Code Pink, Obamas taking us to another war

It's strange considering O's indirect connections but then again Libya has some sweet crude so I'd suspect the Berkely types will quickly come out and condemn this??????
It's strange considering O's indirect connections but then again Libya has some sweet crude so I'd suspect the Berkely types will quickly come out and condemn this??????

I would like to think you're correct about the Berkeley types but their really not anti war. They are only anti republican war. The left loves war when they choose the target. I'm sick and tired of seeing American blood spilled in the defense of Muslims. Muslims run while Marines stand and fight, enough is enough.
It's strange considering O's indirect connections but then again Libya has some sweet crude so I'd suspect the Berkely types will quickly come out and condemn this??????

I would like to think you're correct about the Berkeley types but their really not anti war. They are only anti republican war. The left loves war when they choose the target. I'm sick and tired of seeing American blood spilled in the defense of Muslims. Muslims run while Marines stand and fight, enough is enough.

I suspect as much too.
has Obama asked the Congress for authorization to make war on Lybia?

The last I heard was the white house was putting a no fly strategy together. #1 it's too late.
#2 It's too late. Should have been tougher from the start if he really wanted to help. Whatever the subject is, I think if Obama thinks it's good for Obama's reelection then it will happen. O's re election is all that matters to him and his minions at this point in time.

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