Colbert: 'You Want to Interrupt and Belittle People? Get Your Own Show on Fox'

So once again cocksmoker, where is the lie? You didn't answer the fucking question.

Cocksmoker? I am devastated, and will never be able to post on this board again.


For one thing, Virginia Thomas's income taxes have never been made public, and any claim about how much she made is pure speculation, AKA lie. Next is the fat that her lobbying group does not specifically work against Obamacare. Lie 2. Next we see that these lies combine to require that Thomas should recuse himself. Lie 3.

The rest you can figure out for yourself.

How do you tell a lawyer turned politician is lying?

His lips are moving.

On that bold part you are one dumbass POS, do your fucking research before you post, Clarence Thomas himself made known his wife's tax records

Clarence Thomas releases details of wife's past employment - CNN

So, I assume Weiner is basing his claim on this blurb.

Common Cause said its review of the Heritage Foundation's IRS forms showed Virginia Thomas earned nearly $700,000 from 2003-07 while at the think tank

More proof he lied, Obamacare was not even an issue until 2009. Did they pay her to block it in advance because they have a time machine hidden in the basement? Lie 4.
with your choice of words and sentence structure I am amazed that you know what a question would look like. You are bound to make someone proud but I am baffled by who it would be.
Anthony truely puts the Weiner in Wiener!

Rep. Anthony Weiner: Colbert: 'You Want to Interrupt and Belittle People? Get Your Own Show on Fox'

The facts are simple: the Thomas household has profited from opposition to health care reform. His wife has already taken nearly $700,000 from health care opponents and now openly advertises herself as a crack lobbyist with the "experience and connections" to overturn the law of the land. This creates the perception of a serious conflict of interest.

If there's even an implication of impropriety - and $700,000 is certainly an implication - then Justice Thomas must recuse himself.

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