts are THE LIBERAL democrat party IS RUN by members of the American communist party, the clintons, oshitscum, and most of the leaders of the party are incognito members. Only the stupid shit who vote for them are one of two things, communist IN DIRECT COLLUSION with all other communist countries, OR too damn stupid to know what is going ON. david axelrod is a communist, remember him his parents were avowed Marxist and he is too, oshitasses parents and grandparents were. billyboy had membership in all kinds of communist manifesto derivative organisations before he joined the American communist party. ON AND on all of the shit about Trumps collusion is to deflect the heat from the REAL communist sympathizers in the dimshitscum party. LIE SOME MORE MOONGLOW and say it ain't so tell another liberal lie. EVEN google has a lot of the TRUTH if you want to find it communist sympathizer!! You are also a communist not only in collusion, but a facilitator of the vile disgusting communist you say you hate. Putin is laughing at the dimshit voters when he laughs because you all attack the person he has to fight against, and support the ones he would most love to have in our presidents slot.

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